3 Dead in Car Versus Train Accident in Byron

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An Amtrak train running through unincorporated Brentwood smashed into a car containing five people Sunday afternoon at a private crossing with no gates, killing three and leaving an adult and a child hospitalized with “major injuries.” Marianne Favro reports.

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It says train hits car. It would have been best to say car drives in front of train.


I understand that this is an unprotected rail crossing but it can't be that hard to notice a giant train that would proabbly be blaring its horn and shining its lights. But this is a tragic accident and I pray for the family


They always try to blame the train. There wasn't any crossing guards, but there was a stop sign.


'They should do something about that.' They did. It's called a STOP sign. Your supposed to stop and look for on coming trains. Look on YouTube of all the accidents of people going around the barriers when they are flashing! With kids on board, the drivers should be paying EXTRA attention. But people want OTHER people do more about THAT, not themselves!


When people get used to disregarding 'STOP' signs, this is a result. Sure a proper R/R crossing with the flashing lights and barrier would be nice, but in the meantime, obey the signs--meaning, stop and look both ways. Just like one is supposed to on streets.


Having lived in a train town, They are quieter and faster than you think.
Lights and arms don't always stop the accidents either.
Drivers are the final deciders.


There is a stop sign, I bet they didnt stop.


A train can only hit a car on its track.


Why did they use "versus" in the title like it was a fighting match smh, bad choice of words 🤦‍♂️


At the 1:58 mark you can clearly see the STOP sign and RR crossing sign. While I don't know every fact, I still think it's difficult to NOT see an oncoming train as they are huge and noisy, IMO. Perhaps it was a deadly mistake by the driver?


The problem is ultimately the drivers. Even at crossings with lights and bars, they still manage to get themselves killed. It's a real shame the other 4 people in the car had to pay the penalty for the driver's mistake.


That’s an assault train!!! We need anti assault train laws


I wonder if they were trying to beat the train


Does this actually qualify as an uncontrolled intersection in that state and in the US? I don’t live there. Where I live the STOP SIGN makes it a controlled intersection, PLUS Even if it was an actual uncontrolled intersection we are required to have your foot on the brake and slowly go through the intersection with caution. If your brake lights aren’t on, you get a ticket


Some of you people are down right disgusting. Nobody knows how or why this happened. None of you were there. This isn't about who's to blame. Or giving out hindsight opinions. Or worse, cracking disgusting jokes. There's an 8 years old boy fighting for his life. I know for a fact that not one single person in that car would ever act in a way that was negligent. They are ALL amazing people with gigantic hearts who are VERY responsible. That 8 year old is the sweetest smartest most respectful kid I've ever met. His Mom raised him that way. He just celebrated his birthday. He didn't know it yet, but his Mom had planned a huge surprise this week. He should be half way to Southern California right now. Not sitting on life support. Reading these comments is really disturbing and I pray none of you experience a loss this tragic. There was three generations in that car. They deserve better than this.


Car versus Train? I never knew that this was a contest. Except maybe for Darwin Award winners or should I say losers? I must confess: I'm a physics professor who rides the train.


No offense to the victims but I know where this crossing is and you have to literally be the worst driver in the world or having some sort of medical emergency exactly as you're crossing the tracks. This is just going to lead to more lawsuits and taxpayer money paying out and an unnecessary RR crossing signal here.


Sounds like the driver was a careless idiot that put the passengers in danger by not paying attention to their surrounding and NOT STOPPING AT A STOP SIGN! Jeez people. Hold the driver responsible and say “we don’t know why the driver didn’t obey the traffic signs, but they didn’t and it needlessly cost the lives of 3 people. Not mention the train driver is probably traumatized and will have harsh memories of this for the rest of his career. We’re gonna blame others for this tragedy even though it’s clearly the driver’s fault. Because we’re afraid to be critical of the dead and are afraid of being fired or cancelled. STOP AT STOP SIGNS!!


*Must of lost their train of thought.*
*Their plans for the day were derailed.*
*Their conduct was unbecoming.*


The grade crossing is clearly marked with a stop sign which I'd bet was ignored. In a situation such as this a driver should at the very least slow down and look both ways before crossing the tracks. Never assume there's nothing coming.
