Photos not backing up in Google Photos from Android [How to fix it]

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In this video today we will see how to fix if photos are not backing up to Google photos from Android. Google photos not backing up photos. Why are my photos not backing up in Google photos. Why my photos are not coming in Google photos. Why are my photos not uploading to Google photos. How do I force Google photos to backup. Google photos not backing up all photos.

Today in this video we will see what to do if you are not able to back up photos that are present in the gallery of your phone to Google photos. The first thing that you have to check is you have to see if there is internet connection in your device or not. For photos to be backed up to Google photos there should be internet connection. So open any YouTube videos or open any website to check if there is internet connection or not. The next thing after that to check is see how much of space is left in Google photos. So go to Google photos. Tap on the profile icon here and check how much of space is present. You will get 15 GB of free storage and if there is no space left photos won't be backed up to the Google Photos. So if there is no space free then either you have to purchase more space or else you can go to this option Free up space and the Google photos will check how much of space you can make free in Google photos. Any files that you don't use or temporary files they will be removed and you will gain more storage. Now after this the other thing that you have to pay attention is you can upload photos which are less than 200 MB or less than 150 Megapixel and also for videos you cannot upload videos more than 10 GB. So if any photo is not uploading then what you do is you can go to the gallery and suppose if this photo is not uploading I will check the size of the photo. Let me tap on these three dotted icons here and then details. So I can see this photo is only 6517 Kilobyte. So this photo should upload to the Google photos. So make sure that the size of the photo is less than 200 MB or less than 150 MP Now the other thing that you have to do is you can go to this option settings here. Go to Apps and then what we will do is we will look for Google photos. Scroll down and go to photos here. So go to this option Permission and check whether Google photos has permission to access the storage present in here phone. So if Google photos cannot access the storage then photo can't be uploaded to Google photos. Make sure to enable this option storage. Also go back go to this option storage. Select clear cache and clear the cache files for Google photos. So do all of these things and hopefully you should be able to back up the photos that are present in the gallery to Google photos.

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