A SIMPLE DIY SUMP [Going Under the 300 Gallon] - It's Going to ROCK!

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I love simple and this DIY sump is just that. No fancy bells and whistles, just some GREAT media for water to flow through before being returned to the tank. Take a look and tell me what you think in the comments below.

Sump Tank@ 40 gallon breeder from PetCo

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Lighting of the 210 African Cichlid tank is provided by JC&P and AQQA. For JC&P LED lights and the other aquarium products they offer use this link:
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Join me and a great group of fish keepers on Saturday's at 11am Central (that's 9am Pacific / Noon Eastern) for The Cichlids & Coffee live stream. It's a great hour of fish fun and gets into everything from setting up a tank, proper filtration, fish selection and everything in between. I hope to see you there.

Thank you to key vendors that have helped with my new fish room including:
Aquarium Co-Op, a top provider of both products and knowledge for all types of fish keepers.
Elite Cichlids, providing the best looking artificial plants available.
Sicce, a top quality manufacturer of aquarium pumps and filters.
Hygger, maker of a variety of aquarium products such as tanks, lights, pumps and heaters.
JC & P, providers of lights, rocks and other quality aquarium products.
Underwater Galleries, makers of the most beautiful ceramic caves available.
Xpertmatic, maker of good quality hang-inside filters and air pumps.
Many of their products are listed in my Amazon Affiliate store at:

If you're looking for a very helpful, knowledgeable and supportive group, check out: Ben O'Cichlid on Facebook. Cichlid is in the name but all types of fish keepers are welcome. Be sure to answer all the join-in questions or the group moderators will not let you in. It's how we keep the trolls out.

Thank you for the on-going support and encouragement!
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Pj aqua maintenance
Hi Ben the sponges in your 40 gallon breeder . What holding the sponges straight up.


Your filtration system is Sump-Thing else !!! Thanks again for more info !!!!


Thank you for sharing this! I converted a Red Sea Reefer 625 XXL to freshwater and this is way easier than the daunting task of building baffles within the existing sump. Those sponges are the solution I’ve been looking for! Thank you!!


Just what I was looking for my 90 gallon discus tank….so simple, but effective! Thanks for sharing!


This is awesome. Great design and this actually is very helpful to me since I'll be working on building a 120 gallon plywood aquarium.


Wow! Aside from the initial labor of love, plumbing and electrical set up, that sump will be less expensive and simpler to service than my fluval canisters on much smaller tanks. Great video Ben thank you again for sharing this incredible project with us.


Keeping it very simple, yet effective with those massive sponges. Looking forward to seeing this sump dialed in and running. Keep the motivation going 😎


i think you should add a refuge in the middle since cichlids eat plants in the display tank.


Exactly what I was looking for, I've been using Poret in my FX6s for a while now but want to try a Poret sump on the new 180 gallon red eared slider tank. She and her 8 inch long pleco buddy are a bit messy. If you have been to Swiss Tropicals website then why not use 30ppi foam for your bio filtration? It's surface area for bio film is proven to be greater than any product on the market. Yeah, I'm a big fan of Mattenfilters too lol.


Love it!!! If the Pumps need additiinal damping you could put a course 1/2in foam under them. Let's get the "300" party started Ben!!! South Amercian Cichlids would offer more choices (Geos, electric blue Acaras are my fav.) and non cichlid variety including schooling fish by the dozens (Barbs, Tetras, Dinos, even Cory Catfish, Ect.). But if you go African and want schooling fish consider Monos. The Angelicus are my favorite. They grow to about 8in max and watching 5 or more school is awesome. They are like Angelfish on steroids, the Africans don't bother them and even if they tried they couldn't catch them...lol.


Awesome idea! Could you go over a simple overflow system too, please?


Happy New Year sir ! Just checking out your sump idea. Im building a 75g sump in a few weeks, for my 300g build. You need South and Central stock..


Great setup Ben, keeping it simple for sure and that thing will be rock solid, thanks for your channel and time my friend


Hi Ben - I’m hoping to upgrade my tank before the end of the year and want a sump system, definitely easy to over complicate so love the simplicity. I hope you do regular updates on how this matures and I’m definitely becoming a firm believer of keeping things simple.


Thanks for taking the time to teach us about sump filtration


Just purchased my first 300+ gallon aquarium (new to me) has misc parts and pieces....Love the DIY sump setup you and will be building it. I need to find large bulkheads as the tank is Slate bottom pre drilled with over flow on each end....Slate is almost 2 inch thick, any thoughts on bulkheads ?


Hi ben. Would you be able to do a full video on this sump setup with overflow size and pump size? Im looking into doing a diy sump but ive never messed around with a sump. Thx


im following this if you will detail show how you set it up with all the pipes and things; ive never set up a sump but interested on a non drilled tank i have


Now those r colossal sponges, holy! 😳


I think it’s brilliant in its simplicity, it will work fantastic guaranteed
