'Student’s Experience With White People' #soc119

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I lived in another country for 9 years. Curious people asked me all kinds of questions. They aren’t being racist they are just being talkative. 99% of the complaints here are because of excessive over sensitivity and desire to find racism


I'm a Belgian living in the US. I get questions about my accent and origin all the time. There is no racism in this whatsoever. However, minorities are being told by the left to interpret that as racist, creating racial divisions.


I think it's really sad when asked in 2 years, "what's your average interaction with white people" he brings up the 2 worst interactions he can remember. Instead of the thousands of average to positive interactions he's likely had with white people, the first ones to come to mind are the 2 negative ones (which didn't even sound that bad). That's what's he's chosen to reinforce as beliefs about whites as a whole.


Asian male here. My best friends are white (also Mexicans). My first love is a white girl. I even lived at her parents' house for a time. My wife happens to be white, and our daughter is white. I also live in Texas.
Point is, I have no problems integrating into this country. Its people who choose to isolate themselves (as is their right) that encounter problems.


When i was 52, i took some classes at Community College. I was surprised at how immature the young students were


Asking these people what their "experience is with white people" is interpreted to tell me "how has white people mistreated you".


I find it odd that they want people to know things about their culture but not ask them any questions about their culture. How are people supposed to learn?


When I was a teenager I moved to San Antonio from a small Texas town. I had a strong country- Arkansas accent cause I lived so far north east. One of the first interactions I had with a Hispanic kid was him asking me “Do yall really have sex with your sisters?” I laughed it off and didn’t hold against everyone that looked like him.


My partner grew up in africa, hes white and people always ask if he rode elephant to work and other such questions that if he were black, people might consider it racist. He always says no we rode ostriches. People make jokes about culture and to build bridges and simply out of curiosity. He loves asking other immigrants here about their cultures and approaches them with facts or questions about the culture/nation. When they learn he grew up in developing countries too there is an instant bond and they are just as curious. Unless there is literal racist intent, people are just asking questions about things that arent familiar to connect and learn....its human nature!


Is it my imagination? Are young people censuring their speech because they are trying to not be offensive or politically correct. They have trouble speaking in a real way and you can't relate to them. I think that's sad, because they're loosing their humanity. That's never a good thing. Just my observation.


I don’t think that Saudi kid understood the question. If someone asked me”you live in PA, what are PA people like?” And I just told them the 3 craziest interactions I’ve had it wouldn’t paint a real honest picture.


I travel all over Asia and Africa, and have done since 1976. I have had all kinds of questions and comments, the vast majority are kind, some are not. I always enter every conversation in good faith and I decline to be offended if someone is ugly to me. I've always said that no one can give offense if you refuse to take it.


It's very interesting that the teacher had to work so hard to get the middle eastern guy and the Korean girl to give an honest opinion of white people. It was also interesting to see how she thinks people asking if Korea has starbucks stems from a belief that Korea is undeveloped, likely her friends were curious if something familiar to them was available in her country.


This was not a racial stereotype experience but it stayed with me all these years...in the mid-1970s I went to a trade school in Maryland. I was in a class when another student came in and said I needed to go with him. My teacher said ok so we walked across the campus to where a small group of teachers and students were gathered outside. One of the students asked me if I'd ever ran a chainsaw. I had, once. So they had me cut up some log pilings to skirt a small parking area. Then someone said they knew I could run a chain-saw because I was from Oregon. Made an impression on me all those years ago


The first guy just wanted to tell stories, entertain, pick a stereotype and tell a story.


When the girl from Korea said her friends were curious if they had a Starbucks there I don’t believe it’s because they think it is under developed like the western world. They were just wondering if they had Starbucks over there or not because they’re under developed. Just wondering if that was a chain in her country. Funny how people really miss read what people are asking ans saying.


It's interesting that they had a South Korean person up there to talk about how white people treat her. I lived in South Korea for a year and South Koreans were blatantly racist toward non Koreans. Everything up to not letting us into some of the night clubs and bars. I learned some Korean language and I constantly heard people talking about American this and American that when I walked by or sat down on a train.


What the professor is trying to tell the Students, I think, is everything is much more about culture than the color of your skin. And conflict arise differently around the world because of culture, history, traditions values and religion. So perhaps the Nigirian man has more in common with a white person from Nigiria ( who's family had been i Nigiria for centuries ) than a black person from the US because of culture and history.


When I lived overseas, people were always curious about our states, cowboys, womens freedom, our food, music, I never felt it was rasict.


Tbf as someone from Texas I have been asked by people in foreign countries if I ride a horse to school. And asked by other Americans if I own horses or live on a ranch.
