Learn Live - Manage multiple environments by using Bicep and GitHub Actions

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Deploy your Bicep code to multiple environments to improve the quality of your deployments. Use reusable workflows to reduce code duplication, and set parameter values for each environment.
Learning objectives
- Deploy Bicep files to multiple Azure environments from a workflow
- Use reusable workflows to avoid repetition
- Use and secure parameters for each environment
00:00 - Introduction
02:32 - Example scenario - Azure administrator
03:55 - Understand environments
04:30 - Why do you have multiple environments
08:57 - Environments in your organization
12:16 - Deployment history
12:31 - How do we link our deployments to an environment
13:36 - Environments and connections to Azure
15:25 - Federated credentials for environments
17:25 - Deployment to multiple environments
17:44 - Reusable workflows
21:08 - Called workflows inputs and secrets
25:54 - Conditions
26:45 - Exercise - Set up your environment
53:29 - Handle differences between environments by using bicep parameters
55:09 - Workflow variables
57:04 - Use variables in your workflow
58:40 - Avoid unnecessary parameters
1:02:33 - Exercise - Use bicep parameters with multiple environments
1:10:54 - Knowledge check
1:20:51 - Summary and resources
Steven Murawski
Principal Cloud Advocate
Brandon Martinez
Senior Customer Engineer, FastTrack for Azure
Joshua Waddell
Senior Customer Engineer, FastTrack for Azure