Cat Talisman Makes NO SENSE 🐱 #eldenring #gaming #darksouls #fromsoftware

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The Cat Talisman has been a staple of the Soul series for a long time, but its Elden Ring iteration is the most useless we have EVER seen, both for PvE and PvP. Let's find out why!

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Everyone clap for Sellen and the others for finding out the soft caps by coincidence.


Did you know that in cut content, the cat talisman talks about how Radahn had a cat?


I love that you find it on a body at the bottom of a platforming fall. A subtle hint that the thing is nearly completely useless. Good going, From.


"Caramel apprentice"...



Best new thing i've learned recently, has been? If you wear even just one piece of the briar set, you will not break pots, barrels, tables, boxes et cetera by jumping or backstepping into them. This helps platforming tremendously!!


Feels like a relic from a point in the development where fall damage was less forgiving. I feel like they doubled the grace period for fall damage from Dark Souls, but after testing it probably had too much chip damage for an open world game where you could take fall damage over time and would discourage exploration.


So, there's two other ways to ensure that you don't die to fall damage.

The first (and simplest) way is to toss a prism stone off the ledge first. It makes a different sound if the fall is lethal.

The second is to use any Ash of War that moves you forward (for example, Waterfowl Dance). If you use the ash and the drop is lethal, you won't go past the edge. If you do go over the side and fall, the landing is almost certainly survivable.


There's a cat talisman in ELDEN RING? Never knew that


Thank you Sellen! I actually didn’t know this was in the game and the reassurance I get from being called an ‘apprentice instead of a slur every day is the only reason I learn anything in Elden ring!


There is one spot in Volcano manor if you are entering from the raya lucaria path you can jump on a corner that ALMOST kills you, using the talisman lets you save a flask that you are gonna need because of the lava walk untill anywhere


I'm gonna wear my kitty ring if I damn well please


Miyazaki just wanted to try and give the player something nice


As a player who’s just now experiencing Elden ring ( on my second playthrough though ) I appreciate the fact you’re still posting new content. That dex fact is crazy !


If you can keep a pretty strong mental note of where the locations in the game are where a fall would result in non-lethal damage, I would say this talisman has use in the fact that it can be immediately swapped on (as opposed to the soft cotton or the spell, both requiring a moment of slow-down in order to be applied).

If you're say in an invasion setting and require a quick getaway that can actually punish the host or any of their teammates that dare pursue you further and you KNOW a location like this is nearby, hot swapping the cat talisman on and taking the plunge COULD provide you that edge needed to either get away as they refuse to jump themselves, or gjve you a follow-up combat advantage by them taking the damage themselves if they are not prepared for such a situation as you are.

Is it a niche and rarely applied set of circumstances to even give this thing credit for? Sure, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's useless. I will admit though, it would be weirdly cool if fall damage could fall (no pun intended) somewhere between what it is in this game and, say, Dark Souls 1. That to me would be a nice decent balance to make strategies like this feel just a bit more viable again like they used to be.


Sellen completely took over Roderika's job.
In a few episodes, she'll be calling us titanite slabs


I just miss the original release version. When you could literally free bird, as long as there were no enemies present.

Felt pretty refreshing


I still remember my happines the first time I found that talisman, because the equivalent of that item in ds3 was pretty good. Just to feel disappointed later on because I wasn't even able to tell the difference it made to have it equipped.


There is one place I always use, it would be in the Lyndell sewers.

Where the pipes don’t go more down and it’s a long drop to the two oversized Lobsters to get through the crack in the catacombs and collect Mohg’s seal.

I would use it to take less damage when jumping off the pipe just to be ready to face or even run away from the oversized dinners.


You can get this talisman in the Virgin telporter to Volcano Manor. To get to volcano manor you have to drop down the ledge, which takes a lot of fall damage. This talisman is for that, so you can stay in the lava for a little bit longer if you don't have enough vigor


This is a useful talisman for invaders. Have it somewhere close to talisman slot 1 for hardswaps. Mitigating fall damage means you can take pathing short cuts that don’t result in your taking damage, eliminating the need to heal which saves flasks and time, as well as not revealing your position to defenders. The stairs before the Belurat Divine Lion that overlook the rest of the town come to mind. Instead of running all the way down the flight of stairs, you can quickly swap to the talisman and drop down quickly.

The other use is when you are being chased as you can go off a high edge and not take damage, but your pursuers will follow and fall allowing a health advantage that can give you time or an opportunity to fight back. Can also be used to bait people into lethal falls if you adjust your positioning after the fall.

This is a very useful talisman, do not sleep on it.
