Does Stef think Python is BETTER than PHP?

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Short answer: all languages have their advantages. Depends what you want to do.

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lol "though I wouldn't drive a minivan personally". Thought it was funny you threw that in there. But thanks for the vlog Stef, it was very insightful and made me think a lot about the direction that I want to take for the future! A little note for everyone here too: the StudioWeb courses are absolutely phenomenal and I highly highly recommend them to anyone interested in the web dev field! I've learned more through those courses than anywhere else (and much much quicker!). Definitely check them out!


the color correction (or the lighting) is AMAZING in this video.


The nice thing about PHP is the whole shared-nothing request container architecture.

In each request you have a clean state with now left overs and some guarantee that you are not piling up memory leaks over requests. This allows easy scaling. Since recent additions like preloading to the engine the performance cost of recreating the world each time is also heavily reduced.

This greatly matches the HTTP model and makes PHP the true web language for the server side.

Fast prototyping. You can spit out a proof of concept in PHP faster than you can boilerplate Hello World in some other languages. I can’t upload a go file and have it just run. I have to compile it, upload it, and run it. PHP is plug and play. Upload a file and done.


The Porsche and minivan analogy - that's classic... Lol. Use the right tool for the work... It saves time and improves efficiency.


@Stefan, can I just say that I'm really digging the candor and the tone that you have in your videos? You definitely present yourself as one speaking from experience as opposed to someone who is trying to convince us that you are experienced.

I just recently discovered your videos and channel and I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge! Thanks!

p.s. have you done any videos on which IDE's are good for what languages? I've dabbled a little with NetBeans, IntelliJ, VisualStudio Code, recently Code::Blocks, but what I find myself getting comfortable with (in playing with Java) is Eclipse Oxygen. For web stuff (html, css, JS) I've been using Sublime Text 3 but that's not IDE right?
Like I said, I've seen your videos, I value your opinion, any thoughts regarding this is much appreciated! Thank you Stefan!


I like your vlogs only because you mentioned to make foundation stronger in every video.
Oh yeah languages are circumstantial. I agree with you.👏❤


Solid small talks man !
Big fan here from France.


Stefan - I would LOVE to know your opinion on bottom-up vs top-down technique when learning to program from a beginner's standpoint. You seem more into web/mobil programming, as does most of the world nowadays.... BUT, many people still swear that teaching/learning bottom-up is still the absolute best way to go about becoming a great (not just successful) programmer.

What are your opinions? Does it matter? Will one style help you out better in any way (short term, long term, etc)? My guess is you'd advocate for just learning html/css and jumping right into high lv scripting languages. Whether I'm wrong about that or not, I'd love to hear your thoughts...


Hi Stef, thanks for sharing your opinions in your vlogs. Can you please make a video about the main languages and where they have their main advantage. You (and many other vloggers) always say: it depends on the purpose which language is the best in this specific case. But you barely find some concrete examples in which cases eg Java is over C++ or vice versa, when Ruby is better to use than PHP and so on. I would be very intersted in hearing some real usecases where different programming languages are superior to others and why.


Stefan great lecture of DOM model....OMG ! I wish I discovered this earlier. Any way, I am now hooked. You are so talented. I do not feel time passing. Cheers, Michel


Hello Stef, thanks for another great video. I have been learning Java all year and I feel quite comfortable with OOP now. I want to be a web developer (full stack developer). I followed your advice and checked for the most wanted language wanted in my area, and it turns out to be php (what a surprise, right).

Would you recommend joining your course considering that I have a background in Java and I am quite comfortable with html5, css3 and Javascript too. What I want to say is does the course only cover the basics of each language or it kind of goes in detail too? And how much time do you think someone *needs* to spend on the course?


Can you please make a vlog on what exactly "FOUNDATION" on any language means ?.. I would love to hear that ... I like your vlogs...


Out of PHP And Python which one would you choose if you're asked to build a clone of full scaled Amazon ecommerce (excluding its subsidiary infras like AWS, SaaS, PaaS and all )..!!

I know Amazon is a Java Stack but still ...


Hi Stef, python is multi purpose language, I am learning it for past 2 months, so what do you think good project to implement it? Apps? Data analysis? Games? Or else?


"What you want to do, dictates what you wanna/need learn". By Stefan Mischook

Best definition ever for this topic :) I will use it and quote you :)

Here in Brazil, What wanna/need to learn for earn money, depends on the City/State where you live, or want to work :)


Hello Stefan! Can you please make tutorials on WordPress! It would be a great help!


Thank you so much for this video, you made my decision easier.


Thanks sir you cleared my confusion through this video.. Hats off.


What software would I use if I wanted to write a web-based database program for small business accounting where several people would be entering data or generating reports at the same time?


Thanks for your great channel. If i want to understand the basic lines of code that connect the website files together, like the code that connect website technology together php, HTML, MYSQL, twig, ect, what would be the best resource for that? This shall help people from business side with no code experience to better their Web project needs. Some times you need to know what shall be added to website or if the developer did a good job. Would you record interesting videos about that?
