The neighbor said this yard is a BIG UGLY MESS and has been NEGLECTED for 5 years

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As you all know when I spot an overgrown lawn, I like to investigate a little bit more. Luckily when I came across this one, the neighbor was grabbing his mail so I hopped out of my truck to talk to him. He told me that the city only comes to mow it when he calls them but they only cut down the front yard. The backyard has become a forest and a complete mess. So, I got started edging up the front and then went to town with my chainsaw and pruners. After cleaning up all the saplings, I cut down the super tall grass to reveal a nice, clean finish. So be sure to stay til the very end of this video because the before and after pictures are some of the craziest I’ve ever seen.

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Thanks to your vids I was finally able to figure out how to approach my disabled neighbor about mowing his yard for him. I’ll be cutting it this summer & he can use the money he would have spent on fixing his vehicle. Thanks for the inspo Spencer!


Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would sit and watch yard work for entertainment, but I got to tell you. I really enjoy watching you working smart and using the right tools to do it. I'm retired now, but back in the day, I was a one man landscaping company and I appreciate what and how you do it. I'd never seem a stand up mower. Sweet! Keep up the good work. I'm in.


If there ever was a 'Lawn Enforcement Officer', it is YOU! Thanks for all you do.


This clean up was wayyyy more than your usual job!!!! You deserve a "Humanitarian Award" for this one!! Thank you!


You are a real workhorse…you transformed this messy yard, and I agree it’s one of the worst ones I’ve watched you transform. You are a real blessing, Spencer. You make me proud to watch your gifts in action!


Spencer…..if more people just got up and moved their bodies like you and Al Bladez and other lawn-care people do….not only would our country be much cleaner and orderly, but obesity would be wiped out. This is how property gets like this…people have forgotten how to get off the sofa, get outside, sweat, and work! You and others like you inspire me to be a better steward of the planet.


Every time I watch one of your episodes I'm thinking about the social dynamic of neighborhoods. If I lived next to or very near an abandoned property or a neighbor in need - I would be mowing the property weekly for two reasons. 1. Obviously someone needs help 2. I have pride in my own property and I simply couldn't keep coming in and out of my house day after day looking at that hideous mess which invites squatters, drugs, rats, trash accumulation, lowers the value and safety of my neighborhood. But what's obviously true about most neighborhoods is that neighbors generally live isolated lives - only tending to their own affairs. My wife and I live in an apartment and we regularly walk down the street at the front of our complex and pick up bags of trash. Is it our property? No. Is it our responsibility? Yes. As a contributing citizen. I could constantly be angry about it or I could get some exercise and do something about it. Which is more valuable? I think SB mowing, Lawn care Juggernaut, Al Bladez would really like to promote random acts of kindness through their work. I'm certain that everyone making comments on this episode have multiple opportunities to do random acts of kindness - without recognition - without payment... but just because they see a problem that they know they can fix and they do it.

Thanks for sharing your videos with us - but more than that thanks for inspiring us to be more thoughtful humans.


Spencer, you never cease to amaze me. One determined, hard working man did what a city crew wouldn’t do. I know your nemesis is poison ivy but you just dove right in and got the job done. You are a special person that is a blessing to MANY people. ❤


i don't think i've ever you clear a whole forest before. amazing work... as always.


I follow a couple of these channels in the UK. The biggest difference I’ve noticed is that we have lost our hospitality here. For the homes you work on that people live in I’m just surprised that they don’t bring you water and such. I don’t know why we’ve lost that, but it makes me sad. Thank you for being of service!


Spencer, do you ever go back and revisit your projects to see if they are up kept? Do the neighbors try to maintain your hard efforts? You hard work and generosity are wonderful to watch.


Oh, look! There's a house back there. Talk about clearing a baby forest. What a transformation!


IDK what amazes me more, the 'befores', the 'afters', or your endless energy level, Spencer! 🙂


It gives me comfort to know that in this country there are still ppl who care about these abandoned homes and clean them up like you do, I also feel so relaxed watching these videos . Keep doing this, your blessings will be rewarded


You outdid yourself with this one. That was a hot mess! I enjoyed watching you cut down all of those trees.


The one thing that constantly blows my mind is the sheer SIZE of these backyards!! I've never seen anything like it...and Spencer, you make it look so easy :) Great job!


You are such a nice guy! I’ve been watching, here and there, for a while and I know you’re probably too nice to say anything (or there’s legal reasons) but I wish you could call out the cities that don’t take care of these abandoned properties. It’s pretty shameful, and a nuisance to the home owners around these places. Thanks for doing such wonderful work, for free!!! As an elderly, disabled person, it’s nice to know there are people out there like you 😊


Spencer I know you are young but I don't see how your back takes the constant bending over and up and down with your legs. You are such a an amazing person especially when it's totally free. No matter how bad it is for you. God bless you and your wife. We love you and love your work


It's so satisfying to watch you transform the place !


You literally cut across a jungle!! And did a very good job indeed!! Bless you Spencer.
