Professional English: How to talk about your career

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I've divided the vocabulary into two parts. On this side, we'll see words which the applicant or the employee, the future employee is going to need; things that a person who is applying for a job or someone who works somewhere, these words apply to them. And the words on this side refer to things that the employer does, that the company does. Okay?
So let's start with what a person does when he's looking... He or she is looking for a job. So the first thing is to "look for a job". That could mean that you look at classified ads, you go online; you look for a job. Another way to say that is: "to seek employment", that's a formal way to say it. "To seek" means to look for, and "employment" means work or a job.
Next, you would probably "apply". After you see a position that interests you or a job that interests you, you would apply for that position, you would fill out perhaps an application form or send in a letter. And also "submit" which means to formally give in or send in, to submit your resume, to submit your CV. CV is curriculum vitae. In some places, they say: "CV", and in other places, they say: "resume". It's the same thing, but you need to apply and submit it. So these are the first three things that someone who's looking for a job or a job applicant is going to do.
Let's jump on to this side now to see what the employer does, and then later, we'll come back to a couple of other things which the person can do. Okay? So what does the employer usually do? After they have gone through the applications, they will invite some people for an "interview" and they will interview that person.
Next, they'll make a list which is... That process is called: "to shortlist". "To shortlist" means let's say that they interviewed 20 people and now they're going to choose about three people or five people, and from those five or three, they will choose one person finally because there's one position available. So when they take out of the 20, they make it three or five, that's called... That process is called shortlisting. They shortlist the candidates. So the first thing you can hope, after being interviewed, is that you will be shortlisted. And then, hopefully, you will also be chosen for the position.
So if that happens, the company decides to "hire" someone or to "recruit" a new employee, to recruit someone. Both words are used.
After that, if necessary, but not always, they may have to "train" that person to teach them how to do the job. At some later point in their career, it may be also necessary to "retrain" that person. "Re"-anything usually means to do something again.
Next, after the person has been hired and perhaps trained, the person will be "placed" in a particular department, in a branch, in a division, in a particular location. They will placed there means they will be put in that position.
Next, a variety of things can occur, can happen in the course of a person's career. A person could be "transferred". You see the arrow? Transfer means your position, the level of your position doesn't change necessarily, but you might be just moved. "To transfer" means to move to another branch, to another location, to another country, - right? - another department, another division. You are transferred.
Another thing that can happen if you're doing very well is you might be "promoted". Here we see the arrow pointing up. So, "to promote" means to get a higher level position. Usually, but not always, that includes a higher salary as well. Then you may be... That's referred to as a "raise", but it doesn't always happen. Sometimes you get a higher position without the extra money.