Be a Loser if Need Be | The Philosophy of Epictetus

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We’re so afraid to be seen as losers that we're willing to suffer in exchange for other people’s approval. What a sad state of being in, as by putting our money on external goods, we become dependent on them and gamble away our chances of being happy and free. According to Epictetus, we must be willing to let go of what he called “lesser things.” And if that means that we become total losers in the eyes of society, then that’s a price worth paying.

This video doesn’t advocate for neglecting oneself or self-harm: quite the contrary, from a Stoic point of view. It explores the philosophy of Epictetus, showing a different way to determine what’s important in life, the concept of “being a loser,” and why being “seen” as a loser doesn’t have to be a bad thing. "Be a Loser if Need Be | The Philosophy of Epictetus"

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00:00 - Intro
01:46 - The anatomy of loserdom
03:59 - Sacrificing for the overrated
07:52 - Why being a loser isn’t terrible.
10:26 - A price worth paying

#stoicism #epictetus #stoic
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Being a "loser" is often more calm and peaceful instead of being a slave to the endless chase of approval.


This is truly a case of, "Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what you cheer for."


This is the real motivation and real cure. Not the toxic positivity we have now


as i get older i see more and more that solitude and being alone in a room undisturbed are more valuable than gold.


*“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.” ―Epictetus*


I'm 28 years old, never went to collage, never had a girlfriend and deliver pizzas. I'm not at all happy with my life and have suffered extreme low motivation and depression most of it. This video really helped me accept my circumstances, thank you

Didn't expect my comment would blow up like this. Thanks for all your support and advice :)


The most important line of the whole video:

"To be unconquerable by anything, we must be willing to lose everything."


I stopped working as an engineer (too much pressure) and I didn't even finish my masters degree. Now I'm a truck driver, it might not be prestigious, but at least I'm happy.
I reached a point in life where I just gave up on trying to be what society and family espect you to be. Life is too short to live to please everyone else.


"He who conquers others is strong. He who conquers himself is mighty."


People don’t judge or think about you as much as you assume they do. They’re too busy worrying about themselves and how they are being judged by others.


A loser is someone that loses. Losing at the government's standard of living is not actually losing. Its refusing to play someone else's game


Al Bundy, the perennial "loser", in the hit sitcom Married with Children, had an episode that summed up what it's like to just accept yourself despite society's definition of being a "loser". In that episode he returned an overdue library book that was 30 years overdue. The librarian, who was there 30 years ago, called Al a "loser", and that she always knew he would be a failure in life. Al responded by saying that he might have a lousy job, a family that disrespects him, no money, old and balding, but one thing he is not is a "loser". He went on to say that putting up with his failures in life and not putting a bullet in his head makes him a WINNER. The crowd cheered Al, as well they should.


"Sometimes even to live is an act of courage."
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca


"Nothing is permanent. Everything we are given, will be taken back."


“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Albert Camus


People consider you a loser if you quit something but if that something is TOXIC, like a marriage, workplace, of educational program, it is in your best interest to quit. You are not a loser, you recognize that this situation is harmful to you.


I live by and taught my daughters the following - "Being Cool is FREE, Acting Cool WILL COST YOU".


Once you are truly indifferent and don't care about what others think, you are truly free. Don't follow the crowd, be the person walking in the other direction. Get off social media, it's all fake. Live your life the way you truly want. If that makes me a loser, than I'm a winner! 😊


I used to hate being called less ambitious, now I don't even care because at the end of the day, when you die nothing else matters because you'll be dead. I live by simplicity and it brings me peace.


It's said that, a man that can't be bribed, is a dangerous man. They fear him because he doesn't care about money. That's a great power to have.
