How is ADHD Diagnosed? A Guide to ADHD Testing and Evaluations | Dr. Jared DeFife

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Do you think you or someone you love might have adult ADHD? How does an adult get diagnosed with ADHD? What is ADHD testing? What should I expect from an adult ADHD evaluation?

You've got questions, I've got some insights and information about what to expect from the testing and evaluation process if you're trying to figure out if you have ADHD.

I'm Dr. Jared DeFife, a psychologist and ADHD therapist making ADHD and mental health videos on YouTube!

Of course, the purpose of these videos is educational only. They are NOT a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment, so always seek the help of a mental health professional or qualified health provider for guidance!


Dr. Hallowell's book is 'Driven to Distraction', co-authored with John J. Ratey, MD

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I got diagnosed with ADHD years ago. I could remember several years ago after divorce with my husband which brought me into my disastrous journey on Alcohol and cigarettes. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with ADHD. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Much respect to mother nature the great magic shrooms.


The sound effects are the only thing snapping me back to focus for like 10 seconds


I started reading the comments and forgot a video was playing so now I have to go back 4 minutes


I have an evaluation on Monday and I am terrified of not being validated or listen to or simply being misunderstood
Update: I have combined type adhd
Update November 21': I've been prescribed 2 non-stimulants (one of them Strattera) that helps me SO much with my short memory and focus!


I have an evaluation in December; I'm terrified I'm going to be told I'm faking my symptoms, or that there's nothing wrong with me because I didn't present "typical" hyperactive ADHD behavior as a child. Your video made me a little more at ease kind of going into it with a little more information. I'm 25, and I almost feel like an imposter trying to get diagnosed so far into my adult life, especially because I've been able to "cope" my way through a lot of it, even though I've still really struggled.
11/28/21 UPDATE: I got the “availability” run around from the unit I initially had the appointment with, and found a different practice that had no problem getting me in within a week. I’ve been diagnosed with combined type ADHD and am starting Adderall; the difference is ridiculous and makes me want to cry with how happy I am. I can focus at work, and my soul crushing skin itching boredom is so minimal, I feel so calm. It’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Keep going, you all are valid ♥️


My psychiatrist told me i might have adhd, but when i told my mom, she was like 'no ofcourse you dont its just an excuse to get you to worry and keep coming there'


When I was 14, I went to a therapist to see if I had ADHD. I wasn’t asked a lot of questions. I took the Connor cpt test and passed (I’ve always been good at test) and right away my therapist told me I don’t have ADHD and told my mom that all I need is more chores around the house 🥴
I believed I didn’t have it and I was just lazy. 10 years later, still had trouble focusing and major depression disorder. When to a psychiatrist, explained my symptoms, she asked me a bunch of questions where I felt like she was reading me like a book and was diagnosed with ADHD Inattentive type. If I had been listened to when I was younger, I could have saved myself from a lot of break downs.


I got lucky that when I went to therapy to address my academic anxiety in college my therapist encouraged me to get screened. Turns out, "My anxiety has to be at defcon 9 do do start anything" isn't the normal experience...


My parents have never been understanding of the fact that there may be something wrong with me, and our relationship is pretty complicated. We're really close, but I haven't shared anything really personal with my mom since the end of elementary school. Every time I've tried to bring up my mental health to her, which is incredibly hard for me to begin with, she laughs at me and basically tells me I'm foolish for thinking so, and that "of course there's nothing wrong with you!" I told her a few months back that I was thinking about getting tested for ADHD, and she brushed it off like I was crazy.

Long story short, I chose to get tested anyway because it's become a huge problem in my studies and personal life, and I've got an appointment at a private clinic this Thursday. Safe to say I haven't told my parents because I know for a fact that they wouldn't approve and that they'd get mad at me for "spending money on such a stupid thing". I'm pretty concerned they'll ask to speak to my parents in order to go through with a potential diagnosis, but I just know that even if I grew the balls to bring it up to my parents they'd get there and downplay every single symptom to make it seem like there was nothing wrong with me. I've basically hidden half my life from them, so half my struggles they aren't even aware of.

Sorry for the essay, but I'm basically wondering if it's even possible to get a diagnosis without them talking to my family/friends? I know my behavior from school pretty well, and no one besides me really know how messed up my mental health has been ever since elementary school. I have a really hard time opening up to people, especially those close to me, and it hasn't gotten any easier now that I'm 23 and pretty messed up.


You said it right, this was for people who always wondered if something was wrong with them, but were always scared that something was wrong with them..


“There’s no math involved”

A good chunk of mine was math 😭😭😭


i literally don’t even remember anything i just watched


I'm 62, I've had very little focus my whole life, so easily waylaid, and a hell, of a procrastinator, never did homework in my life, they threw scatterbrains like us on the short bus I quit as soon as I could, I'm just learning now, via the internet how much ADD has affected most everything in my life, it's crazy, I've spent the last few years trying to be mindful about the things that I need to pay attention to, I'm iffy at best

Long before it's acronym
it's diagnosis or it's pill
they called us restless dreamers
I'm a restless dreamer still


having adhd and struggling to watch the entire video instead of scrolling for hours on twitter


"For years, no, for decades, I struggled with things like depression and anxiety and organisation and social relationships, and never once did any of the clinicians or physicians I saw mention anything about the possibility of ADHD ... Some days, I just wish I could go back in tim and shout at so many people, Why did you miss this? Why didn't somebody tell me?"

Wow. This perfectly articulates my experience. I was just diagnosed with adult ADHD at 32. Since at least 15, I struggled with at times debilitating depression, anxiety (generalised + social), hypervigilance and other issues. I tried countless counsellors, medications, and coping strategies - none helped, at least not much. And then I started gettign treated for ADHD. Without a doubt, treating my ADHD is by far the most effective treatment for depression and anxiety I have ever experienced - nothing even comes close. It's like ADHD was the root of a great vine slowly strangling me, and everything else just clipped an inch or two off of it. ADHD medication took it out at the root.

Thank you, Jared, and to other ADHD YouTubers like Jessica McCabe for doing more for my mental wellbeing than a legion of GPs. Your channels are foundational pillars of support for me, and very clearly for many others. You may not be able to reclaime the 'lost years' that us adult ADHD'ers so often mourn, but you are helping others make the most of the rest of the time that's given to them.


I found you on TikTok! I went to my first psychology appointment this week and at the end my psychologist asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with ADHD. I said no. We scheduled another appointment for next week and of course I went home and researched ADHD. SO MANY THINGS MAKE SENSE NOW. I'm so eager to go back in and see her again in a few days.


"Some days i just wish I could go back in time and shout to so many people 'why did you miss this? Why didn't someone just tell me?!' But I can't. I can only work with what I've got now."

THIS. I get so frustrated when I think of all the signs of my ADHD that went unnoticed by everyone: teachers, parents, hell even therapists. I'm just now beginning to come to terms with the fact that i can't change the past, and i can only really focus on improving things in my life.

Thank you Jared, for putting the frustration into words.


Me opens my car with my keys, gets into car then can’t find keys. Searches cars for 15 mins for keys in the hot weather.... then finds key in front pocket of bag.


I’m getting tested today in about 40 minutes and I’m so nervous. I came here looking for what to expect. Im so scared that I wont be able to describe my feelings well enough or being misunderstood. I still have a fear of oversharing things that have nothing to do with my symptoms.

Edit: I finally got the results back! The test went really well and I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD. I’m not taking any prescriptions currently, but I plan to in the future. I’ve been seeing a therapist that provides me materials to help me cope and work with my ADHD.


Yeah, my "diagnosis" sounded more like a suggestion and it did take 20 minutes or less. It didn't feel like the thorough evaluation I have heard so many of the Youtube clinicians mention, but an after thought. When I asked later how to get a diagnosis, the counselor was surprised. "But I diagnosed you." The suggestion, however, was enough for me to do my own research. After a couple of equally confusing and unproductive sessions, I didn't go back to the counselor. Doing my own research has been far more productive.
