Beginners First Guitar Lesson - The EASIEST 2 Chords On Guitar

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This lesson is aimed at anyone who has struggled with lesson 1 of the beginners course. It should be seen as a first step, with the goal being to play along with me in the video- give it a go!

The 2 songs you can play with these chords ARE;
- Little by Little by Oasis (Verse only) 12:12
- Breathe by Pink Floyd 14:52

I really recommend moving straight onto Lesson 1 of the beginners course. There we cover 2 chords that you can play 10 SONGS with!

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My little 8 year old brother just sat here on my laptop for like an hour, watching beginner guitar videos with a tiny guitar balanced on his lap and a huge pair of headphones on his head. He was so solemn, watching you, rewinding the video, practicing the two chords. I came to sit next to him and he said, look, this is E minor and this is A... he totally got it! It was the cutest thing. Anyway, I think if an 8 year old can get it then you must be a really good teacher. Keep at it and God bless!


I am tring to learn to play guitar on my own. I was ready to give up. I then found your videos. You are great with your videos. I am not ready to give up now. Thank you so much for your videos. Pat


55 years old and just started playing the acoustic guitar. Thank you for posting such amazing videos!!!


Wow! Out of all the Acoustic Guitar lessons I found... this is the only one I was able to understand. At the age of 42, I didnt think I would be able to learn an instrument! I was thinking I was to old. I was ready to give up! Then I found you!❤ I can't wait to dig in now and learn more! Thank you so much! You give me hope!


Andy I bought a guitar yesterday and was working at it for hours on end but just wasn't able to get it right. I was getting discouraged, but I found this video and it actually made me grin when I heard the E minor come out clean haha. You're a great teacher and I'm looking forward to checking out your other videos.


really good stuff Andy i'm now 70 yrs young, bought my first guitar LAG Tramontane on 26th March, i've been using your site since and I feel I'm not making a racket now, but now a noise which sounds ok, i'm still a long long way to go but i've learned 6 chords, i just need to get my movement between chords sorted, that will come with practice, thank you as your slowing down is a great help. fingers not hurting as much either lol


my mind is telling me yesss but my fingers, my fingers are telling me noOooOo


And I am over 60 years old, I loved to rearn and play since I was young boy but for some reason I couldn't get the chance to learn and play and I said I will try once the time come, so now I am trying.
Now is the best time because of lockdown.


I have been trying to learn how to play guitar but most of the free beginners lessons were difficult to
follow until I came across your two cords lesson. It made it easier for me and gave me confidence that I
can do it even at my old age. Thank you and keep providing easy to follow lessons


I have always wanted to play a guitar. I have quit before learning anything from it because I found it difficult or the teachings just weren't good. Andy, you are awesome. I have learned more in 30 minutes of your videos than 4 hours of others teachings. Your great brother, keep posting different videos of different songs! And thank you!


I actually learned something after buying a guitar beginning of last year 😂 not gonna lie I gave up and was gonna sell it, but after this vid I’m ima keep it and try harder


Age 60, just started lessons. This way of practicing the two chord combos is very helpful. Thanks for sharing and patience!


Brilliant stuff - exactly the right guy to help this 53 year old to finally learn guitar - cheers Andy looking forward to the next 2 chords !


A few things you need to know about Andy!If you're like me and a bit wary of buying on line then I can put your mind at rest. I sent Andy a long email asking him lots of questions and he replied in such a friendly way it was like I'd known him for years. A few years ago I had a bad stroke and I had a few issues I wanted to ask his advice on. Following Andy's reply today I have downloaded the beginners course and the EBook all without hitch. Before I choose Andy I went on a LOT of other sites and Andy is by far the friendliest guy out there. When I was at school over 50 years ago if I liked the teacher I did well at the subject, if I didn't I soon lost interest and didn't bother going in. It was very important for me to like the guy who hopefully is going to get me playing the guitar sometime in the foreseeable future.From now on its up to me to follow the teacher and to go in for every lesson this time! In a few weeks time I'll come back and let you know how its Andy!


Just started playing Guitar and you've made it ten times easier, Thanks Andy! 


I have been searching the internet, watching and watching others, being a older guy just getting started, 6 weeks now, you are the first to talk to us as we are beginners, not expecting much and really breaking it down. Still having issues with hitting other strings, hoping it will click in time. I Thank


Loved this!! This was a mood lifter for a girl just looking to create some music from nothing. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this video. I picked up guitar a few months back and I felt like such a failure because I couldn't transition between chords at all. I was working with an instructor who ever took the time to just do simple exercises like this to break down the mechanics of chord transitions. You're the best man, thanks so much for this video.


It is much appreciated that you're taking your time to teach us in the easiest way possible. Very glad I found you on the first go when searching how to start learning.


Sir I have just started playing guitar a week ago and then I thought this is too difficult but now when I watched your video every chord is just getting easier.
You are GR8.
