Crisis Series #20 with Fr. MacGillivray: Time Bombs of Vatican II

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Today, we’ll continue our look at the Second Vatican Council, this time looking at the 2nd and 3rd Sessions, in 1963 and 1964. We’ll see how the liberal Rhine Group continued their full-on assault of the preparations for the Council, and how they gained an ally in the newly-elected Pope Paul VI, who cleared the way for even more of their work to go on, unhindered. We’ll also take a moment to discover the problem with the Second Vatican Council documents – at first glance, many of them seem quite orthodox. But these documents were both blatantly ambiguous, and also hiding what would become known as Neo-Modernist Time Bombs. We’ll see what that all means, and what effect this will have on the Holy Catholic Church

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Well done. The tendrils of modernist theology the reformers embedded into the documents of the Council have left a path of destruction throughout the Church. A path that continues to this day.


Father’s explanation was actually very good. I have said for many years that modern man is no different than previous generations except we have computers in our pockets. Big deal..That with flawed enlightenment philosophies. I remember hearing that JP2 was influenced by French philosophers before I understood was philosophy really was. This series really helped me.


Could you add to the series the topic of true and false obedience?

This is another serious problem prevalent in the Church right now. Millions (ok...billions) of Catholics need clarity on this, including myself.


Wow! This really explains allot! I was raised in novas ordo and didn’t find tradition till a few years ago and I’m 52! It’s so hard to let go of what I’ve been taught my whole life. Everything Father is talking about has been drilled into my head. How can anyone say Vatican II had good fruits!! It’s so obvious why Francis is so loved by so many and he is the perfect representation of the council nothing but ambiguity and confusion. Make what you’re saying sound so logical and compassionate yet at the same time devalue the one true Church and bring Her down to all the other faiths! I am so thankful I’ve found these videos! Cannot wait for the next video! God bless you and thank you so much!!!!


Excellent series. There is hope for our church, glad to listen to a young priest with great knowledge of the problem. Keep up with this work.


Thank you so much, this series is incredible! May God further bless the SSPX


I can't thank you enough for this series. It is truly a treasure trove of insight, information, wisdom and solid and unerring Catholic teaching, helping to lift the obfuscation and the cobwebs that have hindered entering into and living true Catholicism. Thank you very much. God bless you!


wow.... Amazing! I thank God so much for such Mercy, for the Mercy of these "Series"!
This is truly amazing, for us Conciliar (or post-Conciliar) Catholics to carefully study these series to understand what has happened.
Since my conversion, back in 2014, I always had a sense that "they" had taken the Faith away from us... is hard to explain, but as I started to dwell deeper and deeper in the Faith, through Marian Consecration, that sense of "being cheated of the Faith by the Conciliar Church" began to oppress me, yet to set me on a journey of pursuing the Truth which has lead me to the ancient Liturgy, the discovery of the SSPX and the recognition of the tribulations we face in these "modern" times

My God... what a time you have ordained for us to live in. I thank You, for everything my God and my Saviour + Blessed be God forever + God Bless forever the Society of Saint Pius X


29:31 That statement from Unitatis Redintegratio hurts me so much because it reminded me of my sister and brother in law, and also my friends who have left the Catholic Church. They were never informed of the dogma of "Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus".

Please pray for them with me. I want them back in the Catholic Church for the salvation of their soul.


I searched for a point of view from Traditionalists on Vatican ll. I mean, I searched for years, and here I find a perfect series for understanding the flaws of Vatican ll.


It occurred to me that all these German bishops lived through Nazi Germany without persecution. They must have learned a lot.


Deeply appreciated research ! I am almost 70 yrs old and remember all of this when it was going on. Now I see the curtain pulled back and all the hidden agendas in the light of day. Since I was only a teenager then, I'd like to relate as to how 'liberal' ICEL appeared even then. I was studying Latin in school & remember reading the translations of collects and the Ordinary of Mass and being shocked as to how inaccurate the translations were. I remember the Fourth Eucharistic Prayer as being anti-Trinitarian, "Father, you Alone are God, living & true...." I remember how shocked I was to see the Gloria Patri omitted from every single place at Mass, especially since a Psalm was introduced into the 'readings' but without our own Benediction 'Gloria Patri' at its end. And the (non) Offertory words were not even 'prayers' but Jewish Blessings, not that I was anti-Semitic, but noting that it had no real place in the Roman Offertory. It was no longer called that, but the presentation of bread & wine. etc etc. Deeply appreciate your work here.


This is an excellent series. A thought occurred to me the efforts of the "conservative" Bishops instead of preserving the council actually gave cover to errors. In hindsight it would have better to let the fully erroneous documents get the smackdown of rejection and error could have been stripped instead of cloaked in ambiguity and occasional orthdoxy.


These are great! I hope you will post the parish mission talks this week also.


Father's comment about marriage is a good point. Gaudium et Spes I believe also introduced the modern subjective notion of marriage being primarily about "mutual aid" and creating a "conjugal society" which should be ordered toward the personal good of each spouse (read: subjective self-fulfilment and happiness). While good ends of marriage these are not the essential aspects of marriage. This mistaken notion of marriage as leads to the 1000s of annulments. The American church went from just a few hundred or less annulments per year to each diocese "judging" in the affirmative atleast hundred or more annulments each year.


Sometimes I wonder if the Liberals cared two hoots, about pleasing the Protestants. Rather, an excuse, a seemingly "considerate act" to destroy outrightly, lying, Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition!


Blessed Mother Mary is Dispensantrix of all graces


I feel really annoyed when I hear now how we were deceived by deliberate glib terminology at the time of Vatican II.


There is a crisis in the Church. But there is hope! Look at all these young priests who are more traditional! I see many young nuns who were their traditional clothes. Young familiy's with 5 are more Childeren in the Latin mass.

I even had conversations with young priests in the Novus ordo, who are done with the post Vatican 2 Church.


What makes me wonder is why, if Vatican 2 is deeply flawed, why did Arch Bishop Lefebvre sign all the documents?
