Is your CPU thermal throttling? how to check easily and fix it
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There's a good chance that your CPU might well be thermal throttling without you realising. Simple things can cause your CPU to overheat which in turn leads to a reduction in performance. That thermal throttling might not even be noticable in day-to-day use but could be having a negative impact on system performance and even on the overall FPS you're getting while gaming.
Luckily there are ways you can check to see if your CPU is thermal throttling and if you're running an Intel CPU it's really easy. Firstly download Intel XTU and then run the system stress tests.
You can also use Cinebench
One of which is simply thinking about your fan configuration and seeing if it can be improved.
In this video you'll see how I didn't have enough intake fans on the Lian Li Dynamic Evo XL. Swapping the fans to Infinity Reverse fans so that the air is now being intaked through the AIO radiator now means a reduction in temps which in turn means no more thermal throttling.
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Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Unless otherwise stated, the videos are not sponsored financially.
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🏆Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
SirSpawnsALot, Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, Space Cannons, Mike S, Jay Shank 007, Jason Morgan, Starastin, McFarty, Chief Hao, Kraken Tortoise, Chris Thompson, Lank Wimb, Bhushan Mahesh Gandhi, Roburrt, Beaster Bunny and Gaming Nomad.
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Luckily there are ways you can check to see if your CPU is thermal throttling and if you're running an Intel CPU it's really easy. Firstly download Intel XTU and then run the system stress tests.
You can also use Cinebench
One of which is simply thinking about your fan configuration and seeing if it can be improved.
In this video you'll see how I didn't have enough intake fans on the Lian Li Dynamic Evo XL. Swapping the fans to Infinity Reverse fans so that the air is now being intaked through the AIO radiator now means a reduction in temps which in turn means no more thermal throttling.
Disclosure: Shopping links within the description of this video generate a commission at no extra cost to you. These are added for your convenience but other retailers are available. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Products featured may also have been sent for free for review/testing purposes. Often these have to be returned by me, but not always. I endeavour to avoid bias in my videos wherever possible and try to give honest, subjective opinions. Unless otherwise stated, the videos are not sponsored financially.
Specs of this build: (note this includes affiliate links that earn me a commission at no extra cost to you)
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🏆Big thanks to my super awesome YouTube members:
SirSpawnsALot, Meatykeyboard, Rawrr483, Space Cannons, Mike S, Jay Shank 007, Jason Morgan, Starastin, McFarty, Chief Hao, Kraken Tortoise, Chris Thompson, Lank Wimb, Bhushan Mahesh Gandhi, Roburrt, Beaster Bunny and Gaming Nomad.
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