AVOID THIS MISTAKE (World Tier 1 Vs 2)! Best Leveling Difficulty For Season 1 // Diablo 4

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Yoo guys, today we are talking about the best class leveling difficulty for season 1! I have now leveled multiple classes and have seen some big differences between WT1 and 2 and when you should be on either. Hope you enjoy the video!

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Don let IGN corrupt you brother. Keep up the hard work and may many blessings continue to come your way!


Having recently played the D2 remaster and it being fresh in my mind, I think world tiers and level scaling really ruined the progression for me. Like in D2 unless you have the proper items, normal to hell is challenging at all stages. And the content rewards you with stuff that is valuable at end game, if I get an Ist rune at the start of Nightmare Act 1-2 that's still valuable in the later stages. In D4, I get an account bound item based on level and the aspects sometimes scale based on the item power. You're constantly kept within "acceptable" boundaries


This guys 1 second intro is legendary. Subbed to this man alone because of it lol


Much respect and appreciation for the vids you've done, from Moze and da bair builds back in BL3, all the way to now in Diablo 4--I generally don't utilize the builds you showcase, as they are ludicrously strong lol, but anything on efficiency or doing things to be better player and I'm all ears lol. I've always wondered if devs see you as Moxsy, Brilliant and Kind Strategist... or do they see Moxsy, Cunning Destroyer of GameBalance xD


Great and to the point, no dragging out content for the view time! Thank you!


Ok admittedly it's been a while since I've watched your content as I stopped playing bl3 sometime ago but wtf happened to the cradles intro!? Oh and very happy to see were playing the same game again! I'll be checking out your D4 vids for sure 💯


Our group played WT2 from day one and leveling was fine; no roadblocks at all. Now the discussion has changed to non-campaign, static farms being abused for exp so I'd have to agree that up to 30 WT1 is likely the most efficient simply because gearing is going to be an issue without the campaign and the fact that exp is only going to be limited by how fast they're dying.

Speaking of gear, Onyx Tower is apparently going to be godly for rare drops until they nerf it so might be smart to change things up for a little bit during the grind if your gear is falling behind.


This is exactly what I was doing on my Sorcerer. As soon as I hit 30, I switched to T2 in Temple of Rot, but got hit with "Well so and so expert streamer says T1 and you're a nobody". Meanwhile, my own testing proved that I was gaining more XP/hour in T2 over T1 because clear speed was no longer an issue. Depends on the class/build of course, but with a Sorcerer, at 30 you can get Ice Shards + Fireball and it's insane.


So to clarify you do the Stronghold, but just don't light the fire, and then exit out of game, and it resets, or can you not even fight the final boss in the area?


I just play WT2 cause its more fun. Levelling faster on an easier difficulty was a thing in D3 too.


Curious how this advice holds up with the new patch notes and the adjustments to xp gain and level of monsters from today...


Feel like it ultimately depends on the player itself I usually like a harder difficulty so I go on WT2 but also I feel like it depends on the character playing on the road I had a field day it was challenging at times but wasn't bad but been playing on a barbarian and my buddy on a druid and it feels way tougher and he went down to world tier 1 lol
Also I'd say playing co-op it's more fun playing on a higher difficulty


Do you have a levling Guide for the barb in s1 or you planing top do one the next days?


I feel stupid asking this, but how do you farm strongholds? I mean once they are done, they are done, right?


Is it really worth it doing the same boring thing a million times over just to level up faster?
I mean what's the point...this isn't how games are supposed to be played


@Moxsy is this now changed with Patch 1.1.0? Since they buffed WT2?


this aged like milk after the patch notes


I would never, ever, ever in any game run and reset one tiny minuscule part of a game to power level to a specific level when the endgame is just more grind, absolutely pointless to rush to get to max lvl in 2 days … I’d rather just play the game and re-discover the zones etc


Do you kill everything but the last boss, log out and have it reset?


So when seasons starts the character we beat the game with doesn’t even matter anymore right ? I was just finishing act 3 with a lvl 38 rogue and had absolutely nl chance to even heal as i got killed in like 2 seconds to a boss and i really wanted to be the story before tomorrow but now i don’t even wanna play anymore lol but if it doesn’t matter than I’ll just do tier 1 not on hardcore just to finish the game quick and be ready for tomorrow
