Crisis Series #23 w/ Fr. Reuter: How the New Mass Was Made for Protestants

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We’re starting our 4-episode look at the Novus Ordo Mass, which was introduced in 1969. We’ll be covering a different aspect during each of these episodes, today, looking at the New Mass, and how it was developed as an Ecumenical Rite. We know from previous episodes that the Church had pivoted in its relationship to other religions. But the New Mass is a striking example of this Ecumenist spirit – and Fr. Reuter will explain to us how nearly every change that was made was done to appease Non-Catholics.

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The SSPX saved me from mediocrity and heresy in the Novus Ordo sect. Without the TLM I could not be Catholic. Thank you to all faithful traditional Priests.


Ever since I decided to quit committing to the Novus Ordo, the TLM has blessed my life so much that I feel stronger in my faith and I can proudly say I’m Catholic. Much love for SSPX!


I am sickened by knowing the full horror of the new mass. I was robbed for years and years.


As long as my body can get to my SSPX CHAPEL, I don’t worry about such things. However, I do pray for the return of millions of lost sheep in our Faith.


Surely, all these series are being guided by the Holy Ghost.
Thank you, SSPX, for your devotion to our Lord and the Holy Mass as it was celebrated all through the centuries!

Archbishop Lefevre was a true defender of our faith and Catholic values and traditions. May our Lord send more young men to become priests in the Holy order of the SSPX.


Pray for the conversion of the Protestants to the one and holy apostolic Church. Amen.


After coming into the church at age 59, I discovered the TLM 3 years later and knew at once that I was home. Have moved halfway across USA to be able to assist at daily TLM. Abp. Lefebvre, pray for us!


The things I love most about the Church are those things that are unapologetically Catholic. Give me that old-time religion!


Father Reuter's closing remark about the way in which the Traditional Latin Mass transforms and sanctifies our lives was so moving it made my eyes well up with tears.


Spent my first 10 years as a convert in the NO. Definitely does not teach the necessity of practicing virtue, but rather emphasizes the mercy of God (Divine Mercy) while giving much less attention to Divine Justice. My RCIA instructor told me it is very hard to commit a mortal sin.

Also the disrespect to God in the liturgy communicates that God is someone not to fear but we can presume upon gaining heaven. Just as when a Captain in the Army displays disrespect of the Colonel, then his platoon will also be tempted to have a disrespect for the same authority.


I truly love this series. For so long I understood that "modernism" was a problem, but did not understand what Modernism was and why/how it was a problem. Thank you to the priests of the SSPX & to Abp Lefebvre who I suspect will be recognized as a Saint once Our Blessed LORD takes back His Holy Church.


Over forty years ago, to the humiliation of my family, I was a reluctant adult convert to Baptist, Calvinist, Bible Belt fundamentalism. Due to an act of purest grace, the fullness and the truth of the one,  holy,  catholic and apostolic Church finally sunk in early this year.  I am converting. I am coming in. But it is not for some weak and derivative imitation of the low church Protestantism I knew.  We can run circles around the imitators, because for us it was sincere, however inadequate and flawed.  No.  That has zero appeal.  I am coming in, with obedience and gratitude, for the Deposit of Faith.  The faith entrusted once for all to the saints.


Please pray for my salvation brothers and sisters! Thank you!


Hundreds of Saints in England preferred torture, crushing, quartering, disembowling to giving up this Latin Mass for the putrid protestant mess which 500 years later was parodied by Rome. Sickening + Holy Martyrs pray for us +


Andrew, Fr. Ripperger says that there are signs of extraordinary grace flowing and a great Catholic revival is coming. That might cheer you up


Wonderful.I hope this covers how latin was completely dropped when the new mass was introduced and how liturgical abuses began immediately.


So great this channel is on YT. So many Catholics are still asleep. God reward you.


Thank you again for an excellent program.


Thank you Jesus! Praise you Jesus! Love you Jesus!


I was only a child when the Novus Ordo Mass was introduced, yet I recall how, even then, the new rite seemed outright silly to me.
