Stranger Things | Monsters Creatures Size Comparison

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A Stranger Things Size Comparison of the monsters/creatures of the up-side down including the monsters from season 1 to season 4 of the Netflix show.
All Stranger Things Monsters Ranked.

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The Mind Flayer and more.
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The creatures from Stranger things compared by size. Note: The Mind Flayer stands far in the back above the tree line that's why it seems smaller, It's really big though.


Just a reminder: The stranger things 3 Monster was just a small piece of the mind Flayer, So just imagine what the full would look like.


To me, The Mind Flayer is far more terrifying and ominous than Vecna. Something that looks like an ancient, world ending, Lovecraftian monster, that we still know very little about in the span of three seasons, gives me more main villain vibes than a charred rotting man with psychic abilities that we got the whole back story of in the span of a couple episodes. Don't get me wrong, Vecna is a really creepy dude and the creators, and Jamie Campbell Bower, did an amazing job with the character. But personally, learning that Vecna was the one behind everything feels kind of meh. I know the Duffers said that we will be exploring more of the UD in season 5, so I hope that there is way more to the MF particles than Vecna's puppet and that it's an ancient entity that has existed for billions of years thus making Dustin's theory correct.

This is most likely wishful thinking but, perhaps the MF particles sensed Henry's memories, powers and desires, and flayed him in a way that makes him think that he is the one in control and allowing V to mold him into a spider shape to gain his trust, and then the MF absorbing him fully when he is no longer needed.


I can't get over that the last shot makes it look like one big happy family


Fun fact:

The Demogorgon was able to move between dimensions. It entered Hawkins repeatedly by creating temporary tears in space-time.

The Demogorgon name is inspired by the Dungeons & Dragons creature.

The show was originally called 'Montauk' and took inspiration from an alleged US Military programme named The Montauk Project which, legend has it, included experiments on children involving mind reading, mind control and time travel.


I really hope the mind flayer has his own identity, in the next season and he’s just not a mindless cloud. And not a vessel for Vecna to transcend his human form and has its own entity.

Edit: thanks for the likes!


At first, Vecna was terrifying. Now that we know he’s just a human, he’s more of just a villain, like Voldemort. The mind flayer is far scarier imo


Glad to see so many people who want the Mind Flayer as not only it's own entity, but also the main antagonist of the series, not Vecna. I've seen theories, like maybe the Mind Flayer was the reason Henry had powers to begin with, and maybe he'd been influencing him in the hopes that he would one day arrive in the upside down. Would explain the fact that Henry drew a giant shadow spider, which the Mind Flayer just so happens to be a giant shadow, all he needed was form, so maybe the Mind Flayer put that image into Henry's head.

There's no leads for theories like that though, they're just theories pretty much based off of nothing. Like, there's no signs that that's how Henry got his powers, it's all just guesses. Would make sense though. If he didn't get his powers from the alternate dimension, where could he have gotten them from? Unless he just had them, end of story, but that doesn't make much sense


The mind flayer is so terrifying. I hope it doesn't turn into a brainless-savage-monster like the one in season 3. I want something more complex like it seems to be (connected with everything in the Upside Down). Dustin came up with the possibility of the Upside Down being created million of years ago and I would love to see the Mind Flayer as a creature older than everything we know.


The mind flayer was easily the most intimidating creature in stranger things. I felt wills fear every-time he was struck there with it.


Never realised demogorgon was THAT tall


Season's 3 monster remains as of my favorites because it was so creepy and unearthly like. All the creatures in stranger things are phenomenal, but I truly hope the mind flayer is an ACTUAL entity living monster that makes it's form in the last season and not just some shadowy smoke like figure.


I kinda hope that they make some reveal like the mind flayer was controlling vecna and not the other way round. That the mind flayer was waiting right there in the upside down for henry as a trap so that he could minipulate him. Also i hope they do something like the mind flayer betrays vecna and kills him off in like the 3rd episode. That would be pretty cool.


I hope the Mind Flayer is the real villain of the series. it's pretty dull to think that a simple hunan is behind all this. I want to see the Mind Flayer again and play an important role in Season 5.


The thing with me is that when Vecna showed how he found the Upside Down, showed him shaping the clouds into the Mind Flayer’s shape, making me think that he made the Mind Flayer, which I definitely do not like

The Mind Flayer has the potential to be an ancient eldritch deity, and yet they’re starting to make it more like a vessel for Vecna, which is just lame


It’d be cool to see vecna get squashed like a bug by the mind flayer and everyone realized it was the real puppet master all along and how much more powerful it is


In my opinion, the “spider monster” should be called the meat flayer


Awesome. I loved it. Demogorgon is still my favorite. That design has really withstood the test of time. It's still scary and intimidating.


The Mind Flayer was terrifying in both season 2 and 3, he's always been my favorite


I don’t know why but I don’t remember the demogorgon being that tall in the first 3 seasons. It surprised me when I saw it in season four
