My Method / Checklist - 12 Basic Elements to Bear in Mind - Live Lesson (English subtitles)

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::::::::: ▼::::::: INDEX ::::::: ▼:::::::::
0:00 - 1/2. MY METHOD
0:46 - 2/2. CHECKLIST
1:49 - I. The “MAIN MOTOR” (from the shoulder to the wrist).
2:01 - 1. Shoulders activation.
► Recommended videos:
2:17 - 2. Forearms in high position.
2:38 - The “breathing” of the hand.
2:55 - 3. Forearms in low position.
3:19 - Exercise A on the surface of the keyboard (without pressing the keys).
4:14 - Exercise B on the bottom of the keyboard (without releasing the keys).
4:43 - 4. Lateral circulation of the arms: ← →
5:15 - 5. Circulation of the arms forward: ↑↑
5:52 - 6. Resultant circulation of the arms: \ /
6:48 - II. “ACTUATORS” (from wrist to fingertips).
6:56 - You cannot play using your hands and fingers muscles only.
7:03 - But you can play these exercises with your fingers only.
7:21 - 7. Metacarpus activation:
7:34 - A. Flat knuckles - the fingers curve automatically;
7:46 - B. Knuckles in a high position - the fingers are stretched to the maximum;
7:49 - 8. Bend your fingertips (almost “scratch” the keys).
8:04 - C. Flat again, but we force the stretching of the fingers.
8:39 - Whenever possible, the first phalanx should be placed on the key entirely flat (Liszt) - see point 10 below.
8:49 - III. TRANSMISSION from HORIZONTAL to VERTICAL (creating sound).
8:54 - Assemble the MAIN MOTOR with the ACTUATORS.
9:04 - 9. It is the impulse from the shoulder that always starts the process of playing. That impulse makes the hand and fingers “catch” the keys - usually with the wrist moving from below which is the most efficient and comfortable. But we should keep a general direction of all the elements towards the piano (including the fingers that must be shot forward from the metacarpus to the keyboard).
10:08 - When the whole mechanism is well set and synchronized, I have the impression that ALL the muscles are completely relaxed.
10:16 - But this is a FALSE IMPRESSION - there are plenty of working muscles!
10:52 - Large movements for demonstration.
11:40 - This is the most efficient way of playing.
11:43 - 10. Whenever possible, the first phalanx should be placed on the key entirely flat (Liszt).
12:07 - 11. Never forget to relax the neck!
12:49 - Moving your head back helps to push away your upper body from the keyboard.
13:08 - I feel the contact between my back (and even between the feet) and the hammer striking the string.
13:37 - The key’s depth is about 1 cm. Divided between 6 joints, it makes about 1,5 mm per joint. It’s almost nothing - you don’t feel it while playing.
14:04 - Small head vertical shaking (vibrations).
14:13 - 12. All these movements must be very fluid.
14:20 - As told before, all the parts of the Motor Apparatus should work SIMULTANEOUSLY and HARMONIOUSLY, without exception.
4:32 - The 12 points above form a chain. Any technical problem means that some link in this chain is braked or blocked.
14:44 - So you can look for a solution point by point, but always starting from the SHOULDER and the NECK.
Рекомендации по теме

Votre Français est excellent en plus de vos connaissances approfondies sur la biomécanique du pianiste. C'est intéressant parce que peu de professeurs de piano y font attention alors que jouer au piano ressrmble à une activité sportive où la technique physique est primordiale.


Thank you so much for this inspirational idea in piano playing


This chanell is pure gold. Thank you maestro. I will apply this techniques to my study.


Merci pour toutes ces incroyables informations. Je commence seulement le piano à 36 ans, mais vos vidéos m'ont déjà beaucoup aidé !


Excellent videos. Easy to understand. Very detailed analyses. I have found treasures!!!!


Thank you so much, señor! God bless you! <3


It's simple! ...

Thank you for all your videos!


Panie Aleksandrze, to najlepsze, co znalazłem w sieci! :) Mam nadzieję na coaching z Panem wkrótce po przerobieniu dostępnych materiałów tutaj.

And now in English, as it surely relates to other viewers as well: it seems the usual button for English subtitles is missing from this video. Is it possible to bring them back up, i.e. in the description? Thank you!
EDIT: Just to clarify, what I have in mind in specific is section 2:17-6:43, where it seems to me the French description is much more robust than the subtitles in the video. My French is pretty basic and I feel I'm missing a lot of value here :_


HAPPY NEW YEAR Monsieur! I wish you good health and happiness!

Thank you so much for this video, you could not imagine how much this helped me out!
When you get the time, please elaborate more on point number 10, as I’d like to gain a better understanding of exactly what you meant when you said “the first phalanx should be flat whenever possible”. It seems like doing that would cause me a great amount of pain and tension in my fingers. Please explain.


Wow, Amazing videos on how to play piano easier. Keep up the amazing work.


Great stuff! Im very intrigued by your method as I have a lot of tension and a bit of pain when playing. Just sitting at the piano I have mid back pain. Any videos for posture and how to sit correctly or "align" yourself in order to play comfortably?


Votre chaine est incroyable. Enfin j'en trouve une digne de ce nom.

Je me demandais si le poid et la taille de la main influencer la technique en question.
J'ai de petite mains, dois je donc augmenter les mouvements circulaire et ou l'articulation ?

Vous avez de grandes mains parfaite pour les piano, donc je demandais.


Hello! I just discovered your videos and they catch my interest.
I have a question- my arms got heavier and heavier since I started playing the piano, in the sense they seem completely dead/unsupported whatever I try to do. Did you encounter this in a student (or multiple ones) of yours? And if so, what did you do to correct that? Thank you in advance.


Dear Professor I think your techniques are quite beneficial and I need them.
How can I contact you for lessons.
Please put your contact detail here.


Hello Sir

Do I have to harden/stiff up my shoulders, while the rest of my arm is loose?


Thank you very much for all your videos.

After watching this video I’ve watched carefully a video of Glenn Gould playing and it seems to me that he also applies almost all of the points of your method, that you described here.

What do you think about it?


Andréas, c'est toi ? merci pour la leçon sinon m'enfin c'est un peu fastidieux si je dois faire ça à chaque foid


You are so gentle and cute. You also sound like an engineer
