A Neighbor Said, FINALLY, Someone CLEANED UP the OVERGROWN Front Yard

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I was driving by when I saw the badly overgrown front yard of one of the houses, and decided to stop and ring the doorbell to ask the Owner if they needed help.
He told me that he just couldn't do the job himself and that he didn't have the money to hire someone else because the gardener had charged a lot of money for it last time. I told him that I was on my way home and had no other appointments today so I would do it for free and he was very surprised.
I started with mowing the tall grass with a trimmer, also knocked down weeds from the approach path and removed an old stump and a wild bush, then with a lawnmower I started mowing the lawn, first I mowed without a grass catcher to shred the grass, then collected everything in green bags and mowed again but with a grass catcher.
After trimming the beech hedge with a Stihl HSA86 trimmer, I trimmed the beech hedge, but as the hedge had grown so much, I had to use a more powerful Stihl HS82R trimmer, although in some places even it was not able to cut the thick branches, so I cut them with pruning shears. Then shortened the walnut bush as it too had grown a lot.
Before cleaning, I parked my car and trailer as close as possible and took a short break and started cleaning. In the meantime, the owner of the house came and brought me some water, we talked for a while, he said he was very happy that I had agreed to help him and if necessary I could leave my advertising poster on his property. I continued my work and removed two more small stumps, at this point the neighbors came up to me (unfortunately this is not on the video), they were thrilled with how the yard looked and asked for my phone number to contact me. Anyway, I loaded everything into my trailer and parked my car and mowed the driveway.
The whole job took an average of 4 hours and one full trailer of green waste!
He told me that he just couldn't do the job himself and that he didn't have the money to hire someone else because the gardener had charged a lot of money for it last time. I told him that I was on my way home and had no other appointments today so I would do it for free and he was very surprised.
I started with mowing the tall grass with a trimmer, also knocked down weeds from the approach path and removed an old stump and a wild bush, then with a lawnmower I started mowing the lawn, first I mowed without a grass catcher to shred the grass, then collected everything in green bags and mowed again but with a grass catcher.
After trimming the beech hedge with a Stihl HSA86 trimmer, I trimmed the beech hedge, but as the hedge had grown so much, I had to use a more powerful Stihl HS82R trimmer, although in some places even it was not able to cut the thick branches, so I cut them with pruning shears. Then shortened the walnut bush as it too had grown a lot.
Before cleaning, I parked my car and trailer as close as possible and took a short break and started cleaning. In the meantime, the owner of the house came and brought me some water, we talked for a while, he said he was very happy that I had agreed to help him and if necessary I could leave my advertising poster on his property. I continued my work and removed two more small stumps, at this point the neighbors came up to me (unfortunately this is not on the video), they were thrilled with how the yard looked and asked for my phone number to contact me. Anyway, I loaded everything into my trailer and parked my car and mowed the driveway.
The whole job took an average of 4 hours and one full trailer of green waste!