Superheroes in Real Life Caught On Camera !

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Superheroes in Real Life Caught On Camera !
In this video we’re going to show you some of the most beautiful and emotional moments when different people saved other people and became real heroes!

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Every single time that I see the video of the little boy whose dad left him... And then the camera shows the drunk dad acting so aloof, it makes my blood boil.


The house fire one really got me. 4 years ago my apartment building burnt down & my neighbours rescued me too. I’m deaf & I didn’t hear the commotion & about 5 or 6 of my neighbours were doing everything possible to alert me, all the while staying in the burning building & risking their own lives. Thankfully everyone survived but within seconds of getting outside, the room I was in was completely engulfed. Such a close call, extremely traumatic but forever grateful to those neighbours


The guy that helped his neighbor get away from the fire must be a dad. "come here baby" <3 I love when people treat kids with such kindness


I met heroes today! I'm always such a wreck when in any medical facility (mental health related; it sucks) and I had to go to the ER. Literally EVERYONE I came across went out of their way to help me and the ultrasound tech talked me through the entire procedure. When I asked questions, she answered, no matter how silly the question was. Before that, she talked about literally any-and-everything in a calm and even playful at times manner. She apologized every time I cringed in pain and even made sure to get not just me a couple warm blankets, but got them for my sister, too, who came with me. That's someone I'll never forget. There was an older male patient, too, and when he saw my sister struggling to get me through a doorway (I was in a wheelchair), he jumped up and asked if he could hold the door for us. It didn't matter that he was sick and in pain, too. He just wanted to help. Sometimes, humanity is entirely worth life.

Edited for a typo.


Respect to the granny who ripped of the thief's mask to expose him she might be old, but she is definitely still young by heart.


The little boy who went into the cockpit was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! The pic at the end of that clip, showing his bright, cute smile, melted my heart! These videos were very cool! Not too fond of the father who is so nonchalant about the former policeman kayaking in the river and finding his young child! I need more context on that! That river should've been inundated with boats trying to find that little boy!


1:29 - I just can't understand why the rescuers couldn't toss her the rope BEFORE she jumped into the water. That could have gone so much worse, what the heck were they thinking.


The farmer who was helping his neighbor contain the fire lost his life in the process but saved his neighbors farms.


*I wish I had the courage like these heroes to be able to help others in the worst situations. I always want to help others; I love seeing acts of kindness from people. It truly touches my heart ♥*


The man feeding the baby Manatee is one of the most precious things I've ever seen. People who help animals are the best people❤❤❤


I witnessed a kidnapping a month ago right before my apartment complex. I was the first to hear the screams, got to the window and when I saw what was going on, I started shouting at them to let her go, and woke up everyone in the neighborhood who then started to shout as well while also calling the police and running downstairs to intervene. The kidnappers had arrived with two cars, and when we started shouting, they took out their weapons and started pointing at us, telling us to get inside or they'd shoot us as well. The girl was fighting so goddamn hard, and we distracted them so much that they kept dropping her to the ground instead of being able to throw her into the car. Then an old man with a walking chair appeared with his tiny dog, probably coming back from the park, and started walking towards them. The men pointed the gun at him while we were screaming, and told him not to get closer. But he kept slowly yet surely walking towards them with his cowering dog behind. It was absolutely astonishing. The kidnappers literally panicked by this old fella and somehow threw the fighting girl into one of the cars, started to drive away but didn't have the time to close the passenger doors of the vehicle, and they sped off. By then, a couple of people started to appear out of the apartment complex and I also started to run down in complete terror, thinking maybe I can help the police find them ASAP, as I was the first person to witness the event from the beginning. In an incredible turn of events, we saw the girl all bruised and bleeding, running towards us from the street down, crying and shouting us that she threw herself out from the car while on the move, as they were too distracted and panicked to close the doors.

We called for even more people from the apartment complex to get more crowded and hold the street in case they were to come back, and then took the girl to a safer corner until the police arrived. After the ambulance took the girl and we spoke to police and filled our witness forms, I approached the old man to express my astonishment for his courage. He told me "I probably have a couple of more years to live, but I rather give it away if I can cause a good amount of trouble for those bastards".

The case is still ongoing, unfortunately we are still expecting the news of their arrest.


Keep it Real bro💯 Change the Thumbnail, In that picture he was protecting them from a faulty Elevator, not from Elderly Man Hitting them.


12:44 So is nobody going to question why the guy was stealing some trees 😂🤣


They risked their faith to help a person. That is humanity


Always up lifting to see in this crazy world there’s still kindness out there


I think that this is just what people should be doing if they are capable. This should be the norm, not the exception.


The cockpit one is so sweet cause when I was a kid, I was diagnosed with autism, I wanted the window seat but it was all booked and I couldn't get one. So one of the flight attendants took me to the pilot and the pilot actually let me sit in one of the seats, when it was not taking off of course, and gave both me and mum a Teddy bear and I still have it to this day & I have the picture of it. Pilots & flight attendants are nice when you are nice, remember that.


I’ve seen the video of the boy who was found in the river with the life jacket twice now and wish there was more footage of presumably the dad because I need context on that response of his. Currently it frustrates me. He says thank you then lightheartedly says they might be seeing each other again.

First off, why?
And secondly, why is he so nonchalant about this ordeal? It just feels like he doesn’t care. I would be pissed.

It’d be like finding a kid on the side of the highway and taking him all the way to his house only for the dad to open the door casually and he like “OHHHH I KNEW I was forgetting something. Heh. Thanks, dawg.”


2:45 I saw another video like this, apparently the kid was swimming in the river and got taken out by the current. He was screaming for his dad but his dad was drunk and didn’t come help. The person on the boat managed to rescue the kid before he got hypothermia. ❤❤


This video...restored my faith in humanity. I know that sounds corny or dramatic, but I've been very disheartened lately, and this is what I needed. Made me cry in a good way. Thank you for this!! 🙂
