The Living Universe is Unimaginably BIG and You're a Part of it!

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How big is the universe? Let's take a journey from Earth to the solar system, closest stars, the Milky Way, and the observable universe. Along the way we will stop by the Oort cloud, Alpha Centauri, radiosphere, Andromeda galaxy, Virgo supercluster, and Laniakea.

After watching this video, you can think a couple things. Either - I’m this tiny, separate thing on a distant planet in the middle of nowhere special. I’ll live for several decades and that will be that. Or you may be thinking, wow, I’m a part of this unimaginably large, possibly infinite universe, that is potentially teeming with life. A part of this thing that I don’t really understand. A thing that, well, no one truly understands. A part of this planet, this node in the sea of space that is coming to life. and things can get very metaphysical after that.

Within our current scientific understanding, it’s easy to feel alone in the universe. We believe that we are separate beings, floating around on a tiny rock in a vast and seemingly dead universe. This is an old and outdated paradigm that needs to be updated. We need to re-examine a few key assumptions and learn to let go of these old beliefs for ourselves and for humanity. I’ll be covering these key assumptions in future videos, but to give you the sneak peek:

1 – First, the idea that you are somehow separate from the universe needs to be obliterated. We are taught that we are individuals, separate from the world out there. Of course, with assumptions and beliefs like that, you will feel like a lost soul, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Although we feel that we are independent creatures roaming around, we’re not really separate. We’re not independent of the world we live in. We’re in an intimate, inseparable symbiotic relationship with the world we live in. Humans and nature are one in the same. We are actually a part of it - a piece of the whole.

The universe is not outside of you - you're in it. You’re a function of the universe in the same way that one of your skin cells is a function of your whole body - a function of you. We are an aspect of the universe, so it doesn’t make any sense to set yourself apart and say you're an isolated object surrounded by a vast alien entity. You grew from that entity and you're inseparable from it. If you ever feel lost, just remember that the force that guides the stars, guides you too. You are a result of nature just as much as a star or planet is.

2 – The second key assumption that needs to be re-examined is our narrow definition of what life is. the distinction between living and non-living is a definitional difference. This division is actually just a concept in our minds, which is why there is so much debate on what is considered to be alive. For example, some say viruses are alive, while others say they are not.
Our line between living and non living always seems to be moving. We used to think that we were the only intelligent, living things. Then we expanded it from ourselves to animals, insects, plants, cells, and now we are asking -

Are viruses, bacteria, endospores (which can live without nutrients for millions of years – don’t grow, move, excrete, or do anything until the environmental conditions are right), and DNA alive in a sense?
There is no clear consensus on what life is because there really is no clear line where you can say this is living and this is not. We have definitions of what we think is required for something to be alive, life as we know it, but it’s a very incomplete understanding of what intelligence is and what being alive means.

What if life is more inherent and fundamental to the universe than we’ve assumed. The universe is not some static mechanistic material thing that we once believed it to be. It’s not a bunch of dumb matter floating around aimlessly. The idea of the universe being like a machine grew out of Newton’s ideas of a clockwork universe. We now know that the universe is not static like a clock – it is a process of constant change - of movement and evolution. The universe is more comparable to an organism than a clock. I’m not saying the universe is an organism - I’m simply stating that it behaves more like an organism than a clock. Could it be that the universe itself has some type of intelligence, awareness, or a different type of consciousness than our own? Is it possible that the universe is alive in a way that isn’t quite clear to us from our tiny perspective – in a way beyond our ability to comprehend? Kind of like how a cell in our body doesn’t know that it is part of a larger, more complex being.

This idea ties nicely into the previous idea that we are not separate from the universe. If we are intelligent and alive and not separate from the universe, then it would be logical to conclude that the universe is also intelligent and alive in a sense. In my opinion, a living being cannot be the product of a dead universe. These topics will be covered in more depth in future videos.
Рекомендации по теме

I personally believe the universe is just one part of something incomprehensibly larger we could never grasp, just thinking about it blows my mind


10/10 I'm speechless. An honest "thank you" for the whole production team.


I’vee watched this three times now and still need to watch it another dozen times or so to even begin to grasp this concept. Love it! Really shifts your paradigm. 👍


The size of the universe is mind boggling. What’s even crazier is that the entire universe as we know it could literally be a small speck of sand on a beach on some alien planet and we wouldn’t even know.


I heard an astronomer once state "the human brain cannot imagine or grasp the size of the universe". That is how large it is. So no matter how large your mind can imagine our universe, it's larger by billions of times.


We are nothing on this universe so let's lives together in peace, no war, no nuke weapons, no lands victory, no fight, no jealousy...


The brain stops thinking, only tears in the eyes ! Thank you very much for seeking the wisdom ! Keep seeking and letting us seek too !


A couple of years ago I had a dream that I was flying through the universe. I looked from side to side, up and down, all around. I was stunned. I was amazed, and in AWE. This universe is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE!!! I know that I hardly saw any of it. But the feeling I had was life changing. No, really, That dream had such an influence on me, I was a different person for about 6 months. I woke up and I felt very happy, very calm, and very lucky. I have no religious beliefs because there's no proof. But I do know one thing for sure and that is WE ARE PART OF SOMETHING VERY, VERY, VERY BIG.
I have spoken.


This is mind blowing! And to think we are the only species in our Milky Way, is ridiculous. I love to gaze into the night skies, it’s very therapeutic!!


wow, i wish i could talk to you in person about the YOUniverse for hours and hours. Great perspective and matches my view so much. Thank you for producing this masterpiece! 💚


This video is absolutely eye opening and blew my mind when he said something like, “We are the universe perceiving itself” Cause that is absolutely spot on when you really think about it


At the risk of sounding dramatic. This is right now, the best thing I've ever seen on YouTube. To say its well done is an understatement. It has answered questions I had not even asked of myself. Made me feel ok about things I've thought my whole life.


Videos like these both absolutely blow my mind and also make any problems on earth or as local as in your area beyond insignificant.


I am really overwhelmed to learn about the unimaginable vastness of the universe from you. Your vivid explanation is really captivating .


It's a shame we spend so much time stressing over the problems in our lives when we are just a spec in a blip of time.


Refreshing perspective, I've always believed there is more in the universe than anyone knows. If we all treated each other like we were all part of a grand masterpiece what a world we might have


I appreciate you putting things into perspective about how small and insignificant we are when relating the vastness of the universe


سبحان من هذا ملكه❤
How fascinating is that !!


Thank you so much. I’ve been looking for a way to express what i believed, and you perfectly described that in this video. We are part of this great thing called universe!!! Much love from Brazil man


Man this made me feel small and also very connected to everything around me. What a wonderful experience this life is, truly extraordinary
