The First Place We Traveled Together (9 years later😱)

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Today, we're taking it back BIG TIME🥹 We are revisiting the FIRST place we ever traveled to together outside Sweden, the lovely capital of the Netherlands: Amsterdam🙌🏼

We were traveling with Oskar's mom and said goodbye to her in London, before we continued a review trip for @NonstopDan, which involved a stop at Schiphol Airport and an extended layover in Amsterdam😍

Today, we bring you along on this trip down memory lane. We explore all the best vegan spots to eat, have some delicious FRESH stroopwafels, scour the city for the best vegan croissants and pastries, and look for all things stereotypically and/or traditionall Dutch we can find!

We were in Amsterdam March 18-19, so we just missed tulip season😢 But that's okay, just another reason to come back next time and see more of the countryside!


We’re Oskar🧔🏻 and Dan👱🏻‍♂️, and we believe that anyone regardless of who they are deserves to live their dreams! For the past nine years, we’ve continued pushing boundaries by traveling and living all across the world, including places like Uganda, Brunei, and Saudi Arabia. In 2022, we reached a huge milestone by visiting 100 countries and we’re now on a mission to keep sharing our journey and hopefully make the world a little more open, compassionate, and peaceful along the way❤️

See you around the world😍



The Netherlands was country no. 2🌍 (after Sweden, of course😉)

Next time we are in the Netherlands, we'd love to see more of the country, like Rotterdam, The Hague, Maastricht, Friesland, and more🙌🏼

Thank you for watching!🙏😍

0:00 Going back in time...
0:38 Our trip from London (bye Mamma Oskar)
1:55 Our roadside motel room (Premier Inn - cheapest LHR deal)
2:34 Getting vegan snacks at Heathrow Terminal 5
3:27 What is our story with Amsterdam (and Rome?)
4:30 Our flight (vegan Kit Kat review)
5:47 Arrival at Schiphol Airport
6:14 Taking the train to Amsterdam Centraal
7:20 Arriving and DAMN
7:56 Quick word of appreciation
8:23 Tracing back our steps in 2015...
9:17 Touristing around and having AMAZING food
10:42 Vegan croissant attempt number 1 (Margo's)
11:52 Getting philosophical by the canal
13:00 Pain au chocolat review
13:58 Exploring the stereotypical sides of Amsterdam/Holland/Netherlands and buying a mystery book
15:05 The BEST stroopwafel we've ever tried
16:30 Unboxing the mystery book
17:18 The (very not big) problem with hotel breakfasts
17:45 Amsterdam biking is next level
18:40 The best way and time to explore a city
19:40 Vegan croissant attempt number 2 (Saint Jean)
20:55 Dutch supermarket check!
22:35 Why we think nature tourism is elite
23:53 Time to leave...
24:22 Travel with us to Korea!
25:12 Are you new to our channel?
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Thank you guys for coming along on this very sentimental trip down memory lane🥹❤ We're so lucky to be able to share our lives with you all, and we can't wait to see where we'll be another 9 years from now❤


You did a really great job, thanks a lot for sharing! 👍😄👏


"This building is almost as straight as us" 😂 I had the same reaction when I first saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa.


Glad you’re feeling better Oskar. This vlog was perfection as always. Thanks. ❤️🌈


Oskar you look so much happier and so glad you took time for yourself!! As always you and Dan don't disappoint with your vids as always awesome trip!!


Welcome back ! Thanks for sharing your Amsterdam memories. Please come to (the former Republic of) Texas. We would enjoy being your guides to this diverse and exciting place. We could also practice our Spanish together. Again, so glad you are back. David -San Antonio, TX


I love Amsterdam!!! So beautiful!!! Happy 9 years together 🎉🎉🎉


How nice to see the two of you happy as usual together. Amsterdam was the very first city I visited outside of South Africa 50 years ago. I still recognized some of those scenes. Continue to grow as you journey together on this amazing adventure called life. Much love from South Africa.❤


Amazing video guys! If you ever come back here to Amsterdam and want the ultimate Avgeek experience, go to the Corendon Hotel. It's quite close to Amsterdam airport, has an ex 747-400 parked in the garden and during winter time, you two can have a romantic round of ice skating under the nose of the 747


You guys made my day!!
17 years old and traveling, I know how easy it was to make simple errors. lol
Oskar, you continue to grow and evolve, becoming the wonderful man that you are. Trust yourself.
Dan, love your humor. “Gum on the pavement” a comfort reminder of most cities.
Love and hugs, tom


Welcome to Amsterdam! I live in The Netherlands and it's just a nice place. Glad you enjoyed it as well.


Just stumbled upon your channel. You guys!!!! The way you edit/film is so amazing. And the music 😍. How do you not have millions of followers!!!??? Love what you are doing, love your energy... and Rotterdam 😉 next?


Amazing to see you guys in my country, happy travels to both of you! 🙏🏼🇳🇱


OMG!! Vegan croissants in not just one swooning😍 & the grocery options, wow!! Amsterdam is now a definite on my travel list.


Glad you are doing better, Oskar!! As always, thank you for sharing your journey. It makes my day watching your videos.


How wonderful to see both of you looking/sounding so relaxed, vibrant & happy - not that you didn't before - but, knowing you've implemented some changes, whatever they are, you both look really well & invigorated for what ever the next chapter is going to be.
Being older than you, I've found that there is often more pleasure in revisiting a destination & Amsterdam is certainly like that for me and Dan, having grown up in Africa & Oman(mainly), with boarding school in England, one of the greatest things in life is to choose to stay indoors with a book. Also walking around cities when the sun isn't blazing down, make a lazy visit to a museum or just wondering around far more relaxed, without that imperative to do anything.
My great love/hobby/interest is very ancient history, much of which can entail walking round vast sites - taking Greece as an example - yes, it awesome to enjoy beautiful weather, sunshine & heat if you're near the sea or a pool, but, visiting ancient sites is a different experience out of or off season. Many times I've found I/we have The place almost or completely to yourself & without the sun beating down it's far less exhausting. Athens out of season is a very different place, which I now know like the back of my hand.
Keep doing whatever it is that you're both doing and sending very best wishes to both you&yours💙💙👌⭐️'s💯❤️💯👋✌️


Lovely to see you both! You seem happy and relaxed, so glad you had a meaningful trip down memory lane!


Oskar, you can't stop to look at all the beautiful things when you're with Nonstop Dan.


Also I made a flight review video I hope Dan will like it!😊


What a coincidence. Sixt years ago, today, I moved for three months to Amsterdam. So, we can share today a common anniversary, guys :) How nice to see all these magical places <3
