WE NEED THESE 15 MASSIVE CHANGES NOW! - Last Day on Earth: Survival

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Last Day on Earth: Survival We Need These 15 Massive Changes Now!

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We need more freedom of exploration like finding abandoned homes, hospitals, crashed army helicopters, sunken or floating ships and infested cities complete with skyscrapers


First thing they should implement is



I agree, having a lumber mill gonna save some time. Not all players love farming


On the 12th thing you want added, I think using the drone to get items from the base would be a cool feature and it adds more use for the drone.


OMG this is a 10/10 manifesto! Bring back Red Forrest!


A good idea is getting random surprise events when you travel across the map, for example if your going towards bunker alfa from base you have a chance to come across a shootout or a locked chest or even just a puppy on the way, the way this works is it'll give you a prompt that something is ahead of you and it'll give you details of what it is and you can choose whether to ignore it or get closer, you can also set it in settings to ignore all events(or only alert you of specific ones)when your just walking to a zone and closed the game, perfect example of this is in the walking zombie 2 on steam.


11:22 😂I could not agree more about the atv and it really does take months/years to assemble


#16: If we can access and use stuff directly inside the workbenchs or crafting table or anything that uses RSS.
For Example: If we click on campfire or wood working table and there we have an option i.e resources when we click on it and can put those things directly from storages to the specific workbench etc Just like in Frostborn So that we dont have to go again and again to get and put stuff in every single thing.


Being able to name your chest would be an amazing thing. You can name your dogs so you know who does what butt you can't name a chest food or melee weapons or whatever is inside


All good suggestions. I’d like to see some sort of market or trader where you can sell/exchange items we collect or have too much of at the base.


the quality of life in this game is a lot but it feels like they will ignore most of it, and they don't have a reason to listen.

those repair station can make everyone happy not just beginners and endgame players.

floors and walls should be able to move like clash of clans in our main base (this can make players happy as they can build bases and decorate without worrying of losing progress, losing progress is always a really bad part, for me, you shouldn't punish your playerbase just because of addition of realism)

workstation should be able to upgrade not stick to 20stone = 10brick, it should be able to put 30 or 50 or so. (it's very annoying as you need more bricks than other materials that needed in floor and walls) players will say it does take some time, nah you just didn't play a lot, i played a lot probably more than what most players can but yeah time gated is a very annoying thing when it comes to game. if you grind ldoe for years and to meme players who can't spend their 5years to grind this game yeah you win but most of players is not stupid enough to spend their 5years to play a game with very less rewarding and progress much more punishable than rewarding and it's annoying.

when you reach 50 the game will make you stick to 4 map and that's after that you're lock to play the grind game and its farming logs and stone over and over.
the trailer is the very unnecessary thing exist in your base; you can't even fix it.
the gas can can't be refilled, not able to craft, we can't get gas, there's no gasoline factory or something that we can refill those gas canister if we have a lot infinitely, like you need to fix the area or something, so there's another rewarding thing like finally i have infinite gasoline now, now it will introduce the maps that is too far from maps that needs a travel distance 5mins and only vehicle with gasoline can use as travel. the near areas are like free travel now, now it's more rewarding, was it op i don't know for me at this point where everyone have a lot of stack items i don't think so.
infinite gasoline is op? well, if gas canister is not craftable means you still need empty gas canisters, so i guess the durability and the economy and the capacity of gasoline will give more sense as we do have areas now that can't travel using walk and only gasoline or so, and traveling those areas can decrease durability of vehicles.
the wooden pistol must be able to craft with less material needed because why not, it's not even that op atleast it's giving players option if they don't have other range weapons than bow.

We all know that we don't need 5years of gameplay experience to this game in order to say yes it's hella boring, for me a month is already enough to get you in a burnout stage as most of the time it's not very rewarding, the last thing that this game make me wow to rewards is having to complete the chopper and that's it and i feel like almost everything after that is locked behind end game that took years of grinding, yeah years because the game is time gated, really time gated, worse than clash of clans as clash of clans adjust those time gated every year of new town hall means it can took you like 1year or less to fully max your account.


Another great thing would be to add all those mysterious bunkers such as bunker Foxtrot, Romeo, and Zulu they could add at least one them as an event or sth


I'm watching this video on the toilet just so you know🦅🦅🦅


its almost as if kefir WANTS the game to progress as slow as possible


It would be good to have more infected locations in ldoe, like witch forest in design. Maybe an infected house or highway bridge location, that leads into a secret area in the location. As an example, a damp cave like Dead Island but is larger, has more paths. Some infected areas with the red fleshy disease and at the end a boss fight with a stronger variant of the blind one (infected, more rage). He would charge up more charge attacks in a row and slow you down when he hits you. And it would be cool if a few stalactites fell every time he hit the cave wall. at the end you can open an infected crate. And inside there might be an (infected) shovel, pistol, m16, Ak, carbon composite, factory parts, random spare parts (maybe ATV transmission). The infected firearms have a little more durability and do damage when held longer, but does 10-20% more damage than a normal firearm. And have the chance to slow down zombies and receive a damage effect (5 damage per sec)


I too was wishing they would add a global sort feature... there would just need to be an additional button when you open a create, like a little gear icon, and in there you can chose which items go in it. they could also cobine this menu with the menu for chosing the create color.


Imagine if we can trade common blueprints for common blueprints and blue for blue and purple for purple that would be the best


I think a good quality of life is something where u can upgrade the workbenches recyclers etc. where u can add more wood, for planks or stones for bricks. Like instead of 1 stack u can add 2 or 3 stacks and u can leave the work bench longer. I have 2 double racks with tons of useless materials that I wish I could stack more clothes and weapons instead of one stack by one stack at a time


Another change is they must add tungsten into the game already, all of us have been waiting for it


I have an Idea:
1) They should add new lower floors in b. Alpha that is only available on hard mode.
2) Add the drill on the lab
3) Give us back red zone forest
4) More places near the swamp region so that making the atv is much more worth it
