Walt Disney's E.P.C.O.T film (1966)

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(c) 1966 The Walt Disney Company. All Right Reserved.

Here is the complete original film from Walt's "Epcot / Florida Film" - a 24 minute preview to EPCOT that Walt recorded on October 27, 1966 - just a few weeks before his death. With help from models, concept art and animation, he outlined, for the media and interest groups, his plans for the Florida Project - Disney World and especially the details for EPCOT. This film was shown only to those limited groups in 1967 and on very very few occasion ever since.

It was also included as a special feature in 2 dvds: "Walt Disney Treasures: Tomorrowland":

and "Magic Kingdom: Imagineering the Magic":

This website and video is not associated in any manner whatsoever with The Walt Disney Company, its subsidiaries and / or its affiliates. The purpose of this site is to present a completely independent presentation of Epcot as imagined by Walt Disney in the 60's and is a personal exercise in online journalism. This presentation is for entertainment only.
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Walt had lung cancer while recording this and actually had to stop to have oxygen a number of times. He thought he was just tired, but months after was dead.


Man I could sit here and listen to Walt speak all day. You can truly sense his enthusiasm in everything he talks about. I really wish he could've lived longer...


I so wish Walt could have lived long enough to complete this. Only Walt had the creative thinking to see this process through.


Its sad how walts original plan were abandoned after his death, if i was walt i would be pissed .


A very grand dream - this man was a true creator, builder, visioneer, and futurist.  One of the truest this world has ever seen.  Sadly, when he died, no one picked up that same spirit - not only the EPCOT vision, but Walt's entire way of seeing the world and his eager, even joyful drive to improve it.  I enjoyed Epcot Center as a kid (probably more then than I would now, seeing as it was at least more educational and innovative then).... and I like quite a few Disney movies even today.  But the Disney company today is nothing, in spirit, like what Walt meant it to be.  Walt Disney was an entertainer yes - but he was also so much more than that.  More than most people will ever know.


He nailed the flow of traffic on this one, why is the FLOW of traffic such a hard concept to grasp for individual drivers.


Visionaries are the rarest of humans. This project didn't happen because no one of Walt's caliber was around to push it through.


Damn Walt, I wish you were still here to take this company back again


Just imagine if Walt Disney had today's technology, the original Epcot might have actually happened. He was such a visionary and so ahead of his time!


The opening of Disney World truly is one of the most bittersweet stories in Disney History.

EPCOT and Disney World were Walt's last great dreams, and this film outlined exactly what he wanted to do.  But less than two months after this film, he died of lung cancer.  Walt's brother and business partner, Roy, willingly postponed his retirement to oversee the construction of Disney World, and after it was opened and dedicated in October 1971, Roy died two months later of a seizure.


Why is Walt Disney's voice so relaxing?


I am thankful that Walt Disney existed and gave us all of this.

Even though he is gone, his spirit lives on


Mind blown. Why am I only learning about this now? This is serious inspiration to my own ideas for urban planning.


A comment I read from this video said:
"I could listen to Walt Disney explaining his plan for World Domination and I will still support it. He's that good."

I couldn't agree more. XD


The People Mover and Monorail system were so far ahead of their time that today's transportation STILL hasn't caught up 60 years later. We use the same archaic bus system in every city instead of taking transportation above-ground and making it electric. Even the modern street cars and rail systems hold up traffic, cause accidents and create even more carbon emissions (from stopped traffic). Uncle Walt was a man way ahead of his time. It's a shame he didn't live for another 20 years.


I could watch these videos all day...I don't think there is an adjective worthy enough of explaining how great Walt was.


The final version of Epcot became a theme park that promotes science, tecnology, and geography. I dont have a problem with that. But still, this idea for a futuristic city sounds awsome. I still think Disney should bring this idea back and rename it. But I know that rent would be too expensive for nearly anyone to live there.


Can't believe that some people would ever put immediate profit over long-term productivity and proper vision. EPCOT's failure is arguably the greatest tragedy of the free market incentive or rather, the failure of man to see beyond his immediate interests. I've no doubt that ECPOT the city would be more profitable and more significant had Walt lived. No new attractions can save it right now, for all of Bob Iger's hard work, sadly.


I understand that Disney was a flawed man, but I can't help but think the child-like enthusiasm he had for our future as a species is such a breath of fresh air in 2021. It feels like we've regressed so far from these admirable dreams


It's an interesting concept. The big issue would be expansion. If you box in the city center like that, it would be hard to expand. You'd only be able to build residential areas outside. Obviously they decided to not go through with this but visiting EPCOT at Disney World is awesome. Been there many times.
