All Espresso Drinks Explained: Cappuccino vs Latte vs Flat White and more!

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What's the difference between popular espresso drinks like Cappuccino, Latte, Flat White or Cortado? We also covered all black coffee options based on the single or double espresso shot. You will see all the coffee drinks side-by-side!



0:00 Intro
0:58 Single Espresso
1:35 Double Espresso
1:55 Americano
2:18 Lungo
2:37 Filter coffee (no espresso!)
3:16 Cappuccino
3:46 Espresso Macchiato
4:07 Cortado/Piccolo
4:30 Flat White
4:54 Caffé Latte
5:25 All espresso drinks side-by-side
6:50 The most popular espresso drinks!
7:23 Outro
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Back to the basics! What's your favourite espresso drink? Black or milk?

0:58​ Single Espresso
1:35​ Double Espresso
1:55​ Americano
2:18​ Lungo
2:37​ Filter coffee (no espresso!)
3:16​ Cappuccino
3:46​ Espresso Macchiato
4:07​ Cortado/Piccolo
4:30​ Flat White
4:54​ Caffé Latte
5:25​ All espresso drinks (side-by-side)
6:50​ The most popular espresso drinks at Večerka


This video is a service to humanity. I've been baffled by the options at Starbucks or my local espresso bar, and this is the first time they have been made clear to me. Thank you so much.


this the most definitive and short to the point video about coffee type i've come across! keep up the good work guys!


As someone who's just starting to appreciate coffee but doesn't understand everything yet, this is a big help!


Former barista here, foam texture is what differentiates a Cappuccino from a Flat White and even from a Latte, not the size of the cup or grams or whatever else.


As an Australian barista, I find these videos really revealing.

In the Australian context Latte / Cappuccino / Flat White are not differentiated based on size at all. But they seem to be in most videos I see from around the world.

In Australia it's common that milk drinks are differentiated by froth levels (from flat white with very little, latte with a bit more, and Cappuccino with even more — though the trend is towards a very minimal difference).

Also, depending where you go in Australia all milk drinks: cap, latte, flat white, are served with a double ristretto for a small, and double espresso for a large or small "strong" — though some places serve dine in small coffees with a single shot, to account for dine in cups typically being a bit smaller than small takeaway cups.


I’m a barista in Australia and all the coffee shots are the same amount depending on the size cup you want and you can ask for more or less shots (1 shot for a small size or 2 shots for medium/large size). Cappuccino just means lot of froth, latte medium froth and a flat white is little to no froth xD


Black coffee
Single expresso- 20 to 25 grams black coffee
Double express- 40 to 50 g black coffee
Americano- diluted black coffee (100ml / 120 ml water+ single expresso)
Lungo- dilute according to wish black coffee (water given + single expresso)
Filter coffee- for one who wants big Cup of coffee (brewed by hand

Milk coffee
Cappuccino-single expreso+foamed milk
Espresso macchiato- more coffee less milk (1:1 or 1:2)
Cortado/piccolo- single expreso + milk in 100 to 120 ml cup
Flat white- double expresso + milk (more kick of coffee)
Cafe latte- single expreso+ foamed milk (less coffee more milk in 300 ml cup )

Feel free to take a screenshot 👍


Had to do some searching, but finally found the best, most informative video about the topic right here!


I was always taught that macchiato was just an espresso shot with a dollop of milk foam. And a cortado (which means "cut" in Spanish) is an espresso shot with a little bit of milk, enough to "cut" the bitterness of a pure espresso shot


you might think the last section of this video was fast forwarded but in reality that's how fast the host and the barista were moving after drinking all that coffee they just made :)


in Greece we got this thing called freddo espresso, which is pretty much pure espresso mixed and stirred with ice cubes. i was always surprised to know that this has always been only a Greek thing and nowhere else to be found. Its delicious and refreshing


It should be noted he only says “foamed milk”. The major difference between some of these milk drinks is the amount of steamed milk and foamed milk, not the same at all. Cappuccino is one part espresso, one part steamed milk and one part foamed milk. Cortado is one part espresso and one part steamed milk, no foam. An important distinction as many, including myself, hate foam.


This video makes me realize how much these drinks differ around the world. I'm a cafe owner in Canada and the only drinks explained in this video that resemble whats served here are the latte and flat white. All of our drinks (cap, flat white, latte, macchiato, cortado, espresso) all contain double shots. At my cafe, you can't even purchase a single shot on it's own. A single shot is offered only as an addition to any drink. Caps, lattes and flat whites come in regular or large (12 or 16 ounce). These drinks do not differ in terms of their size but rather the amount of milk foam-- A flat white containing very little foam, a latte containing a little more, and a cap containing lots of foam (and typically dryer foam, which means no art on top). We do offer what we call "traditional" sizes of caps and flat whites, which are smaller 8oz drinks (still not as small as traditional ones in Europe, which are typically around 5 - 6oz). Our cortado is a double espresso (2oz yield) with 2oz steamed milk and our macchiato is a double espresso with just a tiny dollop of milk foam.


This should be THE model for explanatory vids: clear, concise, short, and straight to-the-point. Well done!


I really appreciate the summary at the end, great video for at use or when your out and about!


It makes sense that Cappuccino is the most popular. It is a really well balanced coffee drink that is great either in the morning to help you wake up or in the evening with an after dinner dessert. It is a really flexible drink that has the iconic coffee flavour, while being mild enough for most people.


in italy we have the regular expresso (~1/2 espresso cup), ristretto (which is a very short espresso ~ 1/4 of espresso cup) and lungo (which is a longer espresso ~ full espresso cup)


someone who doesn't drink coffee this was good information because I feel lost/bewildered with so many different coffee names that my friends order when I go with them to starbucks.


Great video, I’m in Australia and just to confirm, we have Cafe latte in a glass and flat white in a cup. Flat white is more milky as there in no foam but cafe latte has about 1cm of foam on it and served in a glass. 😊
