My 6-Point Checklist For Creating MEGA-HIT Products That Bring MONSTER SALES! (FULL TRAINING)

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My 6-Point Checklist For Creating MEGA-HIT Products That Bring MONSTER SALES!

In this video, you'll see a private presentation I gave to some members of my TOP ONE Mastermind group. You'll see me walk them thru my 6-point checklist for engineering wildly compelling products that drive your market absolutely wild to buy.

This is not about better copywriting, better headlines, or a better offer. It's about creating a product that meets certain criteria... which makes the product itself extremely desirable by your audience. Which... then... makes it extremely easy to market and sell like crazy.


About Todd Brown
Considered the #1 authority on engineering profitable customer acquisition campaigns, Todd Brown is the marketing expert other marketing experts go to when they need help with their own business.

With clients in over 71 different countries, operating in over 65 different mass and niche markets, it’s been said that Todd has helped his clients and students engineer more six and seven-figure marketing campaigns than any other expert online today.

His list of coaching students, consulting clients, and subscribers reads like a Who’s Who of A-List Entrepreneurs.

His Agency has created the promotions behind some of the biggest direct response marketers and companies online today.

And, entrepreneurs fly-in to West Palm Beach, Florida — from all around the globe — for a single day of guidance with Todd to implement his renowned E5 Method.


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Criterias for Creating MEGA-HIT Products:
1. Rare (31:40)
2. First time this type of thing is being offered (38:00)
3. Nothing simiilar is offered anywhere else (38:50)
4. Extremely difficult to replicate (39:34)
5. (stuff) Give access to the market normally wouldn´t have (40:05)
6. Give some braggin rights, be part of something special (41:20)


Sounds like this guy is calling some people out. Namely, those that keep rehashing what has already been done, putting a bow on it, and calling it a miracle. I think he is trying to help those folk have their "come to Jesus" moment before it's too late.


Awesome presentation, Todd! This reminded me of the VRIN Score test that Tai Lopez uses to create all his products and social media marketing. I believe he learned it from a Harvard researcher. It's basically a 4 part measure of how likely something will go viral:

V - Valuable: Does it give your prospect massive value in terms of safety, size, status, novelty.
R - Rare: Is it rare? (something very few people will ever see, experience, or have access to.)
I - Inimitable: Basically, how impossible is it to copy?
N - Non-substitutable: How hard is it to substitute it with something similar or something else.


Todd Brown your videos are highly underrated. Thanks for sharing your knowledge 🔥


I have searched for someone like you with this type of framework for a while. I'm glad your video popped up in my queue. New sub. Thank you!!!:)


This is incredibly Solid. Thanks Todd.
