How Do I Inject Power for Christmas Lights?

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One of the most confusing parts of Christmas Lighting comes when we add in power. Unlike regular strands of lights, we can't just plug our pixel strings into power and hope they work!

In this video, David shares the common ways of injecting power to pixels so that you can choose the right method for your display!

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Thanks for all your videos.

I have a question about power injection. Could we use only one Master 12v wire and connect 3 T connectors in total (one at every 200 pixels) for a string of 600 pixels?
I tried it but after the first power injection, my 12v wire drop to only 9.6v so I can not power inject the others one T connectors with such low current.

So, I think that only one power injection is possible per one 12v wire coming from the power supply.
Do i'm right?


I can’t find those tees / do you have a link


I saw ws2811 string with 50pcs on aliexpress and next to the controller wires, it have red and black wire, so can I add power through that at 100 or 150pcs?


Is there a simple diagram that I can follow as a template. I understand the concept but just can't visualize it. This is my delema. I will be running a f48 with 4 diff receiver's @ 12volts. I will be making my own ends to save on cost. The 1 thing I can't visualize is when it comes to the (T) for injection. If anyone has suggestions that would help. All the info over the web describes how to but not the process.


Another down to earth explanation. You're awesome


How can I tell what my positive and negative are to my connection that will be going to the end of the string of lights.

I have a red white and blue cord. How do I know which is positive and negative?


when u talked bout multiple power supplies, I tried to understand and I kept replaying... if i have "3" 12v power supplies ur sayin to individually power inject where it needs to go and not cross the power supplies together . I would think that runnin a fused busbar could work for power injections I could be wrong .. always lookin for the most effective process


So I will be running strings of 300 pixels on a bunch of my props this season. On the front end I will be running the data, positive and ground coming from my F16 which has both sides powered by one 750 HP PSU. On the opposite end of the string of 300 I will be running a power and negative from a completely separate 750 HP PSU that I’m using only for power injection. The way I’m understanding this is that all I have to do is cut and tape off the Positive wire between pixels 150 and 151 to make this work. Is that correct? And since both PSUs are in the same enclosure should I go ahead and connect the grounds together via a short jumper from 1 PSU to the other?


I enjoy the videos. This is going to be my first year with pixels. I hope in the future you show some cool sequences in xlights.


In the video you talked about a calculator. Do you have the link for it?


Would it be the same process with cheap RGB+12v 4-wire light strips?
Or would I have to run a new controller for every leed?


Thanks for the info, how can you add more poder to the data line? Got ws8211 leds (3 leds per pixel) but they can handle after 60 -80 píxels


What about "CURRENT" issues when connecting 1 power supply on both ends of a pixel line?
