Ben Shapiro: Here's Why The White Privilege Argument Is Bogus

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Ben Shapiro points out how affirmative action, equality under the law, and other factors disprove the existence of "white privilege" in America.
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Ben missed his true calling as a auctioneer.


“White privilege is not having someone else to blame for your failures.” - Bill Whittle


No seriously, he's literally said it a thousand times. I feel you Ben.


Ben is quite the “wordsmith”, the way he beautifully sidesteps the existence of “dog whistle politics” is absolutely poetic…


"Specificity is the friend to action, vaguity is the enemy" - Ben Shapiro


I love that you can tell Ben treats some people differently than others. If they seem shy or scared to ask a question, he'll joke around and try to talk a bit more calmly. But if they are more confident and intelligent, he'll get straight to the point.


I liked Ben's comment that "evaluating biases" and your behavior etc. "used to be called be a decency."


There are two races of men in this world, but only these two—the “race” of the decent man and the “race” of the indecent man.

Viktor Frankl


Point of personal privilege, hi, my pronouns are King, Your Royal Highness and His Majesty.
How do I use my "white" privilege?
I must have missed a meeting.


I have literally been told not to apply for certain jobs cause they “weren’t looking for more whites people right now”. Affirmative action has been real and a massive thing since I entered the work force in the mid 90’s.


Ben is absolutely NECESSARY in these troubled times!


There is only one thing in my life that I have benefitted from without earning it. I was born into a family with a mother and a father who were married to each other. I have greatly benefitted from that basic family structure. That privilege had nothing to do with my skin color.


We are all one thing, human beings with feelings. Enough with separating us! Unity in mankind is divine.


The guy asking that question shouldn't be anywhere near as "nuanced" on that issue. I'm black myself and would laugh at him for even trying that nonsense with me while openly wondering if he's a conservative.
Ben actually is 100% correct on this issue and it should be the standard. It's because we don't have this foundational value, and seem to now want to make excuses for not holding it, like this guy asking the question, is why we're here.
I was actually having this very conversation with my mom the other day who believes some of this and she had no answer for me once I broke it down as Ben did; albeit for me with greater detail and specific examples.
I myself have experienced descrimination, but to accept ideologies that are blatantly immoral and/or false, while not identifying what the correct standard is, especially as conservatives, is a path that always leads to disaster. The breakdown of our culture, among other important institutions and arenas, is evidence of this to our own detriment. Not even abolitionists like Frederick Douglas all the way to MLK would agree with this young man and wonder what values he's holding. He seems to have acquiesced to many of these false, and salacious narratives of the day.
I'm starting to see alot of this crap that is antithetical to conservatism and proper standards plague conservatism, and I'm starting to wonder if I should identify as one anymore since it appears many of them, like this guy, are adopting these immoral ideologies that I despise from the left/progressives.
I see alot of people making excuses for what this guy said, talking about how "it's ok for conservatives to disagree." No, you shouldn't be disagreeing on basic, fundamental conservative and moral values. This is not debateable or difficult. You never get entangled with this intersectionality garbage on any level. It's wrong. Period.


He’s an’s a legal argument by saying “white privilege” by definition is not a thing so I can’t help but show me a racist person and what they are doing that’s racist and I can help you


Imagine spending weeks on the “perfect question” and thinking “yeah, I got him”... only to get destroyed in 15 seconds 😂


The only privilege we have is through hard work and openly communicating with respect our beliefs, to better understand and enjoy life as a culture. I personally disagree with putting "labels" before the word "privilege", it usually only angers others and makes it more difficult to work towards the good in each of us.


That was a whole novel's worth of information in two minutes...


I always believed that constantly bringing up or talking about a problem without offering a solution is just complaining or whining. Love your show. Run for president and fix us.
