A Neighbor Said, FINALLY, Someone CLEANED UP the OVERGROWN Front Yard

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I was driving by when I saw the badly overgrown front yard of one of the houses, and decided to stop and ring the doorbell to ask the Owner if they needed help.
He told me that he just couldn't do the job himself and that he didn't have the money to hire someone else because the gardener had charged a lot of money for it last time. I told him that I was on my way home and had no other appointments today so I would do it for free and he was very surprised.
I started with mowing the tall grass with a trimmer, also knocked down weeds from the approach path and removed an old stump and a wild bush, then with a lawnmower I started mowing the lawn, first I mowed without a grass catcher to shred the grass, then collected everything in green bags and mowed again but with a grass catcher.
After trimming the beech hedge with a Stihl HSA86 trimmer, I trimmed the beech hedge, but as the hedge had grown so much, I had to use a more powerful Stihl HS82R trimmer, although in some places even it was not able to cut the thick branches, so I cut them with pruning shears. Then shortened the walnut bush as it too had grown a lot.
Before cleaning, I parked my car and trailer as close as possible and took a short break and started cleaning. In the meantime, the owner of the house came and brought me some water, we talked for a while, he said he was very happy that I had agreed to help him and if necessary I could leave my advertising poster on his property. I continued my work and removed two more small stumps, at this point the neighbors came up to me (unfortunately this is not on the video), they were thrilled with how the yard looked and asked for my phone number to contact me. Anyway, I loaded everything into my trailer and parked my car and mowed the driveway.
The whole job took an average of 4 hours and one full trailer of green waste!
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For starters, it made me so happy when you replanted the garlic! It's always amusing when you show us your small treasures you find when cleaning. You are such a hard worker, and it's clear you take pride in your job, no matter how big or how small. Thank you for sharing with us!


You never fail to amaze me. It was so kind of you to help this gentleman out. It was a lot of hard work, and it turned out so beautifully!! I'm very happy that you got more customers because of this cleanup. You deserve whatever goodness comes your way. I know this gentleman was thrilled with the work you did, and now his property and his house will get a lot more sunshine in it. You made his world so much brighter! Thank you!!!!


You go about trimming these hedges like a knight slaying a dragon. You make it look so easy, and IT'S NOT! But what I really love about you is you always check the hedges for bird nests, and I've never seen anyone else do this. I subscribe and so should everyone else. It's easy, it's free, and your notified about new videos. And people while your watching give this channel a 👍 this man does Great work lets keep him going.


You certainly tamed that jungle. Amazing job. I am sure the neighbors appreciate all your hard work Thank you.


Your work is incredibly flawless, but what brings a smile to my face are your license plates! you must have a great sense of humor and that's what I like about people 👍
Wish you the best from Greece 😍


Great transformation. What a great gift to the homeowner.


From Illinois. If the world had more people LIKE YOU, it would be a much better and happier place. God Bless You !!


Beautiful stunning transformation, that was very kind of you to do this massive job for free


On behalf of all of us that have desperately needed a helping hand at one time or another - THANK YOU


Greetings from Texas. I watch quite a few of these channels, and I think you're the master of trimming shrubs and bushes. They always look perfect! ❤ I really liked the license plate 😊


Your work is amazing. You are so strong that you make it look easy to do. I never miss your videos


Not only is the yard/hedges able to breathe again, but also the homeowners. Thank you for sharing this with us. ❤🎉😊


Thank you for helping out that homeowner. Beautiful job, well done.


That was a tremendous amount of work to complete in only four hours. It looks wonderful.


You do very nice work, and it is a joy to tag along.


Looks so beautiful now. It’s actually quite a good size and the weeping willow is so pretty. You don’t see many of those these days.
Shame the neighbour didn’t think to offer him some help.


AMAZING! You truly were a godsend to this family! Watching you work is like watching an artist on his/her canvas! You always do such a beautiful and thorough job. God bless you and thank you for sharing☺️


Hi Kustovez, what a transformation. That was a lot of work, but the finished job was amazing, you are a Angel for doing it, out the goodness of your heart, for someone less fortunate than others. Well done😊😊😊


I love watching you work. My favorite is when you do the bushes & trees. I’ve learned so much on how to do my home🩵


Thank you for helping a family who desperately needed help. And then didn't charge them. What a big heart you have! And you do so much by manual labor! The way you swing the green waste bags up over your shoulder, you look like Santa loading his sled. And you are Santa for sure!
