WHY JEWS DON’T BELIEVE IN JESUS • Why Jesus is Not the Jewish Messiah • Julius Ciss Jews for Judaism

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Christian missionaries, like Jews for Jesus, profess that Jesus is the Jewish messiah.
Why has Judaism rejected this claim for 2,000 years?

The concept of the Messiah has its foundation in our Jewish Bible, the Tanach, which teaches that all of the following criteria must be fulfilled before any person can be acknowledged as the Messiah:

Reason #1 – The Messiah must be from the Tribe of Judah and a Descendant of King David AND King Solomon – Jesus did not qualify.

The Messiah must be a member of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10) and a direct descendant of King David & King Solomon (2 Samuel 7:12-14; 1 Chronicles 22:9-10). Genealogy in the Bible is only passed down from father to son (Numbers 1:1-18).

There is no evidence that Jesus really had this pedigree, and the Christian Bible actually claims that he did not have a “birth-father” from the tribe of Judah descending from King David and King Solomon (Matt. 1:18-20).

Reason #2 – Ingathering of the Jewish Exiles – Jesus did not do this.

When the Messiah is reigning as King of Israel, the Jews will be ingathered from their exile and will return to Israel, their homeland (Deut. 30:3; Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 30:3, 32:37; Ezekiel 11:17, 36:24).
This has clearly not yet happened and we still await its fulfillment.

Reason #3– Rebuilding of the Holy Temple – Jesus failed to achieve this.

The Temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt (Isaiah 2:2-3, 56:6-7, 60:7, 66:20; Ezekiel 37:26–27; Malachi 3:4; Zech. 14:20-21).

The Temple was still standing in Jesus’ day. It was destroyed 38 years after Jesus’ crucifixion and it has not yet been rebuilt.

Reason #4– Worldwide Reign of Peace – Jesus did not accomplish this.

There will be universal disarmament and worldwide peace with a complete end to war (Micah 4:1-4; Hoseah 2:20; Isaiah 2:1-4, 60:18).

Wars have increased dramatically in the world since the start of Christianity.

Reason #5 – Observance of the Torah Embraced by All Jews – Jesus didn’t bring this about.

The Messiah will reign as King at a time when all the Jewish people will observe G-d’s commandments (Ezekiel 37:24; Deut. 30:8,10; Jeremiah 31:32; Ezekiel 11:19-20, 36:26-27).

Jesus never ruled as King, nor have all Jews embraced the commandments of G-d’s Torah.

Reason #6 – Universal Knowledge of G-d – Jesus clearly failed here also.

The Messiah will rule at a time when all the people of the world will come to acknowledge and serve the one true G-d (Zechariah 3:9, 8:23,14:9,16; Isaiah 45:23, 66:23; Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 38:23; Psalm 86:9; Zeph. 3:9).

This, as well, has not yet taken place and we await its fulfillment.

No matter how many unusual & miraculous things Jesus seems to accomplish in the New Testament, he doesn't fulfill even one of the 6 criteria by which the Nation of Israel can recognize him as the true Jewish Messiah.

JEWS FOR JUDAISM is an outreach organization whose primary goal is to win back to Judaism those Jews who have been influenced by the following six threats to Jewish survival that are devastating the global Jewish community.

1. Hebrew-Christian missionaries convert thousands of Jews worldwide every year
2. Destructive cults cause many Jews to abandon family, friends and careers
3. Eastern religions, Buddhism and Hinduism are spiritual choices for many Jews
4. Apathy and ignorance leave many Jews unaware, unaffiliated and assimilated
5. Intermarriage is exploding with a 75% rate in some North American cities
6. Anti-Israel BDS on campus inhibits Jewish students from standing up for Israel and Judaism

To assist non-Jews who have left other religions, JEWS FOR JUDAISM also provides educational programs to help them embrace the Torah’s Seven Noachide Laws for Gentiles.

We achieve our goals through our worldwide Internet outreach, Social Media, free educational programs, educational literature and counseling services that connect Jewish people to the spiritual depth, beauty and wisdom of Judaism.

“I am so grateful to have discovered the wonderful Jews for Judaism YouTube lectures by Rabbi Skobac. I am a Jew who converted to Christianity in college, but now, thanks to your online outreach, I have returned to Judaism. Thank you.” – Rebecca G.

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Рекомендации по теме

Jews do not believe in hell or the devil nor demons. Yet the gospels tell us Jesus who was Jewish talked to the devil and cast out demons. How can this be when Jews don't believe in these things?


What about the belief of other tribes of israel. I am just a person who also exist in this planet I dont belong to any religious group, I believe in one God as my creator where my spirit come from and when my time come my spirit will return to God.


There is no "Second Coming" of the Messiah in the Old Testament (Jewish Bible). Please prove me wrong.


Who's alive today from the house of David? I'm a gentile, just curious if that's possible to know?


As a Christain, I can say that this is a very well-done video and made me better understand the situation. Thanks for making such a great and concise video!


Rabbi I think these core principles seem to be putting God in a box.


I am a secular but nominally at least a Muslim. I am listening to all those Rabbis, Christian Priests and Muslim scholars on youtube about Jesus . The more I listen, the more I am getting confused. I will better stop this :)


I'm Christian (==born, live ND die being a Christian #Forever Christ Jesus), your explanation it's 100%clear, this open my eyes, I'm always wanted different unfortunately all videos I watched :unclear they make an essay. Now indeed I know why you don't want Jesus Christ as Messiah. As a Christian not just Christian #forever to Christ Jesus. I wish one Day have dialogue to know what makes Judaism not consider the New Testament. Tanks


Could Jesus still be the son of god but not the messiah?


Are there black people among the Jews?


This was incredible, thank you! As a man who was raised Christain, now looking into the facts Judiasm, I appreciate this video so much.


I am more interested in learning this kinda stuff. What are some good books to read?


Anyone who accepts upon himself the fulfillment of the seven Noahide commandments and is precise in their observance is considered one of 'the pious among the gentiles' and will merit a share in the world to come.
This applies only when he accepts them and fulfills them because the Holy One, blessed be He, commanded them in the Torah and informed us through Moses, our teacher, that Noah's descendants had been commanded to fulfill them previously (Maimonides, Laws of Kings 8:11).


Many many people have performed miracles. This is not a sign that they are the messiah. Why do people use a higher case M at the beginning of the word messiah ?


Hi, I have been wanting to watch Rabbi Skobac's counter-missionary survival seminar for years now but not had time. Is there some way I can purchase it on DVD or get the actual MP4 files (I will pay) sent to me? I worry about Youtube and their dedication to hosting content to be quite honest


If genealogy is only passed down from father to son then why must you need a Matrilineal line to prove identity today? 2:28


Very interesting, informative and gives a person much to think about ...


he summarizes so well all of the issues at hand


Which one is true the Old Testament or the New Testament?


You left out the most important reason: The Torah states explicitly that any prophet who suggests adding or subtracting even one commandment to those stated in the Torah is a false prophet. Certainly, then, this is the case if he says that we may now abandon most of the Torah's commandments.
