Downsize Your Life: Why Less is More | Rita Wilkins | TEDxWilmingtonWomen

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Design your own life like this interior designer did.
Create a simpler more meaningful life. Have more time, money, and freedom for what matters most. For over 40 years, Rita and her team have been improving the lives of thousands of clients through interior design, implementing projects throughout the United States. A graduate of University of Rhode Island, she attended Rhode Island School of Design and North Carolina. Rita has received numerous design awards, been published in national publications and is writing a book: Design as A Business Strategy.

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Don't go to the Do something else. Go swimming. Go for a walk. Visit your neighbours. Check on the elderly. Be kind to yourself. Save your money. Money is useful. Clutter isn't.


I was raised that you live below your means. Reward yourself once in a while but never be extravagant. And always have emergency money.... I follow that plan today.


My partner and I recently decided to sell our house and move to rural Spain, where we will teach English online and run three rooms on Air B&B. No more early morning commute, fighting for parking space, arriving home on a Friday exhausted and cranky, and living for the (short!) weekend. It's a gamble, but we will live mortgage-free, grow our own food, and spend more time together in the fresh open air.


Did this a while back, got rid of 95% of my stuff and I am so much more happier, minimalism is the key to a stress free happy environment!


We want so much, we need so little. -Enlightened master Sri Chinmoy.


We buy stuff that we don’t need, with money that we don’t have, to impress people that we don’t like👆 less is more indeed


When we downsize, we become the... nightmare of economists/consumerists ! In other words, we become truly FREE !


She's older and wiser. It takes many years to get to this profound understanding. I decided this 20 years ago and it is a great feeling.


Are most of you commenting from middle class childhood homes? I was not. We lived below poverty level and I live below it now that I am elderly. I know stuff doesn't Make you happy but I enjoy the things I have acquired over time. I spent most of my life on low income and sometimes welfare. I was not very happy when just trying to make ends meet. Poverty is not fun. I have a very strong spiritual path so I do accept whatever comes my way, And I am happy but life is a struggle to just keep utilities on and food on the table and medical. I need dental work done into the thousands and there is no way. This lady is well dressed and has her own company. Most of my clothes are thrift shop. All I am saying is it is much different when you have always been middle class or above. I notice that many with this philosophy have never been poor financially.


You don't OWN things! Things OWN YOU!


I did the same. But after I gave everything away, i bought a new hightop van, decked it out, and now i live and travel in 68 square feet on wheels. Im gloriously happy.


Just incredible. The less you own the more happiness you will possess.


I had a three room apartment in a pre-war building in Manhattan. Every closet was packed, bookshelves overflowing, working 14+ hours day for its upkeep and maintenance. After cleaning a deceased relative’s home and selling it, I decided not to put anyone else through it. I still live in Manhattan, but in a single room made into a mini studio. It suits me fine. I work 45-48 hour weeks and rediscovered the joy of my job. Best move ever!


We loved our tiny house, and now we love our small house. Getting rid of stuff and embracing a more minimalist approach has been great for us! I enjoyed her message!


Thank you Rita, so true; it's not rocket science. I walk the Caminos in France, Spain and Portugal and for months at a time only have 7-8kgs of essentials on my back. The sense of freedom - less is best. I have also totally de-cluttered my home and my shed!! Yes it is life-changing and I am happier now than ever before.


We did this and couldn’t be happier. Sold our 3000 square foot home and most of our stuff. We are now living full-time in our motorhome and enjoying a life unencumbered by all the trappings or a “normal” life.


I live in a 435 square foot apartment and have no desire for a bigger place. I absolutely love where I'm located. I have a short trip to work, my climbing gym is a minute walk away, groceries and restaurants are within walking distance, and my family is pretty close by. My utilities are cheap, I have everything I need and want, I don't stress over my few possessions, and I'm very financially secure. Other friends and family members have huge homes, or a lot more nice things than me, but I can't say with conviction that any of them are actually happier. They seem often spiritually unfulfilled and saddled with financial stress.


Rita's story inspires me to simplify my life and keep what matters.


Six sets of dishes just to use poolside and I never had a pool party. Divorce downsizing was a reality check and ultimate relief. Years later still developing 💆🏽‍♀️🇹🇹 invited people to take any of the expensive things I collected and were now in my way


YES. 👏 I’ve been sorting clothes and gave 6 bags away to an organization that helps the homeless and I feel so good! My environment is cleaner, less clutter and feels lighter. Feels free!! ❤️
