Steven Crowder being a j@ckass berating his pregnant wife | The Fathers Rights Attorney

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Way to be on top of the news cycle...LOL.


Not a fan of the guy and know nothing of the wife, but I’m not basing the whole divorce on a clip from their home security.


This guy deserve much worse than this, because he Basing Muslim people for not treating their wife’s well, so what happens now, who got schooled. Good for her to leave him miserable.


A small clip of him talking about being left at home because his wife apparently takes the only car they have, and him being upset that she doesn’t apparently help around the house which would in turn be “wifely things” cooking, cleaning, etc which I imagine he’s doing because apparently she’s always gone

Look. Hate the guy if you wanna hate him.
But there’s more than just a segmented clip from a yard cam.

The news does this with shootings to make police look bad when the body cams full footage almost always show something different. Stop believing everything you see on the internet, there’s always two sides to disputes like this


Never liked Crowder, most of his arguments come from a hateful and callous place and has never sat right with me. Knowing he'll be alone because he can't keep opinions to himself/ just let people be people in their own space is slightly gratifying but... I still hope one day he'll debate people his own age.
