Woman Goes Viral For Cooking & Serving Her Man | The Coffee Pod

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Is it rare to find a woman who can cook well today fellas & loves to do it for her man?


It's not about the food....she just wants to show her figure of


I cook for and serve my fiancé. I don’t play that sh*t. The look on my man’s face after he works a 13-hour shift and gets a hot meal….priceless. This woman adores her man and I feel that.


FACT: Men will sacrifice looks for a woman who not only possesses culinary skills, but who’s also feminine, and agreeable. My wife wasn’t the greatest cook when we got married. But she was, and still is submissive and pleasant. Over the years she’s become quite accomplished in the kitchen, and cooks dinner 5/6 days a week. Next month is our 20th anniversary. And PS, she was no slouch in the looks department either. Also, she got to be a stay at home mom for the first 13 years after our kids were born. Even now, she only works part time. She also drives a brand new leased vehicle, while my truck is 12 years old. Ladies, you’d be amazed at what a man would be willing to do for you if you just look after his needs and be a compliment to his life.


The things people go viral for.

These modern women have gotten so bad that merely watching a woman be cordial with a man is akin to ASMR. It’s almost comical, really.


When my husband and I got engaged I knew i needed to learn to cook. Every Monday my mother would coach me in cooking dinner for him. He was in night school and came over right after. It was a lot of fun to learn and to see him react to what I’d made. I learned to love to cook, wound up going to culinary school.


Making dinner and serving your spouse and children should be something a woman prides herself on. Not that the man can't make dinner once in a while, not saying that, but I always make sure my family eats right! Literally the only take out we ever get is pizza, occasionally, (real pizza not that chain pizza crap)!


Man let me tell you fellas. There are some good ones out there. My wife of 15 years is the total package. Cook, clean, feminine, follows my program and in return she has no worries of bills, mortgage, insurance etc and she a stay at home mom. She wants to not work and stay at home with the kids being their teacher. Keep hope alive fellas and make sure you stay on the hunt for your prize.


Been married for the last 7 years and I cook 7 days a week for my husband and children. This is not something novel, it’s my duty and privilege as a wife, mother and woman. This is how God designed it to be. Men provide and women nurture. This is something that should be taught to young girls before they are even in the 3rd grade. Stay in your lane women and the men will respect you for it.


The views aren't for the food she's serving! It's them cakes!!


I have been married for 17 years I love my wife she makes me a meal and ensures I get it i would do anything for her I clean and do the heavy lifting it all about humility and the ability to help and take care of each other love and support ❤️ things that this materialistic generation is lacking.


She not doing anything special, she just being a good wife. I’m pretty sure he does things to show her his appreciation too, 🤦🏽‍♂️


Im happy my mother taught me and my sisters how to cook. We were also taught to serve our father his late. I don't know why these women have such a problem with this.


There are women who “slave” away doing all the things and never get the appreciation they deserve. I think that’s where the idea of “I’m not going to be a man’s slave” comes from.

Women should look for the lack of appreciation in the dating phase so they can jump ship as soon as possible.

Those of us who enjoy being in service to our husband have husbands that are more than deserving of everything we do for them.


It's good that she's serving him, she didn't have to display her body like that to million eyes that are watching..save that for your man on y'all time!


Ive been married for over 25 years now and she cooks and does my laundry to this day. I just bring home the bread and work on her truck and our kids vehicles. She taught my girls how to cook but they are already starting to rely going out to eat. We’ve been trying to tell them that’s not good but they are choosing to learn the hard way I guess.


This woman is married. Men want this from a girlfriend.


she is a rare gem. that man will give his life protecting his wife.


I'm a woman and women who cook and clean are often ridiculed and looked down on by many other women today. We are called "slaves" and other names.


As a woman, that knows how to cook as well and love doing it. She most definitely has a variety of dishes, she is naturally beautiful, has a sense of humor and her body is amazing. Kudos to this young couple. People will criticize anyone just to hear themselves talk. But the question is; Who is actually listening?
I had someone tell me I should have went outta town to party because I missed out on the Lovers and Friends performances. Ummm dem folks on that stage got they bag. I'm proactively getting mines. Meanwhile, I have a household to maintain and children that rely on my direction and instruction. But it each it's own. I'm not the Creator.
Stay blessed everyone! 🙏 🙏
