United Airlines' Failure of Leadership | Simon Sinek

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Simon Sinek (public speaker and author of START WITH WHY) dissects the United Airlines controversy.

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Munoz started his lat TV interview with lies. Contrary to his claims, his first
reaction was to write a letter of support to the culprits rather than to 'get
the facts and circumstances'. In this letter he falsely accused the victim of
misconduct. There was no 'shame' or 'embarrassment'. Then he called the crimes
committed against the victim a 're-accommodation' . Munoz is a weak and
incompetent executive who is unfit to hold the position of a CEO. 1. This was not an overbooking. This man had a valid
contract for conveyance: he had no obligation to volunteer to leave. 2. The
policemen who brutalized this passenger are guilty of felony crimes of assault
under color of authority and causing injury during commission of crimes of
assault, battery and false imprisonment, and several misdemeanors, including,
without limitation, disturbing the peace, because they interjected themselves
into a civil dispute where no crimes were being committed until they committed
crimes themselves. 3. All UA employees who aided and abetted this crime,
including, without limitation, those that requested the policemen to eject the
victim from the aircraft, should be co-defendants in the trial of these thugs,
as aiders and abettors. 4. The flight captain is likewise an aider and abettor
if he was informed about the assault on the passenger and did not prevent it.
So is the police watch commander on duty. 5. The CEO Oscar Munoz and all
corporate officers who did not fire the employees immediately after being
informed about this crime, and did not cause charges to be pressed against the
police thugs and the suspect employees, are guilty of being accessories after
the fact. Criminal charges should be filed against them. The victim has standing
to do that. 6. The CEO showed himself to be weak, vacillating, unconscionable, incompetent,
untrustworthy, unreliable and unable to provide the necessary leadership in a
crisis. His reluctant insincere regrets came only after the storm of global
outrage over the crimes United Airlines committed against an innocent
passenger. Before then he falsely accused the passenger of belligerence, blamed
the victim, praised the culprits and called this egregious assault a ‘re-accommodation’.
Abject liar Oscar Munoz needs to be fired for cause without severance pay
together with all the culprit employees. 
7.  I and my staff will share our
opinion about the civil and criminal aspects of this case with civil and
criminal attorneys of the victim. We shall do so without compensation. 8.  By brutalizing the passenger United Airlines
showed itself to be an aberrant fascist 
organization staffed with hitlerite nazilike sociopaths. My staff and I
will never fly with United Airlines again. We will boycott them no matter what
inconvenience this may cause us. United Airlines is an un-American


The United Airline example is a bad example.

The employee is not the one guilty of not following the rules. It is the so-called "customer" who is not following the rules. The employee is charged with enforcing the rules that a certain customer is willing to break. After all, the customer wanted to jump ahead in line and not wait for his group to be called.

If one customer doesn't follow the rules, then why should anyone else? The customer isn't always right. In this case, the customer was the asshole and the leader of the company should be willing to place his employee first ahead of an asshole customer willing to break the rules for his benefit.
