Bernardo Kastrup on Christianity (clip)

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This is an excerpt from Bernardo Kastrup AMA
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I love Bernardos humble and open minded approach to this topic and agree with Bernardo about archetypes and metaphor and Christian symbolism. The shame we feel when we neglect to (serve others) by only (serving ourselves) is like a sign post or a finger pointing and telling us we are heading in the wrong direction and it points to what is concrete, the thing in itself (The noumenous)!!

The problem is that we focus on the finger, that is the shame instead of looking at what is concrete, that which the finger is pointing to and then we can make the appropriate changes that enable us to grow instead of slipping back into bad habits that leave us crippled with anxiety and depression!! Even the famous Oxford lecturer C.S. Lewis, who lost his mother at a young age and later his wife to cancer was an atheist for nearly half his life, makes this point that Christian symbolism and Christian archetypes contain the best metaphors for truth and absolute value that we have. Lewis went through five main stages of realisation: Starting with - Materialism, Realism, Absolute Idealism, Subjective Idealism, and then finishing with the belief in the fundamental nature of (mind and morality). (Christian Metaphor)

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival”
(CS Lewis).


As a spanish atheist, raised in a catholic country, I strongly disagree. There is a way out from Christianity, and that way is the study of the rest of religions and religious traditions of the world. That puts Christianity in the correct perspective in the human culture and in History, as a cultural construction that had a beginning and will have an end.


Intellectually honest is how I would describe Bernardo’s thought process.


Weird! In another video Bernardo says that 2, 000 years of Christianity have proved that prayer doesn't work...


Bernardo knows that we humans do not get to choose the right religion, the right understanding of God whatever that is, the way we process our understanding of reality rather we inherit such conceptual narratives ingrained in our beings. How hypocritical it will be to say I chose the right understanding of God, religion, faith etc. You are part of the narratives of your upbringing and no matter what you do you cannot escape it. You may choose to embrace, practice and be a part of other traditions or none but you will always look at the world from the cultural and yes religious perspective of your upbringing.


and wow - when I think about things, I think in english - so that must mean God is English, right?


If Christ came down through these streets Christianity would start all over again.- Bob Dylan. Does Bernardo know of what he speaks?


I find his thoughts on much very interesting. I must say I am surprised at his opinion on this. He is a smart guy, no doubt but I really don’t agree with him on this.


He does not support Christianity. Experience is the ground truth in analytical idealism. This is a Dharmic philosophy and he has said on occasion that his philosophy is a retelling of the Upanishads in modern language. Testimony (book and prophets) is below direct experience and inference in the epistemology of Hindu/Buddha/jain and other dharmas, as well as AA. He simply wants to reach a Christian audience so plays up that angle from time to time.


A few gray does not a wise man make neither does reading a pile of books. The value of hard work ., responsibility and trials is a real proving ground. Professor Ketchup can keep his illusion.


... "mommy wants me to be a good little christian boy !"


Schopenhauer knew intuitively that Christianity was dependent on Buddhism and textual criticism has since proved this.
