Home Assistant Beginners Guide: Installation, Addons, Integrations, Scripts, Scenes, and Automations

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Home assistant is the most powerful home automation platform available with almost limitless possibilities. This video is designed to help you get your feet wet and learn your way around the basic configuration of home assistant including installation, addons, integrations, scripts, scenes, and automations.

Timestamp Bookmarks:
2:30 RaspberryPi Installation
4:02 Virtual Machine Installation
8:55 Essential Addons
11:07 Adding Devices to HA
15:03 Scripts and Automations

[Hassio Raspberry Pi Installation]

[Hassio Virtual Machine Installation]

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We need an update! I'd love to see a 2023 version of this video. Thanks for all you do, your videos are on a whole new level! 🚀


Brilliant video. I'm so glad you arent afraid to rip through it knowing that people should pause as they go. videos run for 20 minutes for 5 mins of content


After watching a number of videos to help me get started on this, I must tell you that I enjoy the pace of your guide, the clarity, and the willingness to not explain things multiple times. It's easy enough to replay things. Well done!


Thanks for these videos, just bought a newly built home. They tried to hook me for a "smart home" using a device pre-installed in home, it uses Z-wave, required hundreds of dollars in installation costs to make it actually work, they gave me about three "smart switches" as the free gateway drug to get me hooked. Then wanted expensive installation fee to finish making the home a "smart home" and then, on top of all that, yup, you guessed it, a monthly fee of at least $75, for the base installation.

Your video is saving me a bundle. Thank you very much! Your style of instruction is perfect! Videos are the right length, no BS fluff crap to eat up my time, just the fact and straight to the point!


Never knew this existed, certainly makes integration and automation so much easier! Previously, I have done things the hard way by creating custom applications and hardware. This really simplifies the interconnectivity side of things.

I can say this for sure - I am DAMN glad my parents were never smart enough to do anything like this... I cannot imagine growing up where my every action would not only be monitored, but potentially controlled.


Have to say thank you very much. I just spent about 5 hours trying to install HA via different YouTube videos and online tutorials. Yours is the only one that has worked. Much appreciated.


Thanks for the video! We need more HA content that is recent. I am about 3 months into HA and my biggest issue is following outdated information. Even some of the HA documentation and integrations have outdated info.


This is absolutely your best video ever. I have been struggling to get HA on a VM for a long time and this pushed me over the "hump". Thanks a bunch!


One thing not mentioned when installing MQTT broker is that if you don't turn on advanced mode under your profile first then you will not see users under configuration. I am following the guide to install HA 5.12. So far so good if you keep pausing the video :-)


Best video so far, I’ve been tinkering and struggling with home assistant for a couple of weeks, now I know why.
Most videos are outdated and the info in them is also outdated, when you read it or look at screen shots, tech moves at such a pace it’s hard to keep up.


Man, you should turn this from a presentation into a (series of) tutorial(s). Lots of work, I agree, but you'll get a Thank You from me. :D


I'm a new HA soon to be user and I've ENJOYED this content. Not so complicated if I pause n play. Thank you and keep it coming!


More! More! More Home Assistance videos! This one was great and very comprehensive! Thank you for it!


very well explained - obviously nobody is just going to pick this up in 5 minutes but you have explained things very well. Thankyou


Well done, perfect for beginners. I would like to see more about accessing Home Assistant from outside my own network.


love love love this video. just successfully setup HomeAssistant on my old laptop by following your instructions. 1st attempt failed, but I started again and retraced my steps till I found where I went wrong, corrected it and moved on. thank you so much


Straight up, clear, fast-paced. Loved it!


This video kick started my own version of home automation here in the Philippines. I remember 2 years back, I have zero knowledge of HA and compatible devices that can be integrated, I just know programming arduinos and plcs. Thaks man!


I regret starting home assistant last year. Its soooo much easier now ...


Just got my first Sonoff flashed, and I'm literally minutes away from installing it in my kids' bathroom, where it'll shut off the bathroom fan after it's been on for 30 minutes.
This video, along with Ben (Bruh), Dr. Zzzs, and several of your other videos, has been instrumental in making this happen!
I would love to see part 2 (accessing your home assistant remotely) to this series!
Thanks again, Rob D.
