K7AGE Builds The ZZRX-40 Receiver Kit- Part 2 - Tools, Parts & Soldering

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In this video I show the tools required to build this kit, parts identification and inventory, and I solder the first part on to the printed circuit board

This receiver is highlighted on the cover of QST July 2016 magazine. It is sold by the Four States QRP Group.

This is an easy kit to build. No surface mount parts, all through hole, no alignment, and not coils to wind.

Ham Nation Deal
US only shipments at this price
Add in the PayPal notes section "Ham Nation Build Group Discount for the ZZRX40"
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Offer expires December 31, 2016

In my next video, I will continue soldering the parts on the printed circuit board.

AA0ZZ's web site with QST article

From their website -

Kitted and Offered For Sale By The Four State QRP Group

This simple receiver demonstrates how very few components can be assembled to make a functioning and usable HF receiver. Many receivers of similar design have been built from scratch and and kits. But the ZZRX-40 has a few wrinkles that the others may not.

• Incorporated into the design is the ability to easily choose an on board VXO or LC VFO - or an external VFO of your choice, DDS, Super VXO, homebrew, etc. The ZZRX-40 is the perfect proving ground for whatever VFO that you have, or wish to build.

• The kit also includes AAØZZ's excellent silk screened and drilled enclosure design. Refer to the photo page for details.

• There are NO SMT parts to install, only through hole parts are used, making this an easy kit to build. After all the parts are installed it is complete and ready to try out.

• No alignment is required and it may be put on the air immediately after the last part is installed.
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Thanks Randy, congrats on your steadiness of hand. Even with only 1-2 mugs of my beloved coffee, I get the trembles and it seems to go away by 2PM.


Very nice camera work. Thanks for putting this video on for us. I've built many kits and home brew projects over the years and am really enjoying watching you do it the right way! Keep up the good work. 73 de K7RMJ


You are a great "Elmer" Randy.


Nicely done, good tips, and as always a great video. If I may there was one thing missing from your tools list and that is something to clean up the flux afterwards, a bottle of 90% (or better) isopropyl alcohol and a old tooth brush will do the trick. Keep up the good work!


Really good video, Randy. Thanks for sharing this.


cant wait to see this completed enjoy the videos. :)
73's k7sce


Yeah I know this video is old but I was interested in watching it so I'm a fan of yours but one thing I should say you should have had the fan sucking the stuff away from you because blowing at you just cools iron off that way there's less dwell time on the PCB


Great stuff, Randy! Your new camera is working well. One thing that would help me is how to know that a capacitor marked 224K is actually 0.22 uF. I've never quite figured that one out. 73, Dave, KEØOG


Got my kit in last week. Can't wait to get started!
