Universe of Wonder - By Gordon Squires [31 July, 2014]
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Public talk at IUCAA
by Dr. Gordon Squires
Communications & Education lead, Thirty Meter Telescope
Exciting recent Astronomical discoveries enabled by the ground- and space-based telescopes will be shared in this talk along with some personal stories of how the speaker helped share them with the world. The progress towards astronomy’s next-generation observatory, the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) will also be described. TMT is an unprecedented collaboration among astronomy institutes in India, Japan, China, Canada and the United States of America.
Dr. Squires is an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, working with the TMT, as well as NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, the Herschel Space Observatory, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer, NuSTAR, Kepler, WISE, and other space telescopes with Caltech involvement. His research explores the old, cold and distant universe – understanding how galaxies formed billions of years ago and what is the nature of the dark matter and dark energy that fills space.
by Dr. Gordon Squires
Communications & Education lead, Thirty Meter Telescope
Exciting recent Astronomical discoveries enabled by the ground- and space-based telescopes will be shared in this talk along with some personal stories of how the speaker helped share them with the world. The progress towards astronomy’s next-generation observatory, the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) will also be described. TMT is an unprecedented collaboration among astronomy institutes in India, Japan, China, Canada and the United States of America.
Dr. Squires is an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, working with the TMT, as well as NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, the Herschel Space Observatory, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer, NuSTAR, Kepler, WISE, and other space telescopes with Caltech involvement. His research explores the old, cold and distant universe – understanding how galaxies formed billions of years ago and what is the nature of the dark matter and dark energy that fills space.