The Lecrae Interview | EP. 89

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0:00 Intro
1:51 Did You Have God Or Music First?
4:52 Lecrae's Podcast Was An Accident
5:59 Being Authentic & Are You Afraid Of Representing Christ Wrongly?
9:10 Emulating Christ Changes Your Perspective Of Those Around You
13:19 How To Never Become Bitter To Those That Wrong You
14:18 Lecrae & George Did Horrible In School
15:56 The Entire Music Industry Is Fake
17:34 Reflecting On The Beginning Of Rapping For The Lord
19:34 "If You Live For People's Acceptance You'll Die From Their Rejection"
21:51 Lecrae's Dark Journey As A Christian Under A Spotlight
27:09 First Experience With Depression
29:27 Being Too At Peace For Rap Beef
32:27 Lecrae On Not Becoming The Men He Was Raised Around
35:56 George Loved Jesus But Had No Idea Who He Was
37:14 Having Everything You've Ever Wanted & Still Being Unhappy
40:24 You Can't Unsee The Spiritual Realm
43:23 If Jesus Wasn't Afraid Of Death Then Neither Should We
47:30 Living Through Jesus Or Fear & Worshipping Money
50:56 God Gives Us What We Want Then We Forget About Him
52:59 Do You Talk To God About Your Craft In Your Prayers?
55:44 George Touches Lecrae's Heart With A Piece Of Advice
58:24 Wrapping Up!
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can we appreciate how george listened to lecre so well. he did super good im proud of him


George this is the most spiritually mature and sound I’ve seen you. Every episode just gets better, and better, and better. God is using you for His good!


This is a prime example as to why we should not tear our brothers & sisters down who begin to stumble in their walk. Being a follower of Christ is not easy.. & everyone’s walk will not look the same. Love covers a multitude of sins, & we’re called to love & uplift one another with our words & in our prayers. I love hearing the vulnerability coming from Lecrae. Lord forgive me for any negative word I’ve allowed out my mouth regarding him. May we all extend that same grace, mercy & forgiveness that God does to us. Amen.


I was having a lot of doubts about my faith tonight, this saved me. God saved me.




George's timing is OUTSTANDING. I discovered Lecrae this week & I especially love his song WALK! Now you're interviewing him... AHHH!!! <3


Watching Lecrae and ruslan gain respect for George is one of my favorite past times. I need more of these I swear! George is the biggest catalyst to me coming back to my faith after doubting myself and God for 10+ years. 🙏🏻 I love seeing all of this for George.


“If you live for people’s acceptance, you’ll die from their rejection” Wow!
This is so powerful considering the the only one who gives you true acceptance is God through his Love and Mercy🙏❤️


George, you do not stop amazing me with these podcasts, man. The guests, the topics, the discussions... everything, man! God bless you!


Bruuuhhh Lecrae is 45yrs old !! No waaayyyy !! 🙈 dude looks so young I was thinking 30yrs old ! My mind is blown! lol
This is my first time listening to Lecrae speak outside of music and wow ..he has an awesome personality! And his spiritual journey and faith is beautiful! 🤍


Wow wee, the wisdom in this ep struck a real cord with me. Keep united George and Lecrae, I see a fruitful brotherhood. Love the honest conversation, a lot of food for thought. God bless you both, your families and future. And George straight facts about testing with money - I'm in a season where God has been providing beyond my understanding but when I look back on the past 11 month that revenue hasn't been used for me but for the child of God around me. You wanna see God show up in your finances hand it him **willingly** on a platter.
Can't wait for the PT 2. God bless ❤


This is a typical illustration of the patience dog most often eats the fattest bone... After 50 minutes watch the last seconds of this podcast hits me differently... Thank you so much Mr. & Mrs George and Lacrae. God bless y'all more


I got chills as soon as I saw Lecraes face! I got kicked out of school for wearing Lecrae Christian Bible verse. He put on my shirt after his concert. Matter of fact all of 116 was all over my shirt with Christian Bible verses and I got kicked out of public school for wearing it walked 5 miles home!


George has a gift with hitting almost every guest's soft spot on his podcasts... to be able to sit down with him and do a deep 1 on 1 I feel like would be a dream.


In 2013 I was in a life recovery program for IV drug use. No phones, no social media, no girls, no substance. We listened to
Lecrae's albums gravity, church clothes, and anomaly non-stop. Helped me get off the needle and helped transform my mind from the gutter. Lecrae will always be in my top 5 MCs


NO WAYYY what a collab!! Love these faith-based conversations George, I asked God to show me more Christian podcasts lately and I’ve been subbed for the last couple weeks!! Thank you for doing what you’re doing- God bless!


This is one of my favorite episodes. I loved this conversation because George and Lecrae helped each other understand their own thoughts and reflections about how Jesus is working in their life. This is what scripture means by iron sharpens iron—When you’re in good community with other believers you lift each other up. God had given them words to say that were encouraging and life giving. They brought evil to the light and this is how we win the spiritual war. Giving God the glory for everything and using his armor to fight. I love seeing Him at work in both of you.


I really Give Glory to God for you George, Your podcasts and this particular one really resonates with my spirit and gives me more and more reason to continue in this beautifu faith of ours. God continue to bless you and all that you lay Your hands on and You too Lecrae.


This episode for me was an answer from God, for me. I woke up early and before my walk I saw this episode and thought I'd save it for later. I had a random talk with God (as im feeling separated) and asked him to join me. Near the end I asked him to show me what he means by Matthew 6:33 ... he literally answered with this. I had to pause this episode, CRY, meditate on the word and where God has moved for me though this conversation, SOOO many times. Thank God for this.
