S. Ribbon Continent ... with Stephen Johnston

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Nick Zentner presents 'Baja BC A to Z' during Winter 2022 - 2023.
Wednesdays at 2:00 pm. Saturdays at 9:00 am. Pacific Time.
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Stephen's Energy and Humor made for an entertaining learning experience. Thanks Nick and Stephen.


My goodness! What a show! Thank you Stephen for your energy, eloquence and humour. But most of all thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

Nick, you have a knack for getting excellent guests to your alphabet. I love each and every one of them as well as what they bring us all in knowledge and kindness.

A toast to you!


i've followed Nick for a long time since randomly coming across a Youtube video from CWU about flood basalts over 5 years ago. Was hooked instantly with his ability to convey in a meaningful way and in terms a non geologist can understand, the concepts he wants to get across. Fast forward I have watched every video he has made since then including "Nick on the Rocks" etc. I was always a rock hound since a kid and now that I am older (61) and semi-retired from my education and career as an organic vegetable farmer for 23 years, it is really rewarding to learn new things through his videos. I look forward to each and every one and the latest series on Baja BC is so deep and over my head but i am still there to learn new things. Thank you Nick. You Rock!


Very very interesting! I’m going to have to watch ALL these lectures now! Thank you!


Thanks Stephen for explaining North & South Yo Yo. I worked to look in the mirror to put N. America rock to east & Smiley ball west. Arctic Circle Spreading Zone crashes into Alaska terrains, while North America races North. Buckling is more like Interstate crash on freezing rain.


This series is just fantastic. I'm a humanities guy, worked as a legal professional, now retired, but this stuff is just absolutely fascinating and many people are genuinely grateful to you for this outreach!


When I look at these two guys I keep thinking of Charlie Brown and Snoopy...
To Nick and Stephen- an amazing episode. Thank you!


I’ve been watching all series (heck, have been watching since the March 2020 at home sessions, and have watched all the way through Exotic Terranes, 101, 351, Crazy Eocene and the various interviews and hikes, too). Just wanted to give you applause and a huge thank you for creating a wonderful community of scientific discussion and public learning. You are making a huge difference and adding a very good educational service. Bravo for this series, your guests, and all the folks involved and participating here.


Thank you, Stephen. Your presentation was fascinating and thought provoking.
So often, with time, the "creative" scientists are correct. It takes the others a while to catch up.
Same with artists, composers etc. Those who upend the conventions become the greats
After many years as an Assoc. Prof at the U of A in Edmonton, now living in Victoria, thank you for giving me the pleasure of mentally re-running the familiar terrain and terranes from the Prairies through the front ranges over the pass from Lake Louise, past Lake O'Hara, to Field with the Burgess Shales and on into the messy BC mountains, along the winding road to the coast.


This might be the most important talk of the whole series. It could be a series defining moment.


I am just stunned that these experts are so enthusiastic about sharing their work with the general public this way. It's amazing to be let in on this cutting edge science.


I can't wait for Mr. Hildebrand to come on the show and continue the conversation of the Westward Subduction and the whereabouts of the Ribbon Continents with us!!😃🎗✨💚


I love the pic and story behind the ideas changing thru time filling big shoes down the line ..Only open scientific minds can do it, Data, theory and facts


STJ left an incredible impact on my career when I had the pleasure of being taught 2nd year structural geology by him. I can personally say that his knowledge of field techniques is both practical and comprehensive. My favourite lesson though, was how useful the bottom of a beverage can is for laying the foundation of a perfect stereonet in the field. Clover Point in Victoria was incredibly insightful and thought provoking for applying observational geoscience. It is good to see that Stephen was able to continue his impact at the UofA after leaving UVic. Thank you Nick for bringing his expertise to the wider world!


another great discussion and guest! I've been following you ever since the Ellensburg blue agate show and of course with a hook like "Baja BC" how could I stop. I bet a lot of your guests are loving the fact they can flesh out their ideas in front of such a wide audience; how many lectures reach 6000 people 😎


Yet another awesome show, Nick!!💫Thank you, Stephen for such a treat, I thoroughly enjoyed with you while the talk developed.😄💞I really love this talk, thank you, Stephen!!😘Now, I feel like I know you, I will read your paper more carefully.💗I didn't believe I could get to this point before but, I am in fact, 9 cube now!! I do thank all the Nick's guests for your willingness to be on the show to give us positive experiences in geology!!💫💕


Watched in replay. Thank You, Stephen and Nick!


Stephen's explanation of NA heading north at high speed and IM moving is so wonderful.


Another wonderful show! Stephen really got us thinking about a lot, and a few omg forehead slaps lol...I vote for giving Bob the full time he is asking for, I think most of us are up to speed, not to mention he is great at explaining things.
I don't get emails but I get a text when you start & the 30 minute alert. 😀 Love all you do for us 😘


Good morning sir, due to the hospital, I am not able to attend live. Sorry for that. Not always able to concentrate. Trying though. Keep on doing this story, please. Have a nice day.
