Have you heard about ‘time theft’? 👀⏰ #shorts

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Did you know that you might have to pay the company that fired you?

There was a story that came out this past week about a Canadian woman who was ordered to pay her ex-employer about $2,000 because they were able to prove that she didn’t work 50 hours that she logged on her timesheet - they call this ‘time theft’.

Time theft = not working during hours you’re being paid to work (like taking long breaks, logging off early, do random things while ‘one the job’) ⏰

This new precedent is definitely something to watch out for!

#TimeTheft #EmployeeTimeTheft #EmployerTimeTheft #Job #JobTips #Career #careertips

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I work in IT, I assure you 99% of companies do not do this.


Just want to point out that COMPANIES steal wages from workers WAY MORE then workers steal from companies.


I read the full news article about the case. The employee was a scammer and the employer was 100% in the right. She kept coming up with excuse after excuse, and they kept proving she was lying again and again. For example one thing she tried was to claim that she wasn't using the device because she printed everything off and was working on paper copies. They checked and could prove her device had never printed a single document.


They should take money away from management from all the hours they don't work as well.


What jobs do these people have that require them to be constantly on the computer?? What about meetings where u are sitting and listening. Even if its a zoom meeting: you're not going to moving your mouse around. And if you have to get up to get something from the printer! Bathroom breaks, coffee breaks, lunch. Conversing face to face with a coworker about work. There are so many variables to consider.


That’s ridiculous that they have a program like that, cause what if your reading an email, not loving your mouse, then the program considers that “idle, ” or if your taking notes. That system is wrong on all levels.


I read that story. It was bc she was billing for hours she didn’t work. But I don’t think that would apply for exempt salary employees in the US if we’re getting our jobs done regardless of the hours actually worked.


Just reminds me how lucky I am to live in europe. Everything in this video would never be possible here


Yeah this would not happen if you have a union at your workplace


Time theft is so petty and stupid. As long as you get the work done it shouldn’t matter how long it took to do it. Also I better I could sue them back because of my ADHD causing me to work slowly.


this is an example of how capitalism is skewed toward corporations, they could make you work overtime weekly don’t pay you extra, deny you PTO or vacations, underpay you but if you dare to sue you are the one losing the battle


Even though she likely was meeting all expectations prior because different people work at different paces and to punish fast workers is disgusting.


HR is the worst. I worked for a company over 15 years. I had a manager that always berated me in front of people. Not sure why but she was the worst. Someone saw it and said I should go to HR. I was like no because those that go to HR always seem to get fired first. So I didn't. Then I was laid off. So I complained to HR that I believed I was laid off not to performance but due to personal reasons. The first question they asked me was if I had anything recorded. Once they found out I didn't they did an "investigation" found out everything I said was true. But said "we're going to let you go anyway".


The worker had to be aware they are being recorded else everything goes out the window


ehhh... Time theft iisnt always a thing tho...
IN US (ik you said canada) But in US its a law that Even if AN employee is clocked in /called in to work and is idle or on call. Or have whatever... they are still required to get paid even if its idle


Employees need to have constant paper trails to protect yourself from corporate garbage like this.


Unless their job 100% requires you to be online then you might have a case.


The case mentioned was for time theft, but not because the employee was on other websites as this video tries to portray.

The employee logged 50 hours of work on files (I believe this was at an accounting firm) that she never actually worked on. So it was technically fraudulent billing. And she admitted doing that in open court.


HR is not your friend, they don't care about you


Was that why she was fired? Don't tell them you are going to sue. Your lawyer does that.
