Two Oldschool Abstract Algebra Books

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These books are super old! The author of these books passed away in 1999. He was a very famous mathematician and wrote several books.

I mainly used these books for self study when working with Ideals and Noetherian Rings. They are very elegant and fancy looking. I believe these are both first editions.

Also apparently these books are considered graduate level abstract algebra books. I just checked amazon and they still do make these books.

Here are the books on amazon.
Note the above are my amazon affiliate links so I make a small percentage if you buy the books with these links.

The books are "Lectures in Abstract Algebra" written by Nathan Jacobson. The first one is Volume 1: Basic Concepts and the second one is Volume 2: Linear Algebra.

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This three volume set is a classic! Beautiful ... thank you for spending some time reviewing them!


I bought this at my school a couple weeks ago and I haven’t gotten a chance to give it a read yet, but I’m excited!


This colection of books is a true classic!!


I'm loving this book review series. Keep up this work! :)


The book Basic Algebra by the same author can be regarded as a newer version of these two books. Basic Algebra has a newer system of symbols and notations, together with more exercises.


True about the notation, though after the first 100 hours or so with each book, it does become easier. 🙂As one comment reads, there are three volumes in all, with the third volume focused on field theory and Galois Theory. It was a godsend when Emil Artin's book on Galois Theory was the main "book" (pamphlet) and had a number of typos, enough so that finding them became a game in and of itself. You were gaining on the subject when you could spot them quickly. But Artin's book was shy on surrounding material, though a beautifully written work otherwise, despite the typos, very readable, particularly if you just wanted to get to the meat of the subject.


I read the "TO MY WIFE" thing in a Borat voice in my head... hahaha


Does it have exersices? I didn't see any


1951 isn't that old, but ok 😀i have seen some good high level good algebra books written in 1880, still relevant today in my country
