9 Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms That Should Never Be Ignored | VisitJoy

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Are you experiencing unusual symptoms and suspect a Vitamin B12 deficiency? What are the signs to look out for? In our informative video, we explore the vital signs of B12 deficiency, including anemia, muscle weakness, and unexpected weight loss. We provide an in-depth overview of the causes and potential diseases linked to this deficiency. Discover the benefits of B12, learn about effective treatments, and find out which foods can help prevent this common health issue. Tune in to safeguard your health and understand the importance of Vitamin B12 in your diet!

Also, watch these videos:

#b12deficiency #Deficiency #Symptoms #optimalmindperformance #age50 #over50 #vitamin12 #healthtips #vitaminb12deficiencysymptoms #VitaminB12Deficianecy

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.


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I sadly have most of these symptoms- been to so many doctors and none of them offer any answers - now here we are on a YouTube video and every symptom match my current health status - I am grateful to learn yet so sad that our healthcare system is not functioning to find us answers. Why?


I have many of these symptoms. it's currently 7 AM and I've been awake since 3AM because the pain in my feet woke me up and kept me awake. Thankfully my appointment is today and because of going to urgent care for bloodwork they already know I'm low in B12 so hopefully I'm about to start my road to recovery.


Shortness of breath
Numbness and tingling
Balance and walking
Vision loss


I had fatigue and nerve pain in my shoulder and knee.. I took Iron and vitamin B12. Now all gone


Spot on !
I got all of these symptoms and my B12 level is very low.
I had to find that out myself and my Dr has zero clue of this


I'm glad to know these can be dealt
with just vitamins.


I also have a lot of these symptoms, and it was my podiatrist of all people to recommend that i take vitamin b12.


I know this video’s a little older, and others have already shared similar stories in the comments, but thank you so much for this video. Some of these symptoms crept up on me, but Number 9 switched on like a light switch early last year, and no one’s been able to help me. The doctors keep calling it IBS but I know that wasn’t the case, and I was beginning to think I was crazy. I was so depressed about my work absences and where I stood with the company, I was hoping cars would hit me as I was taking my trash out just this afternoon. Now I at least have a potential cause and attainable goal, and the relief is almost overwhelming. Again—thank you!


Ohh😮😮😮 I have all these
for the precious information.


My doctor diagnosed sores in the corners of my mouth as vitB12 deficiency. Sure enough a supplement took them away😊


Thank you, you are very helpful to me today. Doctors have no ability to diagnose, they only write senseless prescriptions.

Do you have any suggestions on what I can take to get better absorption of vitamin B12?
I've already changed my diet, take probiotics and I still have a problem...
I am 50 years old and have been struggling with this problem for almost 8 years.
Thank you


I've now got all of these symptoms that have increased over the last 30+ years. Now i know it's due to the PPI - Proton Pump Inhibitors I take at high doses x2 each day. Tried getting help, but no Gp is interested or believes me. I will try The Pain Clinic, and if that doesn't work, I'll be seeking help from my local Mp, then The Health Authority.
It shouldn't have to be like this, and now I understand why my mum just suffered with her acute pains & disabilities rather than take any medication. She lasted 30+ years without any medication, too 😢 😮


Do you know doctors know nothing about vitamins, only chemicals


I have all the symptoms explain here but dr said i have anxiety I don't no what to do now


I have all these symptoms but how to treat these. I'm urgently request to help me.


I have some of these symptoms and had my b12 checked and it was 488 is that a good number?


I noticed lately i have been out of breath doing a few tasks and walking up my steps, i just though it was just my cardio is trash now that i dont run as i used to plus im 45 now. But i have not been taking b12 in months


Daily which food is reduced b12 vitamin problem


I have the top three she mentioned. I'm an older adult. I have pernicious anemia. I have microcytic anemia And i'm a vegetarian. I'm not just deficient.I do not have intrinsic factor in my abdomen. Intrinsic factor comes stomach lining and you needed to absorb nutrients from your food. I have to take b twelve injections every other day for the rest of my life. Pernicious, anemia, and this diagnosis is so rare.Too pharmacist wouldn't fill the prescription when they saw.How much B12 injections?I was being prescribed.
