James O'Brien caller's pro-Boris argument falls apart very, very quickly | LBC

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This caller phoned James O'Brien to defend Boris Johnson over the controversial Sunday Times article about him - but his argument fell apart spectacularly quickly.
The Sunday Times wrote of the "38 days in which the UK sleepwalked into a disaster", claiming that the Prime Minister had failed to attend five COBRA meetings about the coronavirus pandemic.
John in Guildford called up to defend Mr Johnson, but by the end of the two-and-a-half-minute call, he was labelled a "second-rate Donald Trump tribute act".
John said: "I think this is a great big media blow-up. Do you honestly think that Churchill would have spent his time during the war at COBRA meetings?
"He had better things to do. He was running the country. He was running the war."
But James told him: "But Boris Johnson was on holiday."
John kept asking how James knew and wouldn't accept that it wasn't a disputed fact.
James ended up telling him: "You've come on the radio to say that Churchill was far too busy leading the war effort to attend COBRA meetings.
"I've pointed out that Boris Johnson was on holiday and you've, with respect, fallen apart a bit."
#JamesOBrien #Coronavirus #LBC
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The Sunday Times wrote of the "38 days in which the UK sleepwalked into a disaster", claiming that the Prime Minister had failed to attend five COBRA meetings about the coronavirus pandemic.
John in Guildford called up to defend Mr Johnson, but by the end of the two-and-a-half-minute call, he was labelled a "second-rate Donald Trump tribute act".
John said: "I think this is a great big media blow-up. Do you honestly think that Churchill would have spent his time during the war at COBRA meetings?
"He had better things to do. He was running the country. He was running the war."
But James told him: "But Boris Johnson was on holiday."
John kept asking how James knew and wouldn't accept that it wasn't a disputed fact.
James ended up telling him: "You've come on the radio to say that Churchill was far too busy leading the war effort to attend COBRA meetings.
"I've pointed out that Boris Johnson was on holiday and you've, with respect, fallen apart a bit."
#JamesOBrien #Coronavirus #LBC
LBC is the home of live debate around news and current affairs. We let you join the conversation and hold politicians to account.
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