Anthony Morris, Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses: Part 4- Family Finances

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We take a look at whether his parents were wealthy as he said, and if he has his own money to spend on alcohol.

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Can't get enough Tony Morris coverage? Keep the good times going with these great resources:
1. JW Survey/Lloyd Evan's 'Getting to know Anthony Morris' series:

2. John Cedars/ Lloyd Evan's 'Taking on Tony' series:
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Why do these strange "thumbs down" people have a problem with facts about the people they follow?? There's not even anything particularly scandalous on this little series.


Tony Morris is living for free, so his 30, 000 can go a long way. I worry about all of the "friends" that will not receive a penny from their parents because they have named Watchtower as their heir.
Too sad for words!


Thanks for the video.

GB members get lots of attention from wealthy witnesses. It wouldn't have been necessary for him to use WTS funds by any means, even though it boils down to the same thing almost; just a technicality.

Even so, we now know Tony Morris does not deprive himself of some aspects of "the good life" and clearly feels some guilt over it. Out of town? On a Sunday morning? Who stocks up on $800+ on liqour, but a "worldly" person?

Thanks for the details.


Absolutely fascinating.

I'd love to see some of the facts of the other guys. Eg. Jeffrey Jackson, one of the liars at the ARC.

And also the very strange Stephen Lett.


I can only speak about my personal experience. My exhusband forged my name for over 70 thousand. My exhusband's brother forged his wifes name for twice as much and took money from his mother bank account. My exsister in law went to jail three different times for forgery! Ok.

One judge said that he knew the family and forgery runs in this family.
I really believe elders knew something about my ex before I married him. He still sits at meetings!
Just because Mimbs took the fall does not mean the director Victor Grassmick was innocent. It means they could not link a paper trail leading to this scum! Everyone kept their mouths shut! Who ever investigated this case did a poor job! Because if I investigated this case Grassmick would go to jail!

You need to understand that Victor is not innocent he just was not proven guilty.
Today these two would both go to prison for a long time! Times change and back when this case happened it was not investigated very good. They got one person and that was good enough! Today, that shabby case would not happen! Also think about how many lies Victor Grassmick had to tell.

Pathological liars and forgery runs in families!

Now think about Tony lying in his talks about when his sons were younger! You know not believing in 1975! According to you how old would his boys be in 1970s? He lied! You proved that and didn't realize it!
Tony Morris was an arrogant GB bragging about where the money goes! He full of shit because this is a business and anyone can do fraud! He might see accounting books! Just another ego mania lie he told his dad to sound better and up right!
After learning all of this information it explains Tony's drinking considering his dad owned a bar! Lots of egoes fly in bars!
It just more crazy shit!


Why doesn't he donate all his money to Bethel? He should. They ask the rank & file to donate and some are poor and donating.


Tony declares to his followers that he is part of the "they", or the rulers and money-men of the Watchtower. And the loyal followers just laugh as he fleeces them.


You are the bomb Rocket man! Keep going 💞


{shakes your hand} thank you very much for this enlightening series.  I have no problem editing this to confess that have egg on my face for ignorant speculations.  however, I make no apologies for how I feel about a man that can demonstrate such hypocrisy. in that, I mean, even though it may very well be that he spent his own money, BUT, he is part of a system that guilts children into giving up their ice cream money, to contribute t the worldwide PREACHING work.  surely, he could have taken that money he spent, personally, and contributed it to the org.  thx again for doing this series.  I wish you'd do it on all of the gb.  a girl can dream....


Great info, well presented without any hysteria. Of course, would have been much more interesting if you had uncovered he'd been involved in the ponzi scheme! :)


I inherited money from my JW parents even though I left the religion years ago. I think every JW is different as to whether or not they give all their money over to the organization or not.


Thanks. Finally an ex JW who does research and gets the facts instead of relying on gossip, speculation and lies.


“I’m part of the ‘they’”...
Hahaha giggle giggle giggle...
Ummm... Did I personally miss the punchline? Honestly, what was “not gonna happen” and so very funny for him and his audience?? 🤔 🤷‍♀️


Why did you privatize your original one hour video? Atleast have it available.


I guess you have to be rich to be a governing body huh.


1 Peter 4:15-19) However, let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or a wrongdoer or a busybody in other people’s matters. 16 But if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not feel ashamed, but let him keep on glorifying God while bearing this name. 17 For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the outcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God? 18 “And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, what will happen to the ungodly man and the sinner?” 19 So, then, let those who are suffering in harmony with the will of God keep on entrusting themselves to a faithful Creator while they are doing good.
So what business is it of anybody else


What’s all this got to do with drunken Tony?


You got too much time ....Remember Jehovah is the judge...not you...Jehovah will judge all of us matter what ! So we will see we very soon....dont follow Jah and his word....cos everyman is capable of sin...including you my man 😎


This is just right down wrong when it comes to looking into this man's finances and his I know the paperwork is public but to broadcast it all over YouTube to discredit this man it's so unfair. The one knows what or when or why he was buying that alcohol for you could have been buying it for a wedding anniversary giving it as gifts does it matter no. He wasn't stealing it and he wasn't shaming or shying away from the camera he talked to the other person who's asking questions about questions about things that he didn't even know about when they were talking about the alcohol I saw the video. So it's terrible yeah his mom can give him leave him money she was his mom she left money for her son's that's what she supposed to do his dad can leave in money that was his dad you can leave the money Tony probably worked in his life he probably has a pension he doesn't matter he wasn't doing anything wrong he's not stealing any donations he would not do this. This is just wrong these people are just looking for any thing and everything but they're not seeing nothing. They're just making up partial lies half-truths anything to discredit Jehovah's Witnesses and the worldwide organization nobody cares what this guy's thinking his four part three parts all these things good to keep people's ears and Minds going not truth Good lies. So was he got an inheritance from his mom and his dad and he and his brothers got thirty thousand a piece those are their children you supposed to delete for your children. My sister is a witness she course she's going to leave her money to her daughter's because she'd have no husband who she going to leave at 2. So she leaves her kids $40, 000 a piece what business is it is anybody's and then she makes a gift of a wedding gift to someone to buy the alcohol or to buy the beer where to buy the soda for wedding what business is it of anybody's if I buy $100 worth of soda to give to a a gathering we going to have after the Kingdom Hall meeting or just a picnic anyone's. It's no one's business this is this is this is just a stupid thing riding on this poor man and he's smart cuz he's not going to come out and defend themselves cuz he knows what he did he did nothing wrong people get received gifts all the time from Friends some people have more than others absolutely you're wrong for saying he's stealing donations absolutely he loves God too much to do something like that maybe you should love God and maybe you wouldn't be putting up these videos.
