Remove the Maya: Profound message from Sadhguru @sadhguru#Sadhguruenlightenmentday #Sadhguruisback

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Delve into the life and teachings of Sadhguru, the visionary behind the renowned Isha Yoga Center. Discover his profound insights on spirituality, well-being, and inner transformation that have inspired millions worldwide. Gain a deeper understanding of his impactful philosophy and practices that foster personal growth and inner peace. Join us on this enlightening journey into the world of Sadhguru.

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People are souls that need to be loved


HARE Krishna hare hare 🙏🏼 Namo Guruji 🙏🏼


I koti koti charanbandan to our beloved Sadhguru 🙏🏻


Mind in thinking all the time
Is called Maya.
Become thoughtless/Still and at that moment you are connected with God via ears (Naad) and eyes (Noor)

How to make mind

Meet supreme GOD.



He is best Known as ' Stupid at best and dangerous at worst '.😊


Why do the comments not have any hate? Where are Sadhguru haters??


Life is such a frustrating experience for me.


😊Guru ji, you are right. It's our making only and this making is the reaction to certain things, people or simple words outside actions. For certain activities or actions which are not in anyone's control and for that actions, individuals are making reactions in their mind. I totally agree that we can't control outside actions so we need to control ourselves but for what extent is the point?

Both the actions and the reactions should be controlled, that's the only full-fledged solution or else the karmic cycle keeps on repeating. To be libarated from this... One should control both actions and reactions. In our Hinduism, that's what god's or goddess did for libarating.

🙏Har har mahadev.


Like this comment if you were there!!!


would ever think. They would live in a time when a global conversation begins about too many humans? In the history of this world? But do we actually see ourselves morph sour over this assimilation? I mean do we see our behavior for seeing's sake alone?
Were we more cohesive and civil before this arriving conversation? How much more? What was our presentations in arts and general backdrop creations like and when? Not remembering about the reality of hum of human grace is saying you are finished with it? But what do I know? Perhaps the appetite to argue against this is prob too large. Driving the point's validity. Was or wasn't their a peek of being sweeter? What was the conceptualization then? I remember radios on the beach. The music that was in the air took the upset out of sand kicked in your face from a beach going passer buy and replaced it with a smile. Ha. Now the beach is full of zombies with phones and earbuds. Ha. not a overjoyed vibe... And you get sicker steeping in the setting. Like a sterilization of the warmth around your edges direction go to moo-jo. Is it a kinda vacuum of expressed depth of cater to other beings just because? Or never look behind to see how backwards forwards you are going? What the heck did I do to experience this and think it. When your not trying to look at this and it happens to you like a puppy understanding what you weren't even close to seeing before. It's a heartbreak for sure.


Advaita philosophy centers around the concept of Maya, the apparent duality of life and understanding. Those with a thirst to explore this profound philosophy have numerous sources from the past. However, neo-gurus seem more successful in deepening the illusion rather than lifting the veil of Maya. They created an illusion of spiritual profoundness and aura around themselves so that the followers ever remain in a state of Maya.
Maya in the context of modern science refers to the layers of perception, interpretation, and illusion that obscure the deeper reality of existence. While Advaita speaks of the ultimate truth as Brahman, modern science points to the mysteries of consciousness, quantum mechanics, and the limitations of human perception, revealing that what we see is only a small fragment of what truly is.


Everything that can be experienced is illusory. Externalities, thoughts, opinions about people. What is real then?


Lol, if we have money we can buy anything
