Anthony Morris of the Jehovah's Witnesses not arrested and not guilty

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How many governing body members does it take to change a lightbulb?

The holy spirit probably need 2/3 of the members to release new light and also to remove members from the governing body og the Jehovah's Witnesses.

As a Jehovah's Witness elder, Anthony Morris III should have a good standing beyond reproach. While Anthony Morris have a reputation for drinking expencive Whiskey. Without knowing if this is true or not, I cant help but notice that the poor guy was kicked out of the governing body after the two new members were added.

Raymond Franz wrote in his book "Crisis of Conscience" that the governing body only could change "new light" with 2/3 maiority. If this is still the case, then the expulsion of "Tightpants Tony" make sence.

If Samuel Herd and Stephen Lett supported Anthony Morris, then there would be 3 against 5 to keep him as a member. But after Gage Fleegle and Jeffrey Winder was added to the total amount of "faithfull" and "descreete" slave, then 3 to 7 would not stand. This is obviously specualtion from my side.

As a young man I was drafted to the Swedish army. I refused both combatant and non combatant because it was the current "new light" of the "holy spirit" in the Watchtower religion. But this was NOT my own understanding. I could not see anything in the bible that was against "non combatant" service in the bible. To the contrary Jesus said a Christion should "go the extra mile" if a government official demanded this.

Reading Raymon Franz book showed me that more then 50% of the governing body agreed with me in 1994. The "new light" came later when some old dude died... how come the "holy spirit" is tied by the bylaws of an American corporation? Many young brothers like me suffered to stay loyal to a ruling that even now admit was incorrect.

I truely hope Tony Morris dont have a drinking problem even thou I have seen the video "Bottlegate" . Since he is no longer a person in power, I feel that its extra important to repeat that he is not guilty. This video is a satire and critique of the stupid holy spirit that almost made me do jailtime in Sweden due to the bylaws of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

Why would the "holy spirit" need 2/3 of the votes to change the new light bulb?

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Thank you so much ❤ brilliant video 🤩 thank you for addressing the problem of children who grow up in Jehovah witnesses hood it’s need to be fixed. The problem is really deep, it damaging the psychology of young people which lead to poor and unhappy adulthood.❤


"We’ve investigated ourselves and have found we did nothing wrong"


We missed You…you’ve a great sense of humor..and Thank You for “checking the facts !!!


Man you are too funny

We Loved the Wheel in a wheel

Great video

Lady Cee and JT


We can hear you greeting the witnesses and telling them to have a nice convention in your video clip. You are such a kind, humble person Jonas. I have a lot of respect for you.


Oh, love the sign. Love trumps shunning. Love is never bullying or coercing. I was physically dragged, pinched, kicked.


It's funny how the wt calls everyone outside of the cult an "apostate" and not to believe what they say... They know the "apostates" have learned the REAL truth about the wt! 😅😅
They're so screwy and conniving...


I so adore your sweaters. Here in Manhattan, they would fetch more than one thousand dollars. It was fun to see the baby goats wag their baby tails. Like puppies. Off-topic. I did not want to be a Witness at age three.


You are a good teacher, Jonas. You make me laugh a little while you teach. My favorite kind of teacher😅


i haven't seen you for ages. i laughed with tears... good comedy, and gorgeous goats as usual


I had this chat with some cart workers last year. That was just too much for the to understand. As a biologist I could not understand why they couldn’t understand what I was telling them.


Oh wow, you have nailed them perfectly! I'm not surprised they disfellowshipped you, they must have been thoroughly alarmed when they discovered they were up against someone with a full working brain!! I'm sorry for Tony Morris too, and I read that they are busy scanning through their 'writings' and removing EVERYTHING he has ever done or said. What exceptional Christians, they are, aren't they - full of the forgiveness of Jesus🤣🤣!


Governing Body members cherry pick scriptures but don't read or summarise the whole chapter.

Yet, they decry us apostates for their problems.


Imagine if old Tony wrote a book about life in the governing body! 🤣🤣😂😂


Second thought: I wonder when they bailed him out of jail and he was in the back room if he was asked a bunch of questions, “Did your lips touch the bottle?”
“Did the whiskey trickle into your mouth or was it pouring?” “How many bottles were there in the trunk headed for bethel?” “We’re there women riding with you?” …… just wondering how the questioning went for him. Glad he wasn’t hurt physically. 🙏


Aww I luv the little goats! Great video!


If they check the facts maybe they would take the Lord's Supper


The baby goats are so adorable!!! Love the sweaters too. ❤


Thank you for the video. I wish you had been around when my father was dragging me to the Kingdom Hall when I didn't want to be a JW I didn't agree with them at all. I appreciate your time and the information you give.


Thank you for bringing light to the subject of this life .
Much gratitude 😊
