Why Did My Donor Egg IVF Cycle Fail?

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I had two failed donor egg transfers. They are the best quality embryos. I’ve got a few left. Will keep trying.


I'm among those who've been through de ivf and not once. Unfortunately there are lots of reasons why the cycle may fail. No one can rule over the results. You may have all A grades and fail. And you may have Bs which you don't really count on and these will work out for you. This all is about embryo quality, it's developmental stages, your lining and how well it's prepared for bearing a little bean..Of course if we talk about donor eggs, some of the issues must be out of question, as donor's eggs must be ''perfect'' and screened for the potential diseases the best. But the point's the same - There are still many others affecting the result..Taking all this into consideration I'd recommend looking onto so called ''guaranteed'' packages. (we passed the same) Meaning they'll try until successful. If no luck after 5 shots in a row, and you don't wanna proceed with them - they refund 90% money paid back. This sounded like music to my ear. I truly believe this is a nice back plan to have, so that you can use the money for other treatment tries..Anyway they didn't refund money as we got lucky to fall prego after shot#2.


Thanks sir very important knowledge you gave me my donner ivf sycle is also failed my age is 30years and I had 2misscarrages in last two ivf so dr sudgges donner egg but donner cycle also failed .but your advise inspired me to next sycle happly 😊😊😊


Donor egg ivf with young donor eggs failed with 3 donors for me. We had to concede defeat in the end. I have stable relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis but I believe that my overactive immune system caused me to destroy the embryos?


Well- what would dictate a viable embryo then? What about carefully selected donor eggs that are PGS tested?


I am from india sir plz give me an answer that can i become sir
