How many donkey did Jesus ride, one or two? Rabbi Tovia Singer on how Gospels corrupted Scripture

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#ToviaSinger #Judaism #Christianity #Messiah
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Keep up the great Holy work Rabbi Singer.
Keep teaching the TRUTH OF


Dear rabbi, this is great!! Thank you so much!


The New Testament authors did not understand Hebrew.


Thank you Rabbi for the explanation. I understand that zechariah 9:9 is taken out of context to justify the false claim that jc was the mashiach. May HASHEM bless you and help you do this good work.


Ty rabbi to via for enlightenment to truth baruck Hashem


Thank you!!! I am jewish, and I APPRECIATE this lesson. PS. I listened to the Dalai Llamas teaching on Concern, peacefulness and compassion for all sentient beings and his urging of investigation, research and analysis, and his urging people to be kind, peaceful, and forgiving, explaining that we as humans make many mistakes and messes, and that we also have the ability to clean up those messes!!!! BRAVO!!!! I BELIEVE IN PEACE!!! A PEACE THAT WILL NEVER CEASE!!! Signed CHANA BASHA!!😍🐒🇺🇸🇮🇱🦙


Great stuff!! Matthew caught red handed!


Thank you Rabbi for being on youtube 😭😭😭 when my boyfriend showed me the sefaria - a beautiful bird 🐦 blue jay sat on my window 🪟 my favorit color is blue 💙 lol
My baby blanket when i was born was blue and i held on to that blanket until it was rotten. 😅
My father who comforts me sent it to my window 🪟


Ooh Rabbi, I like how you explained this. It's like you to them, "oh, c'mon. You claim that is true while you misunderstand the words?".


I'm not sure how the Rabbi comes up with Jesus riding on 2 animals at the same time, and he may be stretching it a bit. Is it not possible for Jesus to ride one with the other in tow, according to the Strongs definition for "upon" in Zech 9:9 it is. This is just speculation on his part. But, it's speculation on a lot of Rabbis part as seen in Sanhedrin 98a...

Clearly Zech 9:9 is translated in English as "upon" and "upon", but the Hebrew definition for Strong's H5921 - ʿ"al", can mean; "beside" or "along", or "near". Look it Zech 9:9 can be interpreted as being "upon" a donkey "beside" a colt.

Strong's H5921 - ʿal : upon, in, on, over, by, for, both, beyond, through, throughout, against, beside, forth, off, from off.

Included in H5921 : by, adjoining, next, at, over, around (of contiguity or proximity)

Not to mention, all Rabbis were not in agreement.

אמר רבי אלכסנדרי רבי יהושע בן לוי רמי כתיב (דניאל ז, יג) וארו עם ענני שמיא כבר אינש אתה וכתיב (זכריה ט, ט) עני ורוכב על חמור זכו עם ענני שמיא לא זכו עני רוכב על חמור
Rabbi Alexandri says: Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi raises a contradiction between two depictions of the coming of the Messiah. It is written: “There came with the clouds of heaven, one like unto a son of man…and there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom…his dominion is an everlasting dominion” (Daniel 7:13–14). And it is written: “Behold, your king will come to you; he is just and victorious; lowly and riding upon a donkey and upon a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9). Rabbi Alexandri explains: If the Jewish people merit redemption, the Messiah will come in a miraculous manner with the clouds of heaven. If they do not merit redemption, the Messiah will come lowly and riding upon a donkey.

So, Jesus (Messiah ben Joseph) at the time of his first coming, rode in on single donkey with colt in tow because the Jews (who were still performing blood sacrifices), did not merit redemption at the time (according to R. Alexandri). However, in the future, Jesus (Messiah ben David) will come on a horse with clouds of heaven (according to R. Alexandri and John in Rev 19), because the Jews at that time will merit redemption.

Which Rabbi is right? Which Rabbi is wrong?


What does it mean when he said he didn't come to bring peace; rather a sword. Mother against daughter, mother in law against daughter in law, people's enemies will be members of their own household


I was an SDA. THEN TRIED MESSIANIC JUDIASM, THEN NON DENOMINATIONAL (NOT IN ANY CHURCH JUST READING) then I was highly confused with the old and new. Confused about Jesus being God . Then I gave up and said I'll just read the Torah and follow the commandments like how I was taught.
But still confused about Jesus.
And now ... I think I'm now Jew.

I'm tired and tired of being confused.

When I was reading I saw we should be accepted into the isrealites as a strange.
Engrave into the tree of Abraham.
So I assume just be a Jew.

Now I'm here trying to unlearn what I learnt about Jesus.
Unlearn the second coming.
It's 😪😪😪😪😭😭😭😭


Ha ha. Am Christian. But I noticed this funny text many years ago. Asked priest why it says Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Two donkeys. He couldn't answer. But one of the Tanakh kings also rode into Jerusalem on a donkey - sorry don't remember his name at present. I just wondered: Was Matthew stupid? Another crazy text in the New Testament is Acts 1:18. It really is something that happened in Tanakh, and it ought to be a quote from Jeremiah?? -- but it isn't, it is just kind of "floating in the air". By the way, if Jerusalem was to be emptied of warhorses, maybe there only be left donkies to ride on?


You can ride a donkey, but you weren't stricken by God for our iniquities. You also didn't raise from the dead.


Shows that to understand the Bible you need Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. Some Christians think the King James version is sacred!!


The fact of all is that the nations have always chosen their idols as their gods. This is the reason why they changed or corrupted the Holy Scriptures of the Hebrews. They never accepted the True G-d, Creator of the Universe. It is written from the beginning of time. And they hated those who believe in the Almighty G-d, blessed is He. The Creator of the Universe. They also hated those who believe and trusted in their Creator, only True, Living G-d, not made by man or created by man. They tried to force the Hebrews to believe in their own gods. I admire the Muslim people who believe in the Creator, Eternal G-d, Creator of the universe. I think the Muslim faith was very much influenced by Abraham Avinu, father of Ishmael. But the nations do not want to accept the Creator, Eternal G-d. They insist on their own creation.


😂😂😂" I grew up in Brooklyn I had to be ..." 🐎


2/ matthew didnt take the Zach verse literally. The only donkey presented in zach is male. The second donkey in Mathew is female. If he was taking it literal why change the gender.


Yeah, But Donkeys are also great animals to keep coyotes away. My grandfather had a couple on his chicken and pig farm. Said they were better than dogs at keeping prey away.


Sr. Tovia Singer
Just saw your older debate with Dr. Craig,
And I completely agree with you that God is one!
There is no trinity, but I believe that The God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel was manifested as the blessed seed of Abraham.
Think about it though, there is only one Jewish man that connects all of humanity to the Jewish nation, as scripture says" in His name gentiles shall trust" .
Only one man fits this bill in over 6 thousand years of Hebrew history is the man Jesus of Nazareth who is called
He is the Lord from above, mighty God, king of peace
Isaiah 9:6
