Never Do THIS When You Leave Your Cat ALONE!

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You probably don't think twice about leaving your cat home alone for a long day at work or even an extended weekend vacation. You hire a pet sitter, provide him or her with plenty of food and water, and you're good to go.
Even though cats handle long periods of time alone better than their canine counterparts, you shouldn't overestimate their abilities. Cats are social animals and they notice when you're gone.
So what should you never do when leaving your cat alone? We'll tell you in this video!

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I also got a second cat and that was the best decision ever! They run after each other, groom each other and I don’t feel guilty when I come home from work because I know those two had each other


My cat knows a ton of words and phrases including "I gotta go to work" "I gotta go to the store" and "I'll be back later" so he never stresses while I'm gone, he basically just sleeps the entire time, and always welcomes me happily at the door when I arrive home. Many people think talking to your cats is weird, but it's important to familiarize them with phrases and words so they can understand what's happening in the world around them.


I had to get rid of my cat Bella, a few years ago, for this same reason. At the time i was working like 70-80 hours and often 7 days a week and i could tell the cat was desperate for attention. So i gave her to my sister. I'd miss having her at home with me but she was so much happier with my sister. There was almost always someone home and the cat actually seemed to really like little kids, more than any cat I've ever seen. And besides, i still got to see her when i went over my sister's house. She was happy and well loved for her last few years instead of lying around alone wondering when i was coming home. RIP Bella


I never leave my cat alone love him to much


Someone dropped off a beautiful male long haired kitten in front of my house. One year later, we found a pregnant female who had been abandoned.
They are both fixed and have all their shots..we slowly introduced them, and they are a very loving little cute to see them playing together.


I also highly recommend getting a pet cam that you can log into and watch them several times a day when away. It's very reassuring to be able to see them with one of these.


It's best to have 2 pets if there are no humans home during the day. When I lived in San Antonio, I had 2 cats. I had just gotten separated from my now ex-wife and lived alone. Most days, it was about 10 hours between when I left for work and got home. Wed was longer because I went to a Bible study on the way home. So, I got a brother and sister from the same litter. They had known each other since the womb so they were friends already. Having each other as company was great and they often shared my lap in the evening. 👍


If possible, get another cat! I got one for mine, and he's really happy now. He had a companion, but I had to put her to sleep when she had a tumor. My cat was lonely, depressed, and clingy. I found a good rescue cat to adopt, and now he's happy again. They've taken over my house! They're partners in crime... :)


I’ve just got a kitten for my 1 year old cat because she suddenly showed signs of being lonely when I was at work. Going to be introducing them to each other in the next week! Hope it goes ok!


When I work or leave to run errands, I will always leave on the radio to comfort my girl plus fill the void of silence with soothing music. My girl gives me so much joy, comfort and unconditional love ... she may be a feline but she's my baby always needing my love, comfort, protection, care!!! 🐈‍⬛


Great info. Also, leave a radio tuned to talk shows, or put on a long cat video of birds and wildlife. My cat loves those. I also use a timed feeder (LeBistro) and a continuous water dispenser.


Also, don't put tinsel on the lower limbs of your Christmas tree if you have a cat. They are attracted to it and will swallow a whole strand. Very bad for kitty if it doesn't pass through the innards but gets balled up and stuck inside her. My cat managed to find an old strand of it somewhere this week ( haven't used it for years ) and he was not acting like he felt well at all. Throwing up, etc. Got worried. I found the offending article in his litter box this morning, thank heavens, and he's fit as a fiddle now. But, it can kill. Just beware. Cheers!


I have a cat named nappy i do have to work to so i give my cat a huge and pet him before i head into work.somtimes i work 7 to 8 hour.s i work part time and have 20 hour, r a week but when i get home i call my cat and meawww at him and give him a hug and he prrring and happy to see me and im glad to see him to


I feel bad now. I used to leave my cat Bert outside for a weekend sometimes. He was happy to see me when I returned so I never thought he minded me leaving. He's gone now and I miss him.


6: Get your cat a playmate. Get two cats instead of one, so they can chase after each other and groom each other.


Great advice. 🥰 I always have my daughter or son stay at my place, to take care of my cat, while I am away.


A great video. My Cat, Ms Lily who was a rescue will be 18 years old this year. I would never leave her alone without a sitter for more then a day. I want her to stay in her home and be looked after by people she likes and knows. My GF is setting up some cameras in my house this weekend, as I go to hospital regularly. I will then be able to watch her at home. I cannot understand how anybody would assume that any Pet can be left alone overnight without someone who you trust is caring for them. Always be careful who you ask to look after your Cat, make sure you know them well. If they are a sitting or drop in service, check their references etc. 🐈🐶🇦🇺🐾💗


I have two sisters. Sometimes I think they enjoy when I leave for a weekend!😺


This is SO SAD that some people don't KNOW THIS & if they DON'T know, they have NO BUSINESS having any animal!!!


The best thing to do is to adopt a 2nd cat to keep your 1st cat company and entertained. Cats are sociable and need mental stimulation.
