Leaked Video Exposes Steven Crowder For Who He Truly Is

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It's not an act, folks. Steven Crowder's on-air behavior extended beyond the studio and is reflected in a leaked video that shows him berating his pregnant wife.

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Yes hello, this is Jordan calling from California. Jordan from California, what's on your mind? Yes, I just wanted to speak about the Crowder situation. I think it's very important to notice and know Hillary Crowder, Mrs. ExCrowder no who he was before she got married to him and she was okay with that. And I think it's really important for her if we are going to yeah you know promote her and be supportive of her that she recognizes how toxic. This ain't it. This is not it. I mean there were the women who were victims of sexual harassment and abuse at Fox News also didn't have great politics. Does that mean that we should not pursue that kind of attack on some of the sexual abusers at Fox News? Plus oh I don't think that's what he's saying. But you're not that's not what you're saying are you caller? Yes no this is definitely not what I'm saying. No okay I mean what are you saying let me let me see if I can do because because I made this comment about Abby Grossberg as well. Where she said like I I was surprised to find that Tucker Carlson was a misogynist. I thought that was an act. And I think I think the point that you're trying to make is that the reason why these people like the idea that well it's okay for this guy Stephen to go on and to be fair to her I I think you know it's not let's take it out of the realm of just her you know this but the the the particular person to make it more about the general question. The idea is that this guy who goes on Fox News to talk to three million people a night or the guy who goes on to YouTube and has I don't know gets a million views per video and espouses this kind of misogyny. espouse this kind of transphobia. This idea of attacking marginalized people. I was okay with him doing that. I'm just surprised he brought it home. I mean you know this should be obvious. This should be obvious. I don't care though. I mean she's a victim of abuse and that's the only thing that should be there. I don't think the point is to say that this is not a defense or an attack on Hillary Crowder. The idea is that these are who these people are. Whether it's an act or not like you know this is who he is. and people should understand there are real-world implications to this. Both in terms of like you know at home but also in terms of what it does to other people. I appreciate the call. We'll talk about this now.
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The crazy thing is Steven Crowder is exactly who I thought he was. I’m not surprised he’s verbally abusive on his wife.


"The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching" - John Wooden


Crowder is taking it from both sides. Both right wingers and left wingers have uploaded videos attacking him. Crowder also recently took a shot at no-fault divorce. Almost like he was saying his wife had no right to leave him.


What I don’t think that people are realizing is that this is narcissistic abuse. There is a difference between an abusive relationship and narcissistic abuse. He isn’t even making sense. That escalation and confusion are on purpose. If someone else were to walk out onto the patio with them, he would completely change his demeanor and point her out as being all worked up over nothing. And make fun of her for being so sensitive. And sadly, most people buy. Further isolating the victim. He uses “word salad, ” “flipping the narrative, ” childish pitty me and demonizing her, backing her into a corner in an impossible argument. And, it’s all on purpose because they love to watch you squirm in confusion and upset. It’s almost impossible to figure out which way is up by the time that they start pulling out all of these tactics. And it really sucks when you’ve been through it and people don’t understand it. It’s nice that they don’t understand because they haven’t ever dealt with it but, it minimizes the traumatizing experience that you had gone through at the same time. It’s hard to come out of and changes you completely. I hope that people will try and understand and stop talking shit on her. This is something very serious. And the societal view of the woman (or man) who has experienced it is part of the traumatization.


Steven is a monster and hopefully his life is destroyed in the court of public opinion.

I hope the ex-wife and her family release all and I mean all the dirt.


Not at all surprised that this is how self described real men treat their wives


It's obvious having 1 car was about control.


I am a survivor of domestic violence. After four years, it was this kind of verbal abuse that absolutely damaged my brain. You get over the physical abuse. Bruises heal. The psychological abuse and cycle of power and control conditions you and breaks you down in a way that makes it really hard to find your way out.

She is a survivor. I'm very happy she is standing up for herself. He will come for her even harder now so I hope she has support.


The fact that the Crowders only have one vehicle is absolutely a huge red flag for abuse and it's surprising more people haven't brought it up.
Leave it to Emma to bring it up. She is just such a bad ass.


victim first. who gives a shit who she thought he was or did or didn't know about him? he's the abuser.


In the 8th month of pregnancy, he's NOT making things easy for her.
It's somewhat unmanly IMO.


The amount of people defending Crowder may be more unnerving than what Crowder may be doing himself


I would’ve really liked for Sam to let Emma finish her point to the caller because I believe what she was about to say is very important to be broadcast.


Sadly, some people never would've believed her if this video wasn't made public....🙄


Steven Crowder watched "Sleeping With the Enemy" and thought Julia Roberts was the bad guy


My Christian ex-husband never displayed this type of misogyny until after we were married. Too many stories to tell, but now he is a full-blown magat.


At the cpac youth womens summitt last year, candace owens and other influencers were telling the young ladies there that their goal should be to get married, and lose their first name.

One guy on stage bragged to the girls that he doesnt even use his wifes name....only calls her "my bride".

No name, no rights, is the goal smh


This really takes me to a dark place. I was pregnant with twins. Got told I was fat and didn't need to eat. Got denied the car too and had to walk 2 miles to get groceries, toiletries and walk back 2 miles. I got beat up and at 8 months he pinned me on the couch and sat on my stomach. He belittled me all the time and was cheating on me with his coworker. It was a horrible time. I tried to go to college after I had the twins and found out he was watching porn with the kids while I was at school. I had to quit.


Let's be clear. This was not an argument. This was her saying she needed to the grocery shopping and him completely blindsiding her. Her reaction to it told me that he's done this alot in the ten years or however long they've been married. And I'm so tired of the way people blame the victim . . . She knew who he was when she married him, she shouldn't have gone home with him, she knew what she was getting into she just wanted a gold medal, and even HE knew what he was getting into and now he's crying over CTE . . . Nobody agrees ahead of time that if they will just consent to being abused for a few short years, they'll get a gold medal or a rich husband or an NFL contract. That's not how any of this works.


The car thing triggered me, as we currently have lawmakers trying to outlaw pregnant people from driving out of state
